All Courses > CISY > CISY 1114

CISY 1114 : Introduction to Programming

WARNING: This course is no longer offered by Langara. Information provided here is solely for historical purposes.

**Discontinued** was last offered Summer 2006Discontinued as of Fall Semester 2006 Last Updated: 28-SEP-2006 This course will introduce the student to various approaches to program development, programming methods, and different ways of interacting with the computer. The student will compare and contrast programming in procedural/structured languages with object-oriented languages. Emphasis will be placed on structured programming where QBASIC is used for developing strong syntax foundation followed by Visual Basic for graphic user interface (GUI) features. Visual Basic is also used to emphasize the event driven nature of present day GUI systems. Several projects will be implemented via the Visual Basic application development environment.

Note: Restricted to students enrolled in the Computer Information Systems Program.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):


False False False False True False True


No active transfer agreements found.

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
CISY 1114 DOUG DOUG CISY 1210 (3) 20040901 to 20061231
CISY 1114 KPU KPU CISY 1113 (3) 20050101 to 20060831
CISY 1114 SFU SFU CMPT 110 (3) Q 20050101 to 20060831
CISY 1114 TWU TWU ISYS 1XX (3) 20050101 to 20060831
CISY 1114 UBCO UBCO COSC_O 131 (3) 20050501 to 20060831
CISY 1114 UFV UFV CIS 1XX (3) 20050101 to 20060831
CISY 1114 UNBC UNBC CPSC 1XX (3) 20050101 to 20060831
CISY 1114 UVIC UVIC CSC 1XX (1.5) 20040901 to 20060831

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2005 10 8 N/A M------ 1030-1125 A374 Lecture Eric Holmes
--W---- 1030-1225 A215 Lecture Eric Holmes
M------ 1130-1225 A368 Lecture Eric Holmes
2004 30 8 1 M-W---- 1030-1225 A215 Lecture Daniel Scott
2004 10 3 M-W---- 1030-1225 A215 Lecture Eric Holmes
2003 30 5 N/A M-W---- 1030-1225 A215 Lecture Daniel Scott
2003 20 2 10 M-W---- 1530-1725 A219 Lecture Eric Holmes
2003 10 9 M-W---- 1030-1225 A215 Lecture Eric Holmes
2002 30 3 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1225 A215 Lecture Daniel Scott
2002 20 12 N/A M-W---- 1530-1725 A219 Lecture Eric Holmes
2002 10 4 N/A M-WR--- 1130-1225 A215 Lecture Eric Holmes
-T----- 1130-1225 A377 Lecture Eric Holmes
2001 30 4 N/A M------ 1130-1225 A351 Lecture Daniel Scott
-TWR--- 1130-1225 A215 Lecture Daniel Scott
2001 20 3 N/A M-W---- 1530-1725 A219 Lecture Eric Holmes
2001 10 0 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1225 A215 Lecture Eric Holmes
2000 30 1 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1225 A215 Lecture Daniel Scott
2000 20 0 N/A M-W---- 1530-1725 A215 Lecture Eric Holmes
2000 10 0 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1225 A215 Lecture Eric Holmes
1999 30 2 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1225 A215 Lecture Daniel Scott
1999 20 0 N/A M-W---- 1530-1725 A215 Lecture Eric Holmes