All Courses > FSIE > FSIE 1124
The Field Studies in Asia is a program conducted in a chosen Asian country/region. Students will be exposed to the respective language, history, culture, arts, and business practices by receiving on-site lectures, visiting numerous field sites, and interacting with local people/students through various cultural activities. Typically two university-transferable courses from Asia related subjects/disciplines will be chosen and offered together as one field studies program. The specific courses within the program will vary depending on the location of the field studies and the combination of subjects. Graded S/U. Students must be accepted to the Field Studies in Asia program.
Additional Fees:
Repeat Limit:
Lecture Hours:
Seminar Hours:
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Offered online:
Course outline(s):
2AR | 2SC | HUM | LSC | SCI | SOC | UT |
None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
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