All Courses > BIOL > BIOL 4415

BIOL 4415: Proteomics and Metabolomics

Proteomics is the study of a complete set of proteins in a cell. Metabolomics is the study of all the small molecular weight molecules in the cell, often the substrates and by-products of enzymatic reactions. The study of proteomics and metabolomics provides fundamental insights into how the phenotype is manifest. Students focus on the tools and applications of proteomics and metabolomics analyses, and learn cutting-edge methods for characterizing protein and metabolic functions, both for single organisms and for larger biological communities. They gain an understanding of the power these tools and approaches have on biological systems and experience working with datasets to solve real-world problems. This course prepares students for future work designing and creating original analysis of novel proteomes and metabolomes, and provides the foundation for diverse bioinformatics applications, such as personalized medicine, bioremediation assessment, industrial quality control, and even forensic science.

Priority registration in this course is offered to students admitted to the Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics.

Prerequisite(s): A minimum "C" grade in BIOL 2315 and 4315.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):

BIOL 4415 - Summer 2019 (v. 2)

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Course Destination Credit Start/End
BIOL 4415 CAPU CAPU BIOL 4XX (4) 20230101 to Present
BIOL 4415 KPU KPU BIOL 4XXX (3) 20230101 to Present
BIOL 4415 SFU SFU MBB 4XX (3) 20240901 to Present
BIOL 4415 TRU TRU BIOL 4XXX (3) 20230101 to Present
BIOL 4415 UFV UFV BIO 4XX (4) 20230101 to Present
BIOL 4415 UNBC UNBC BCMB 4XX (4) 20230101 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

No inactive transfer agreements found.

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 10 19 -T----- 0830-1020 T450 Lecture Anuli Uzozie
---R--- 0930-1120 T450 Lecture Anuli Uzozie
M------ 0830-1020 T450 Lab Anuli Uzozie
M------ 1830-2125 Exam Anuli Uzozie
2023 10 21 -T-R--- 0830-1020 T450 Lecture Anuli Uzozie
M------ 0830-1020 T450 Lab Anuli Uzozie
---R--- 0830-1025 T450 Exam Anuli Uzozie