subjects > HIST >



HIST 1113: History of the Early Medieval World

HIST 1114: Renaissance and Reformation

HIST 1115: The Modern World: 1900–1945

HIST 1116: Colonies and Conflict: Canada to 1867

HIST 1117: Outsiders: Histories of Exclusion

HIST 1118: Journeys in the History of Ideas

HIST 1119: American History (From Early Colonies to the Civil War)

HIST 1120: War and Society

HIST 1123: History of the Late Medieval World

HIST 1124: Europe in a Revolutionary Age

HIST 1126: Forging a Nation: Canada since 1867

HIST 1129: American History (Reconstruction to the Present)

HIST 1130: The Modern World: 1945 to the Present

HIST 1155: The History of the Family in Western Society

HIST 1161: Selected Issues in Canadian History

HIST 1190: Greece: History and Monuments

HIST 1195: Special Topics I

HIST 2207: Early British Columbia

HIST 2210: Ancient Greece

HIST 2211: Ancient Rome

HIST 2215: History of Urban Growth in Canada

HIST 2217: Modern British Columbia

HIST 2225: The Peoples of Quebec: A Social History to the late 19th Century

HIST 2229: The Rise and Fall of the British Empire

HIST 2231: France in a Revolutionary Age: 1760–1848

HIST 2233: Nineteenth Century Russia

HIST 2234: From Lenin to Putin: A History of the Soviet Union, 1917–1991

HIST 2236: The Franks: From Barbarian Trb to Imprl Mission-the Destiny of the Merovingians and the Carolingians

HIST 2237: Popes, Emperors and Kings: Aspects of the History of Medieval Political Theory

HIST 2239: Britain in the Nineteenth Century

HIST 2240: The Cold War, 1943–1991

HIST 2243: Vietnam: From Colonial War to Cold War, 1945–1975

HIST 2245: Rights, Rock, and Revolution: The Uncivil War of the 1960s

HIST 2246: Contemporary Canada: Change and Conflict since 1945

HIST 2247: Canada and the World Wars

HIST 2249: Britain in the 20th Century

HIST 2250: Islam from Muhammad to Mongols

HIST 2251: Islam from Mongols to Modernity

HIST 2252: History and Religion in Islam Art

HIST 2255: History of the Modern Middle East

HIST 2260: Environmental History

HIST 2261: Tropical Health and Global Wealth: Disease in World History

HIST 2269: Canadian-American Relations

HIST 2295: Special Topics II

Discontinued courses:

HIST 111

HIST 112

HIST 113

HIST 114

HIST 115

HIST 116

HIST 117

HIST 119

HIST 122

HIST 123

HIST 124

HIST 126

HIST 129

HIST 130

HIST 139

HIST 149

HIST 155

HIST 161

HIST 195

HIST 207

HIST 210

HIST 211

HIST 213

HIST 214

HIST 215

HIST 216

HIST 217

HIST 219

HIST 222

HIST 2241 : The History of the Cold War I: 1946 - 1960

HIST 2242 : The History of the Cold War II: 1960-1991

HIST 231

HIST 233

HIST 239

HIST 241

HIST 242

HIST 249

HIST 269

HIST 295

HIST 330

HIST 333

HIST 369