Langara Course Information

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ENGL 1125: Introduction to Linguistics: Contemporary

Course FormatLecture 3.0 h + Seminar 4.0 h + Lab 0.0 h

This course introduces students to various descriptions of language, with special attention to recent models. It covers the nature and acquisition of language and how to analyze its sounds, words, and sentences.

Prerequisite(s): One of the following: LET 4 (or LET 3 with a strong recommendation of concurrent registration in ENGL 1121); a minimum 70% in one of English First Peoples 12, English Studies 12, Literary Studies 12, or equivalent; a minimum "C" grade in ENGL 1120; an "S" grade in ENGL 1107, 1108, or 1110; or a minimum "C" grade in three credits of university-transferable English.

Course Attributes:
2nd Year ArtsYes
2nd Year ScienceNo
Lab ScienceNo
Social ScienceNo
Other Attributes:
Offered online:No
Preparatory course:No
Repeat limit2
Additional fees:
First offered:Fall 1999
Last offered:Summer 2025

ENGL 1125 - Summer 2023 (v. 1)

ENGL 1125 - Summer 2023 (v. 1)

ENGL 1125 - Summer 2019 (v. 2)

Transfer Agreements
CourseDestinationCreditStart to End
ENGL 1125Douglas CollegeDOUG ENGL 1XXX (3) or DOUG GE 1XXX (3) 20040901 to present
ENGL 1125ECEC CRST 100 lev (3) 20130901 to present
ENGL 1125Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKPU LING 1100 (3) 20060101 to present
ENGL 1125Simon Fraser UniversitySFU LING 2XX (3) 20200901 to present
ENGL 1125Thompson Rivers UniversityTRU ENGL 1XXX (3) 20100901 to present
ENGL 1125Trinity Western UniversityTWU LING 101 (3) 20110501 to present
ENGL 1125UBCOUBCO ANTH_O 2nd (3) 20050501 to present
ENGL 1125UBCVUBCV LING_V 100 (3) 20060901 to present
ENGL 1125University of the Fraser ValleyUFV ENGL 1XX (3) 19990501 to present
ENGL 1125University of Northern BCUNBC ENGL 1XX (3) 19990501 to present
ENGL 1125University of VictoriaUVIC LING 100A (1.5) 19990501 to present
ENGL 1125Vancouver Island UniversityVIU LING 111 (3) 19990501 to present
Inactive Transfer Agreements (click to open)

Note: If you took courses within the period stated below, you can still transfer those credits.

CourseDestinationCreditStart to End
ENGL 1125Simon Fraser UniversitySFU LING 220 (3) B-Soc20120901 to 20200831
ENGL 1125Simon Fraser UniversitySFU LING 1XX (3) 20060901 to 20120831
ENGL 1125Simon Fraser UniversitySFU ENGL 212 (3) 19990501 to 20060831
ENGL 1125Thompson Rivers UniversityTRU ENGL 1XX (3) 20060101 to 20100831
ENGL 1125Trinity Western UniversityTWU HUMA 1XX (3) 19990501 to 20110430
ENGL 1125UBCVUBCV LING_V 1st (3) 19990501 to 20060831

Offerings of this course:

Summer 20252019800125N/A-T-R---1230-1420A333LecturePeter Babiak
Fall 20243105500120 M-W----1230-1420A368LecturePeter Babiak
---R---0830-1025A314ExamPeter Babiak
Summer 202420741001012-T-R---1230-1420A363BLecturePeter Babiak
--W----1600-1755A363BExamPeter Babiak
Fall 202331222001212M-W----1230-1420A363ALecturePeter Babiak
-T-----0830-1025A363AExamPeter Babiak
Fall 20223106900136M-W----1230-1420A328LecturePeter Babiak
----F--1330-1525A328ExamPeter Babiak
Fall 20213105400171-T-R---1430-1620A328LecturePeter Babiak
--W----0830-1025A328ExamPeter Babiak
Fall 2019311180013 -T-R---1230-1420A348LecturePeter Babiak
---R---1330-1525A348ExamPeter Babiak
Fall 2017309590018 M-W----1230-1420A339LecturePeter Babiak
--W----1330-1525A339ExamPeter Babiak
Fall 2016305810019 -T-R---1430-1620A306LecturePeter Babiak
M------1100-1255A306ExamPeter Babiak
Fall 20153082700114 M-W----1230-1420A320LecturePeter Babiak
--W----0830-1025A307ExamPeter Babiak
Fall 20143033100110 M-W----1230-1420B251LecturePeter Babiak
--W----0830-1025B251ExamPeter Babiak
Fall 2013301870016 M-W----1030-1220A307LectureSarah Bowers
M------1100-1255B008ExamSarah Bowers
Fall 2012301840011N/A-T-R---0830-1020A284LectureSarah Bowers
--W----1100-1255A255ExamSarah Bowers
Fall 2011305810013N/AMTWR---1530-1620A229LectureSarah Bowers
---R---1600-1755A229ExamSarah Bowers
Fall 2010302280012N/AMTWR---1030-1120B008LectureSarah Bowers
----F--0830-1025A338ExamSarah Bowers
Fall 2009302750010N/AMTWR---1030-1120B155LectureSarah Bowers
Fall 20083026300116N/AMTWR---0930-1025A334LectureSarah Bowers
Fall 200730613001CancelN/A-T-R---1230-1425 Lecture
Fall 20063087800121N/AMTWR---1030-1125A255LectureSarah Bowers
Fall 2004304870016 M-W----1030-1225A313LectureSarah Bowers
Fall 2003301750014N/AMT-RF--1330-1425A377LectureSarah Bowers
Fall 2002302710015N/AMTWR---1130-1225A327LectureSarah Bowers
Fall 2001302440016N/AMT-RF--1430-1525A338LectureStefan Haag
Fall 20003011200110N/AMT-RF--1330-1425A347LectureSarah Bowers
Fall 19993023500112N/AMTWR---1430-1525A319LectureSandra Venables