All Courses > BUSM > BUSM 4120

BUSM 4120: Organizations and Change

This course examines the underlying concepts, principles, and assumptions of organizational development. Included is an investigation of macro factors such as organizational structure, coordination and control, power, authority, organizational politics and corporate culture, and their impact on effectiveness. It develops a framework around understanding natural versus planned change, models for managing change, the development of specific skills to manage change, the human side of change, and the transition process. Understanding the dynamics of organizational change is a critical skill for contemporary managers.

Registration in this course is restricted to students admitted to the Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Recreation Management.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of a minimum 54 credits, including a minimum "C" grade in CMNS 2228, and a minimum "C" grade in six additional credits of university-transferable English or communications.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):

BUSM 4120 - Summer 2019 (v. 2)

None None None None None None None


Course Destination Credit Start/End
BUSM 4120 CAMO CAMO BUS 322 (3) 20160901 to Present
BUSM 4120 TRU TRU ORGB 4870 (3) 20240901 to Present
BUSM 4120 TWU TWU BUSI 3XX (3) 20090101 to Present
BUSM 4120 UFV UFV BUS 1XX (1.5) 20090501 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
BUSM 4120 TRU TRU BBUS 4661 (3) 20140901 to 20160831

Current Offerings:

Semester CRN Section Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 20 20260 W01 35 N/A ------- - WWW WWW . TBA

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 10 18 -T----- 1830-2120 B254 Lecture Ron Velin
-T----- 1830-2125 Exam Ron Velin
2024 30 23 ---R--- 1830-2020 B245 Lecture Ronald Shay
------- - WWW Lecture Ronald Shay
M------ 1830-2125 B015 Exam Ronald Shay
2024 20 0 ------- - WWW WWW Gayle Hayashi, Ritu Vinluan
----F-- 1830-2125 L303 Exam Ritu Vinluan
2024 10 15 -T----- 1830-2120 B251 Lecture Jehanne Burns
--W---- 1830-2125 L303 Exam Jehanne Burns
2023 30 3 ---R--- 1830-2020 B254 Lecture Ronald Shay
------- - WWW Lecture Ronald Shay
--W---- 1830-2125 L104 Exam Neil Mathur, Ronald Shay
2023 20 6 ------- - WWW WWW Ritu Vinluan
---R--- 1830-2125 A275 Exam Ritu Vinluan
2023 10 10 -T----- 1830-2120 B153 Lecture Ron Velin
--W---- 1830-2125 L303 Exam Ron Velin
2022 30 15 ---R--- 1830-2020 B251 Lecture Ronald Shay
------- - WWW Lecture Ronald Shay
-T----- 1830-2125 L303 Exam Ronald Shay
2022 20 0 3 ------- - WWW WWW Jehanne Burns
---R--- 1830-2125 WWW Exam Jehanne Burns
2022 10 16 -T----- 1830-2120 B153 Lecture Ron Velin
-----S- 1300-1555 L103 Exam Ron Velin
2021 30 19 ---R--- 1830-2120 B152 Lecture Ronald Shay
---R--- 1830-2120 B253 Lecture Ronald Shay
M------ 1830-2125 B015 Exam Ronald Shay
2021 20 2 ------- - WWW WWW Ritu Vinluan
-----S- 1300-1555 WWW Exam Ritu Vinluan
2021 10 5 -T----- 1830-2020 WWW WWW Ron Velin
------- - WWW WWW Ron Velin
-----S- 0900-1155 WWW Exam Ron Velin
2020 30 5 ---R--- 1830-2020 WWW WWW Ronald Shay
------- - WWW WWW Ronald Shay
---R--- 1830-2125 WWW Exam Ronald Shay
2020 20 0 11 ------- - WWW WWW Kandey Larden
-----S- 0900-1155 WWW Exam Kandey Larden
2020 10 16 -T----- 1830-2120 B254 Lecture Ron Velin
M------ 1830-2125 L303 Exam Ron Velin
2019 30 10 ---R--- 1830-2120 B251 Lecture Ronald Shay
--W---- 1830-2125 B251 Exam Ronald Shay
2019 20 4 10 ------- - WWW WWW Kandey Larden
----F-- 1830-2125 B019 Exam Kandey Larden
2019 10 14 ---R--- 1830-2120 B251 Lecture Ritu Vinluan
-----S- 1300-1555 L303 Exam Ritu Vinluan
2018 30 10 ---R--- 1830-2120 B245 Lecture Ronald Shay
--W---- 1830-2125 B152 Exam Ronald Shay
2018 20 1 ------- - WWW WWW Ron Velin
-T----- 1830-2125 L303 Exam Ron Velin
2018 10 0 N/A ---R--- 1430-1720 C510 Lecture Pauline Greaves Aylward
--W---- 1830-2125 C510 Exam Pauline Greaves Aylward
2018 10 11 ---R--- 1830-2120 B245 Lecture Ron Velin
--W---- 1830-2125 L304 Exam Ron Velin
2017 30 0 13 ---R--- 1830-2120 B247 Lecture Ronald Shay
-----S- 0900-1155 L207 Exam Ronald Shay
2017 20 3 ------- - WWW WWW Ron Velin
M------ 1830-2125 B015 Exam Ron Velin
2017 10 8 ---R--- 1830-2120 B248 Lecture Ron Velin
-----S- 1300-1555 B015 Exam Ron Velin
2016 30 9 ---R--- 1830-2120 B253 Lecture Ronald Shay
-T----- 1830-2125 B253 Exam Ronald Shay
2016 20 24 ------- - WWW WWW Ron Velin
----F-- 1830-2125 L104 Exam Brent Kennedy, Ron Velin
----F-- 1830-2125 L103 Exam Brent Kennedy, Ron Velin
2016 20 Cancel N/A -T-R--- 1030-1220 Lecture
2016 10 4 ---R--- 1830-2120 B254 Lecture Ron Velin
--W---- 1830-2125 B148 Exam Ron Velin
2015 30 0 5 ---R--- 1830-2120 B253 Lecture Ronald Shay
-T----- 1830-2125 B152 Exam Ronald Shay
2015 20 5 35 ------- - WWW WWW Ron Velin
---R--- 1830-2125 B015 Exam Ron Velin
2015 10 11 -T----- 1830-2120 B254 Lecture Ron Velin
----F-- 1830-2125 L103 Exam Ron Velin
2014 30 0 13 M------ 1630-1820 B254 Lecture Antonella Alves
------- - WWW Lecture Antonella Alves
M------ 1830-2125 B019 Exam Antonella Alves
2014 20 2 18 ------- - WWW WWW Ron Velin
--W---- 1830-2125 B015 Exam Ron Velin
2014 10 1 ------- - WWW WWW Caroline Dickson
M------ 1830-2125 L103 Exam Barbara Wuhrer, Caroline Dickson
M------ 1830-2125 L104 Exam Barbara Wuhrer, Caroline Dickson
2013 30 6 --W---- 1830-2120 B245 Lecture Ron Velin
---R--- 1830-2125 L104 Exam Ron Velin
2013 20 3 N/A ------- - WWW WWW Caroline Dickson
---R--- 1830-2125 B019 Exam Caroline Dickson, Ellen Hamer
---R--- 1830-2125 B015 Exam Caroline Dickson, Ellen Hamer
2013 10 0 N/A M-W---- 1630-1820 B253 Lecture Ron Velin
---R--- 1600-1855 L104 Exam Ron Velin
2012 20 1 N/A ------- - WWW WWW Caroline Dickson
-T----- 0830-1025 WWW Exam Caroline Dickson
2012 10 2 ------- - WWW WWW Ron Velin
--W---- 1830-2125 WWW Exam Ron Velin
2011 20 17 N/A --W---- 1830-2120 B254 Lecture Linda Alexander
M------ 1830-2025 B245 Exam Kandey Larden
2011 10 0 N/A ------- - WWW WWW Linda Alexander
--W---- 1830-2025 WWW Exam Linda Alexander
2010 20 0 N/A -T----- 1830-2120 B254 Lecture Caroline Dickson
M------ 1830-2125 B254 Exam Caroline Dickson
2010 10 0 N/A ------- - WWW WWW Caroline Dickson
2009 20 11 N/A M-W---- 1430-1725 B253 Lecture Donald Hill
2009 10 2 N/A ------- - WWW WWW Gordon McFarlane
2008 20 3 N/A M------ 1830-2125 B254 Lecture Donald Hill
2007 30 1 N/A -----S- 0930-1225 B252 Lecture Gordon McFarlane
-----S- 0930-1225 B252 Lecture Gordon McFarlane
-----S- 0930-1225 B252 Lecture Gordon McFarlane
-----S- 0930-1225 B252 Lecture Gordon McFarlane
------- - WWW WWW Gordon McFarlane
2007 10 5 N/A -----S- 0900-1155 B153 Lecture Caroline Dickson