All Courses > CRIM > CRIM 2104

CRIM 2104: Sociological Explanations of Criminal and Deviant Behaviour

Students examine major sociological perspectives on crime and deviance, including mainstream and critical theories, particularly: anomie, neutralization, control, conflict, sub-cultural, ecological, functionalist, interactionist, and critical. Students scrutinize theoretical assumptions, similarities among and differences between various explanations, the historical/political contexts in which the theories emerged, and the policy implications of different theoretical perspectives. This course aims to foster critical thinking about the influence of sociological theories of crime and deviance while recognizing the intersection of theory, research, and the Canadian context.

Priority registration in this course is offered to students admitted to the Diploma in Criminology and Diploma in Criminal Justice.

Prerequisite(s): One of the following: LET 4; LPI with a minimum 30 on the essay; or a minimum "C" grade in one of the following: ENGL 1123, 1127, 1128, 1129, or 1130; and a minimum "C" grade in one of the following: CRIM 1115, 1116, 1125, ECON 1119, 1220, 1221, HIST 1116, 1126, PHIL 1100, 1101, POLI 1100, 1119, PSYC 1115, 1215, SOCI 1120, or 1121. Students who have other university-transferable credit may request permission from the department to register.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


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Offered online:


Course outline(s):


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Course Destination Credit Start/End
CRIM 2104 CMTN CMTN CRIM 104 (3) 20240101 to Present
CRIM 2104 CNC CNC CRIM 106 (3) 20240101 to Present
CRIM 2104 COLU COLU CRIM 252 (3) 20240101 to Present
CRIM 2104 COTR COTR CRIM 104 (3) 20240101 to Present
CRIM 2104 KPU KPU CRIM 2331 (3) 20240101 to Present
CRIM 2104 SFU SFU CRIM 104 (3) B-Soc 20240101 to Present
CRIM 2104 TRU TRU CRIM 2251 (3) 20240101 to Present
CRIM 2104 UFV UFV CRIM 104 (3) 20240101 to Present
CRIM 2104 UVIC UVIC SOCI 206 (1.5) 20240101 to Present
CRIM 2104 VIU VIU CRIM 204 (3) 20240101 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

No inactive transfer agreements found.

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 10 0 5 M-W---- 1430-1620 A348 Lecture Jennifer Armstrong
--W---- 0830-1025 Exam Jennifer Armstrong
2024 10 0 6 -T-R--- 1230-1420 B010 Lecture Andree Faucher
M------ 0830-1025 A122A Exam Andree Faucher