All Courses > JOUR > JOUR 1120

JOUR 1120: Journalism Research

Discontinued as of Spring Semester 2018

A practical introduction to how to find information on people, government and corporations. Topics include library research, on-line databases, freedom of information laws and interviewing techniques.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):


None None None None None None None


Course Destination Credit Start/End
JOUR 1120 UBCO No credit 20010901 to Present
JOUR 1120 UBCV No credit 20010901 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
JOUR 1120 TWU TWU COMM 1XX (3) 20010901 to 20171231

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2017 30 12 ----F-- 1330-1520 A110 Lecture Erica Bulman, Jon Woodward
---R--- 1630-1820 A226 Lecture Erica Bulman, Jon Woodward
2017 30 10 -T----- 1030-1220 A225 Lecture Kim Bolan, Erica Bulman
---R--- 1630-1820 A225 Lecture Kim Bolan, Erica Bulman
2016 30 9 ----F-- 1330-1520 A110 Lecture Jon Woodward, Erica Bulman
---R--- 1630-1820 A226 Lecture Jon Woodward, Erica Bulman
2016 30 3 -T----- 1030-1220 A225 Lecture Kim Bolan, Erica Bulman
---R--- 1630-1820 A225 Lecture Kim Bolan, Erica Bulman
2015 30 3 ----F-- 1330-1520 A110 Lecture Petti Fong
--W---- 1530-1720 A225 Lecture Petti Fong
2015 30 3 -T----- 1030-1220 A225 Lecture Erica Bulman
---R--- 1030-1220 A226 Lecture Erica Bulman
2014 30 6 -T----- 1330-1520 A225 Lecture Erica Bulman
---R--- 1430-1620 A225 Lecture Erica Bulman
2014 30 5 ----F-- 1330-1520 A110 Lecture Petti Fong
--W---- 1530-1720 A225 Lecture Petti Fong
2013 30 8 -T----- 0830-1020 A225 Lecture Petti Fong
---R--- 1030-1220 A110 Lecture Petti Fong
2013 30 2 -T----- 1330-1520 A225 Lecture Erin Millar
----F-- 1330-1520 A110 Lecture Erin Millar
2012 30 4 N/A -T----- 1030-1220 A225 Lecture Petti Fong
---R--- 1030-1220 A110 Lecture Petti Fong
2012 30 3 N/A --W---- 1330-1520 A225 Lecture Thomas Barrett
----F-- 1330-1520 A110 Lecture Thomas Barrett
2011 30 7 N/A -T----- 1030-1220 A225 Lecture Frances Bula
---R--- 1030-1220 A110 Lecture Frances Bula
2011 30 2 N/A --W---- 1330-1520 A225 Lecture Frances Bula
----F-- 1330-1520 A110 Lecture Frances Bula
2010 30 2 N/A -T----- 1030-1220 A225 Lecture Frances Bula
---R--- 1030-1220 A110 Lecture Frances Bula
2010 30 3 N/A --W---- 1330-1520 A225 Lecture Frances Bula
----F-- 1330-1520 A110 Lecture Frances Bula
2009 30 2 N/A -T----- 1030-1220 A225 Lecture Frances Bula
---R--- 1030-1220 A256 Lecture Frances Bula
2009 30 6 N/A --W---- 1330-1520 A225 Lecture Frances Bula
----F-- 1330-1520 A225 Lecture Frances Bula
2008 30 2 N/A -T----- 1030-1225 A225 Lecture Frances Bula
---R--- 1030-1225 A256 Lecture Frances Bula
2008 30 2 N/A --W---- 1330-1525 A225 Lecture Frances Bula
----F-- 1330-1525 A267 Lecture Frances Bula
2007 30 1 N/A --W---- 1030-1125 A325 Lecture J Anne Roberts
---R--- 1030-1225 A237 Lecture J Anne Roberts
--W---- 1130-1225 A225 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2007 30 0 N/A --W---- 1330-1425 A267 Lecture J Anne Roberts
----F-- 1330-1525 A254 Lecture J Anne Roberts
--W---- 1430-1525 A225 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2006 30 0 N/A --W---- 1030-1125 A235 Lecture J Anne Roberts
---R--- 1030-1225 A235 Lecture J Anne Roberts
--W---- 1130-1225 A235 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2006 30 3 N/A --W---- 1330-1425 A267 Lecture J Anne Roberts
----F-- 1330-1525 A315 Lecture J Anne Roberts
--W---- 1430-1525 A225 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2005 30 1 N/A --W---- 1030-1125 A317 Lecture Allen Garr
--W---- 1130-1225 A225 Lecture Allen Garr
---R--- 1430-1625 A235 Lecture Allen Garr
2005 30 2 N/A --W---- 1330-1425 A267 Lecture Allen Garr
----F-- 1330-1525 A267 Lecture Allen Garr
--W---- 1430-1525 A225 Lecture Allen Garr
2004 30 0 --W---- 1030-1125 A210 Lecture Allen Garr
--W---- 1130-1225 A225 Lecture Allen Garr
---R--- 1430-1625 A334 Lecture Allen Garr
2004 30 2 --W---- 1330-1425 A346 Lecture Allen Garr
----F-- 1330-1525 A231 Lecture Allen Garr
--W---- 1430-1525 A225 Lecture Allen Garr
2003 30 1 N/A --W---- 0930-1125 A237 Lecture Allen Garr
---R--- - A375 Lecture Allen Garr
2003 30 2 N/A M-W---- 1330-1525 A320 Lecture Allen Garr
2002 30 0 N/A --W---- 0930-1125 A211 Lecture J Anne Roberts
---R--- 1330-1525 A210 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2002 30 2 N/A M-W---- 1330-1525 A377 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2001 30 0 N/A --W---- 0930-1125 A267 Lecture J Anne Roberts
---R--- 1330-1525 A377 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2001 30 2 N/A M-W---- 1330-1525 A377 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2000 30 2 N/A M------ 0830-1025 A308 Lecture J Anne Roberts
--W---- 0830-1025 A267 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2000 30 0 N/A M------ 1330-1525 A329 Lecture J Anne Roberts
--W---- 1330-1525 A338 Lecture J Anne Roberts
1999 30 0 N/A M-W---- 0830-1025 B022 Lecture J Anne Roberts
1999 30 3 N/A M------ 1330-1525 A081 Lecture J Anne Roberts
--W---- 1330-1525 A284 Lecture J Anne Roberts