All Courses > BIOL > BIOL 2290
WARNING: This course is no longer offered by Langara. Information provided here is solely for historical purposes.
Discontinued Summer Semester 2014 A discussion of the cellular aspect of disease processes and therapies, including overviews of pharmacology and a survey of infectious diseases. This course is aimed primarily at students in clinical sciences. Prerequisite(s): A minimum "C+" grade in both BIOL 1190 and BIOL 1191; and an "S" in NURS 1100 or concurrent registration in NURS 1103; or permission of the Biology Department. Discontinued as of Summer Semester 2014 A discussion of the cellular aspect of disease processes and therapies, including overviews of pharmacology and a survey of infectious diseases. This course is aimed primarily at students in clinical sciences. Prerequisite(s): A minimum "C+" grade in both BIOL 1190 and BIOL 1191; and an "S" in NURS 1100 or concurrent registration in NURS 1103; or permission of the Biology Department.
Additional Fees:
Repeat Limit:
Lecture Hours:
Seminar Hours:
Lab Hours:
Offered online:
Course outline(s):
2AR | 2SC | HUM | LSC | SCI | SOC | UT |
False | True | False | True | True | False | True |
No active transfer agreements found.
Course | Destination | Credit | Start/End |
BIOL 2290 | DOUG | DOUG BIOL 2XXX (4) | 20040901 to 20140831 |
BIOL 2290 | KPU | No credit | 19990501 to 20140831 |
BIOL 2290 | OC | LANG BIOL 2290 (3) & LANG BIOL 2291 (3) = OC BIOL 231 (3) & OC BIOL 235 (3) | 20050901 to 20140831 |
BIOL 2290 | SFU | SFU BPK 1XX (3) | 20130901 to 20140831 |
BIOL 2290 | SFU | SFU KIN 1XX (3) | 19990501 to 20130831 |
BIOL 2290 | TRU | TRU BIOL 2XXX (3) | 20100901 to 20140831 |
BIOL 2290 | TRU | TRU BIOL 2XX (3) | 19990501 to 20100831 |
BIOL 2290 | TWU | TWU BIOL 2XX (3) | 19990501 to 20140831 |
BIOL 2290 | UBCO | LANG BIOL 2290 (3) & LANG BIOL 2291 (3) = UBCO BIOL_O 231 (3) & UBCO BIOL_O 235 (3) | 20050501 to 20060831 |
BIOL 2290 | UBCV | UBCV ELEV_V 1st (3) | 20120901 to 20140831 |
BIOL 2290 | UFV | UFV BIO 1XX (3) | 19990501 to 20140831 |
BIOL 2290 | UVIC | UVIC BIOL 2XX (1.5) | 19990501 to 20140831 |
No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).
Semester | Seats | Waitlist | Days | Time | Room | Type | Instructor |
2013 30 | 0 | M------ | 0830-1120 | A310 | Lecture | Nadine Beaulieu | |
---R--- | 0830-1020 | A333 | Lecture | Nadine Beaulieu | |||
---R--- | 1030-1120 | A333 | Lecture | Nadine Beaulieu | |||
-T----- | 0830-1025 | B022 | Exam | Nadine Beaulieu | |||
2013 30 | 0 | M--R--- | 0830-1120 | A348 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |
-T----- | 0830-1025 | B021 | Exam | Stephen Connor | |||
2013 20 | 0 | N/A | ---R--- | 0830-1120 | A346 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
----F-- | 1230-1520 | A346 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
-T----- | 0830-1025 | B032 | Exam | Stephen Connor | |||
2013 20 | 1 | N/A | M--R--- | 0830-1120 | A122B | Lecture | Nadine Beaulieu |
-T----- | 0830-1025 | A122A | Exam | Nadine Beaulieu | |||
2013 20 | 0 | N/A | M--R--- | 0830-1120 | A122B | Lecture | Nadine Beaulieu |
-T----- | 0830-1025 | A122A | Exam | Nadine Beaulieu | |||
2013 10 | 12 | N/A | M-W-F-- | 0830-1020 | B147 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
----F-- | 0830-1025 | B147 | Exam | Stephen Connor | |||
2012 30 | 0 | N/A | M--R--- | 0830-1120 | A307 | Lecture | Hong Xiang |
M------ | 0830-1025 | A130 | Exam | Hong Xiang | |||
2012 30 | 0 | N/A | M--R--- | 0830-1120 | A333 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
M------ | 0830-1025 | A130 | Exam | Stephen Connor | |||
2012 20 | 4 | N/A | ---R--- | 0830-1120 | A122A | Lecture | Nadine Beaulieu |
M------ | 1230-1520 | A334 | Lecture | Nadine Beaulieu | |||
--W---- | 1100-1255 | A122B | Exam | Nadine Beaulieu | |||
2012 20 | 12 | N/A | M--R--- | 0830-1120 | A348 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
--W---- | 1100-1255 | A307 | Exam | Stephen Connor | |||
2012 20 | 3 | N/A | M------ | 0830-1120 | A334 | Lecture | Nadine Beaulieu |
---R--- | 0830-1120 | A122A | Lecture | Nadine Beaulieu | |||
--W---- | 1100-1255 | A122B | Exam | Nadine Beaulieu | |||
2012 10 | 0 | M-W---- | 0930-1220 | A255 | Lecture | Nadine Beaulieu | |
-T----- | 0830-1025 | A306 | Exam | Nadine Beaulieu | |||
2011 30 | 0 | N/A | M--R--- | 0830-1120 | A320 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
M------ | 0830-1025 | A320 | Exam | Paul Sunga | |||
2011 30 | 0 | N/A | M------ | 0830-1120 | A348 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
---R--- | 0830-1120 | C307 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
M------ | 0830-1025 | A333 | Exam | Stephen Connor | |||
2011 20 | 0 | N/A | ---R--- | 0830-1120 | B021 | Lecture | Nadine Beaulieu |
M------ | 1230-1520 | A334 | Lecture | Nadine Beaulieu | |||
---R--- | 0830-1025 | A306 | Exam | Nadine Beaulieu | |||
2011 20 | 0 | N/A | M------ | 0830-1120 | A333 | Lecture | Jessica Kalra |
---R--- | 0830-1120 | A254 | Lecture | Jessica Kalra | |||
---R--- | 0830-1025 | A307 | Exam | Jessica Kalra | |||
2011 20 | 2 | N/A | ---R--- | 0830-1120 | A328 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
M------ | 1230-1520 | A306 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
---R--- | 0830-1025 | A308 | Exam | Stephen Connor | |||
2010 30 | 0 | N/A | M--R--- | 0830-1120 | A284 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
---R--- | 1100-1255 | A320 | Exam | Stephen Connor | |||
2010 30 | 0 | N/A | M--R--- | 0830-1120 | A314 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
---R--- | 1100-1255 | A347 | Exam | Paul Sunga | |||
2010 20 | 4 | N/A | ---R--- | 0830-1120 | A320 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
M------ | 1230-1520 | A348 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
-T----- | 0830-0955 | A333 | Exam | Kimberly Hruska | |||
2010 20 | 1 | N/A | ---RF-- | 0830-1120 | A348 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
-T----- | 0830-1020 | A322 | Exam | Timothy Higgs | |||
2010 20 | 0 | N/A | M--R--- | 1230-1520 | A346 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
-T----- | 0830-1020 | A321 | Exam | Paul Sunga | |||
2009 30 | 0 | N/A | M------ | 0830-0920 | A348 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
---R--- | 0830-1120 | C123 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
M------ | 0930-1120 | A351 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
M------ | 0830-1120 | B251 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
---R--- | 0830-1120 | C508 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
2009 30 | 0 | N/A | ----F-- | 0830-1120 | C123 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
M------ | 1230-1520 | C123 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
----F-- | 0830-1120 | B254 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
2009 20 | 6 | N/A | ---RF-- | 0830-1125 | B154 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
2009 20 | 1 | N/A | M------ | 0830-1125 | A348 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
---R--- | 0830-1125 | A327 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
2009 20 | 3 | N/A | ----F-- | 0830-1125 | A348 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
M------ | 1230-1525 | A348 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
2008 30 | 0 | N/A | M------ | 0830-1125 | A348 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
----F-- | 1230-1525 | A348 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
2008 30 | 0 | N/A | ---R--- | 0830-1125 | A321 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
----F-- | 0830-1125 | A351 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
2008 20 | 1 | N/A | ---R--- | 0830-1125 | B252 | Lecture | Patrick Curry |
----F-- | 0830-1125 | B251 | Lecture | Patrick Curry | |||
2008 20 | 5 | N/A | M--R--- | 0830-1125 | B251 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
2008 20 | 8 | N/A | ----F-- | 0830-1125 | B154 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
M------ | 1230-1525 | B254 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
2007 30 | 0 | N/A | M------ | 0830-1125 | B251 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
----F-- | 1230-1525 | B251 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
2007 30 | 0 | N/A | ---R--- | 0830-1125 | B247 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
----F-- | 0830-1125 | B254 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
2007 20 | 4 | N/A | -TW---- | 0830-1125 | A320 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
2007 20 | 0 | N/A | M---F-- | 0830-1125 | A320 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
2007 20 | 0 | N/A | ---R--- | 0830-1125 | A320 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
M------ | 1230-1525 | A321 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
2006 30 | 0 | N/A | M------ | 0830-1125 | A348 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
----F-- | 1230-1525 | A348 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
2006 30 | 0 | N/A | ---RF-- | 0830-1125 | A348 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
2006 20 | 0 | N/A | ---R--- | 0830-1125 | A334 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
M------ | 1230-1525 | A328 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
2006 20 | 0 | N/A | M---F-- | 0830-1125 | A322 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
2005 30 | 1 | N/A | ----F-- | 0930-1125 | A332 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
---R--- | 1030-1225 | A319 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
M------ | 1330-1525 | A320 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
2005 30 | 0 | N/A | M--R--- | 0830-1025 | A332 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
----F-- | 1230-1425 | A306 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
2005 20 | 1 | N/A | M--RF-- | 0830-1025 | A333 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
2005 20 | 1 | N/A | ---R--- | 1030-1225 | A320 | Lecture | Stephen Connor |
M------ | 1230-1425 | A333 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
----F-- | 1430-1625 | A306 | Lecture | Stephen Connor | |||
2005 10 | 0 | N/A | ---RF-- | 0830-1025 | A332 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra |
M------ | 1230-1425 | A332 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra | |||
2004 30 | 1 | 7 | M--R--- | 1530-1825 | A310 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra |
2004 30 | 0 | 2 | M------ | 1230-1425 | A307 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra |
----F-- | 1230-1625 | A332 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra | |||
2004 30 | 0 | 2 | ---RF-- | 0830-1025 | A319 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra |
---R--- | 1130-1325 | A332 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra | |||
2004 10 | 0 | 1 | M------ | 0830-1025 | A308 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra |
----F-- | 1230-1425 | A320 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra | |||
---R--- | 1430-1625 | A307 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra | |||
2004 10 | 0 | 1 | ---R--- | 0830-1025 | A307 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra |
M------ | 1230-1425 | A320 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra | |||
---R--- | 1230-1425 | A307 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra | |||
2003 30 | 0 | N/A | M------ | 1230-1425 | A332 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra |
----F-- | 1430-1625 | A332 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra | |||
---R--- | 1530-1725 | A308 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra | |||
2003 30 | 0 | N/A | ----F-- | 0830-1025 | A319 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra |
----F-- | 1130-1325 | A332 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra | |||
---R--- | 1230-1425 | A332 | Lecture | Ken Hoekstra | |||
2003 10 | 0 | 1 | M------ | 0830-1025 | A308 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
----F-- | 1230-1625 | A310 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
2003 10 | 0 | 2 | M------ | 1230-1425 | A306 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
---R--- | 1230-1625 | A306 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
2002 30 | 0 | N/A | M------ | 1230-1425 | A308 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
----F-- | 1330-1525 | A308 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
---R--- | 1530-1725 | A332 | Lab | Paul Sunga | |||
2002 30 | 0 | N/A | ----F-- | 0830-1225 | A308 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
---R--- | 1230-1425 | A308 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
2002 10 | 1 | N/A | M------ | 0830-1225 | A333 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
----F-- | 1230-1425 | A334 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
2002 10 | 1 | N/A | ---R--- | 1230-1625 | A307 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
M------ | 1330-1525 | A332 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
2001 30 | 0 | N/A | M------ | 1230-1425 | A319 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
----F-- | 1330-1525 | A319 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
---R--- | 1530-1725 | A319 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
2001 30 | 0 | N/A | ----F-- | 0830-1225 | A308 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
---R--- | 1230-1425 | A310 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
2001 10 | 7 | N/A | M------ | 0830-1225 | A307 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
----F-- | 1230-1425 | A307 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
2001 10 | 13 | N/A | ---R--- | 1230-1625 | A319 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
M------ | 1330-1525 | A320 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
2000 30 | 0 | N/A | M------ | 1230-1425 | A306 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
----F-- | 1330-1525 | A332 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
---R--- | 1530-1725 | A332 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
2000 30 | 2 | N/A | ----F-- | 0830-1225 | A306 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
---R--- | 1230-1425 | A332 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
2000 10 | 12 | N/A | M------ | 0830-1225 | A332 | Lecture | David Kojwang |
----F-- | 1230-1425 | A333 | Lecture | David Kojwang | |||
2000 10 | 15 | N/A | ---R--- | 1230-1625 | A333 | Lecture | David Kojwang |
M------ | 1330-1525 | A333 | Lecture | David Kojwang | |||
1999 30 | 6 | N/A | M------ | 1230-1625 | A378 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
---R--- | 1530-1725 | A334 | Lecture | Paul Sunga | |||
1999 30 | 0 | N/A | ----F-- | 0830-1225 | A334 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |
---R--- | 1230-1425 | A310 | Lecture | Paul Sunga |