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HSCI 1120: Introduction to Human Sexuality and Behaviour
HSCI 1130: Foundations of Health Science
HSCI 1140: Complementary and Alternative Medicine
HSCI 1160: Global Perspectives on Health
HSCI 1195: Human Biology of Aging
HSCI 2207: Research Methods in Health Sciences
HSCI 2211: Perspectives on Cancer, Cardiovascular, and Metabolic Diseases
HSCI 2212: Perspectives on Immunology, Infectious, and Parasitic Diseases
HSCI 2214: Perspectives on Mental Health and Illness
HSCI 2215: Perspectives on Disability and Injury
HSCI 2216: Ecological Determinants of Human Growth, Development, and Health
HSCI 2230: Evaluating Epidemiological Research
HSCI 2295: Age-Related Conditions and Interventions