All Courses > HIST > HIST 2211

HIST 2211: Ancient Rome

Early Rome and its foundation. The republic, with emphasis upon the evolution of government and pressure of war. The fall of the republican government and the triumph of Augustus. The developed Empire and the Pax Romana. Decline and fall. This course is taught at a second year level, but there is no prerequisite.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):


True False True False False True True


Course Destination Credit Start/End
HIST 2211 CAPU CAPU HIST 2XX (3) 20030501 to Present
HIST 2211 CAPU LANG HIST 2210 (3) & LANG HIST 2211 (3) = CAPU HIST 100 (3) & CAPU HIST 2XX (3) 20030501 to Present
HIST 2211 DOUG DOUG HIST 2XXX (3) 20040901 to Present
HIST 2211 KPU KPU ARTS 2XXX (3) 19990501 to Present
HIST 2211 SFU SFU HIST 1XX (3) 19990501 to Present
HIST 2211 SFU LANG HIST 2210 (3) & LANG HIST 2211 (3) = SFU HIST 1XX (3) & SFU HUM 216 (3) B-Hum 20050901 to Present
HIST 2211 TRU TRU HIST 2XXX (3) 20100901 to Present
HIST 2211 TWU TWU HIST 2XX (3) 20190901 to Present
HIST 2211 UBCO UBCO HIST_O 2nd (3) 20050501 to Present
HIST 2211 UBCV UBCV AMNE_V 216 (3) 19990501 to Present
HIST 2211 UFV UFV HIST 1XX (3) 19990501 to Present
HIST 2211 UNBC UNBC HIST 2XX (3) 19990501 to Present
HIST 2211 UVIC UVIC GRS 2XX (1.5) 19990501 to Present
HIST 2211 VIU VIU HIST 2nd (3) 19990501 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
HIST 2211 SFU LANG HIST 2210 (3) & LANG HIST 2211 (3) = SFU HIST 1XX (3) & SFU HIST 216 (3) 19990501 to 20050831
HIST 2211 TRU TRU HIST 2XX (3) 19990501 to 20100831
HIST 2211 TWU TWU HIST 111 (3) 19990501 to 20190831

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 10 1 ------- - WWW WWW Jennifer Knapp
-----S- 0900-1055 Exam Jennifer Knapp
2024 10 9 3 ------- - WWW WWW Kimberly Edher
-T----- 1830-2025 WWW Exam Kimberly Edher
2023 10 7 M-W---- 1630-1820 A274 Lecture Kimberly Edher
-----S- 0900-1055 B246 Exam Kimberly Edher
2022 10 9 7 ------- - WWW WWW Michael Fulton
-----S- 1300-1455 WWW Exam Michael Fulton
2021 10 9 17 ------- - WWW WWW Kimberly Edher
-T----- 1830-2025 WWW Exam Kimberly Edher
2020 10 5 1 M-W---- 1630-1820 B027 Lecture Kimberly Edher
-T----- 0830-1025 B027 Exam Kimberly Edher
2019 10 7 M-W---- 1630-1820 B153 Lecture Jennifer Knapp
---R--- 1330-1525 B153 Exam Jennifer Knapp
2018 10 6 4 M-W---- 1630-1820 B248 Lecture Jennifer Knapp
-----S- 1300-1455 B248 Exam Jennifer Knapp
2017 10 4 2 M-W---- 1630-1820 B148 Lecture Jennifer Knapp
----F-- 1330-1525 B152 Exam Jennifer Knapp
2016 10 4 4 MTWR--- 1130-1220 B248 Lecture Jennifer Knapp
-----S- 0900-1125 B148 Exam Jennifer Knapp
2015 10 0 16 MTWR--- 1130-1220 B009 Lecture Jennifer Knapp
-T----- 1330-1525 B009 Exam Jennifer Knapp
2014 10 7 12 MT-RF-- 1130-1220 B147 Lecture Gwyneth Lewis
-T----- 1330-1525 B147 Exam Gwyneth Lewis
2013 10 8 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1220 B009 Lecture Gwyneth Lewis
--W---- 0830-1025 B149 Exam Gwyneth Lewis
2012 10 2 MT-RF-- 1130-1220 B247 Lecture Gwyneth Lewis
--W---- 1330-1525 B147 Exam Gwyneth Lewis
2011 10 0 N/A MT-RF-- 1330-1420 B149 Lecture Gwyneth Lewis
-T----- 0830-1025 B147 Exam Gwyneth Lewis
2010 10 5 N/A MT-RF-- 0830-0920 B247 Lecture Gwyneth Lewis
2009 10 8 N/A MT-RF-- 1330-1425 B031 Lecture Gwyneth Lewis
2008 10 8 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1125 B149 Lecture Gwyneth Lewis
2007 10 5 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1125 B030 Lecture Gwyneth Lewis
2006 10 4 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1125 B021 Lecture Gwyneth Lewis
2005 10 1 N/A MT-RF-- 0830-0925 B147 Lecture Gwyneth Lewis
2004 10 0 15 MT-RF-- 0830-0925 B029 Lecture Gwyneth Lewis
2003 10 0 19 MTWR--- 0830-0925 B247 Lecture Gwyneth Lewis
2002 10 0 N/A MT-RF-- 0830-0925 B147 Lecture Gwyneth Lewis
2001 10 0 N/A MT-RF-- 0830-0925 B252 Lecture Gwyneth Lewis
2000 10 6 N/A MT-RF-- 0830-0925 B029 Lecture Gwyneth Lewis