Langara Course Information

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HIST 2252: History and Religion in Islam Art

Course FormatLecture 2.0 h + Seminar 2.0 h + Lab 0.0 h

This course involves study of the architecture and artifacts of Islam as a reflection of Islamic beliefs and historical developments. Since its rise in Arabia in the seventh century, Islamic society has produced many beautiful works of architecture and decoration, but how far do these works reflect Islamic beliefs, and how far would it be more accurate to regard them as a reflection of historical realities? What do we actually mean when we describe forms of artistic expression as being distinctively "Islamic?" This course will seek to answer these questions through an examination of various forms of Islamic art, including architecture, paintings, ceramics, calligraphy and sculpture. No prior knowledge of Islam or its history is required from students taking this course.

Course Attributes:
2nd Year ArtsYes
2nd Year ScienceNo
Lab ScienceNo
Social ScienceNo
Other Attributes:
Offered online:No
Preparatory course:No
Repeat limit
Additional fees:
First offered:Spring 2015
Last offered:Fall 2024

HIST 2252 - Summer 2019 (v. 2)

Transfer Agreements
CourseDestinationCreditStart to End
HIST 2252Athabasca UniversityAU HIST 3XX (3) or AU HUMN 3XX (3) or AU RELS 3XX (3) 20140901 to present
HIST 2252Capilano UniversityCAPU HUEL 2XX (3) 20140501 to present
HIST 2252Coast Mountain CollegeCMTN ARTH 2XX (3) 20140501 to present
HIST 2252College of New CaledoniaCNC HIST 2XX (3) 20140501 to present
HIST 2252College of the RockiesCOTR HIST 2XX (3) 20140501 to present
HIST 2252Douglas CollegeDOUG HIST 2XXX (3) 20140501 to present
HIST 2252Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKPU HIST 2XXX (3) 20140501 to present
HIST 2252North Island CollegeNIC HIS 2XX (3) 20140501 to present
HIST 2252Okanagan CollegeOC HIST 2XX (3) 20140101 to present
HIST 2252Simon Fraser UniversitySFU HIST 2XX (3) 20140501 to present
HIST 2252Thompson Rivers UniversityTRU HIST 2XXX (3) 20140501 to present
HIST 2252UBCVUBCV HIST_V 3rd (3) 20140101 to present
HIST 2252University Canada WestUCW HIST 2XX (3) 20140101 to present
HIST 2252University of the Fraser ValleyUFV HIST 2XX (3) 20140501 to present
HIST 2252University of Northern BCUNBC HIST 2XX (3) 20140501 to present
HIST 2252Vancouver Island UniversityVIU HIST 2nd (3) 20140501 to present
HIST 2252Thompson Rivers UniversityTRU VISA 2XXX (3) 20190101 to present
HIST 2252Capilano UniversityCAPU HIST 2XX (3) 20240901 to present
HIST 2252University of VictoriaUVIC AHVS 2XX (1.5) 20240901 to present
HIST 2252University Canada WestUCW HUMN 2XX (3) 20240901 to present
Inactive Transfer Agreements (click to open)

Note: If you took courses within the period stated below, you can still transfer those credits.

CourseDestinationCreditStart to End
HIST 2252Athabasca UniversityAU HIST 2XX (3) or AU HUMN 2XX (3) or AU RELS 2XX (3) 20140101 to 20140831
HIST 2252University of VictoriaUVIC HA 251 (1.5) 20140501 to 20160430

Offerings of this course:

Fall 20243006100129 M-W----1430-1620A255LectureNiall Christie
-T-----0830-1025A255ExamNiall Christie
Fall 202231275W0162---R---1630-1820WWWWWWNiall Christie
--------WWWWWWNiall Christie
--W----1830-2025WWWExamNiall Christie
Fall 202031704W0111-T-R---1430-1620WWWWWWNiall Christie
--------WWWWWWNiall Christie
M------0830-1025WWWExamNiall Christie
Spring 20191025000122 -T-R---1430-1620A310LectureNiall Christie
----F--1100-1255A310ExamNiall Christie
Spring 20181061900111 M-W----1030-1220B248LectureNiall Christie
-T-----0830-1025B248ExamNiall Christie
Spring 20171028300112 M-W----1030-1220B154LectureNiall Christie
-T-----0830-1025B247ExamNiall Christie
Fall 2015302860017 ----F--0930-1220B147LectureNiall Christie
-T-----1330-1525B147ExamNiall Christie
Spring 20151024700115 ---R---1800-2050B009LectureNiall Christie
M------1830-2025B009ExamNiall Christie