All Courses > MARK > MARK 3210

MARK 3210: Digital Marketing

To succeed in today's economy, companies must incorporate the Internet into their marketing strategies. This course examines the role of the web today and how to optimize the use of e-marketing. The course provides students with the fundamental principles and techniques for designing and developing effective websites for promotional, distribution, and interactive communication. Students will learn the basics of information design and usability, applications of social media, and will learn the fundamentals of website development.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of a minimum of 54 credits including a minimum "C" grade in MARK 1115 and six credits of university-transferable English or communications.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):

MARK 3210 - Summer 2022 (v. 1)

None None None None None None None


Course Destination Credit Start/End
MARK 3210 KPU KPU MRKT 3311 (3) 20240501 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

No inactive transfer agreements found.

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 10 21 M------ 1830-2120 WWW WWW Ronald Prasad
--W---- 1830-2125 Exam Ronald Prasad
2024 30 8 --W---- 1830-2120 WWW WWW Ronald Prasad
--W---- 1830-2125 L104 Exam Ronald Prasad
2024 10 25 M------ 1830-2120 WWW WWW Ronald Prasad
-----S- 1300-1555 A275 Exam Ronald Prasad
2023 30 9 --W---- 1830-2120 WWW WWW Ronald Prasad
---R--- 1830-2125 A275 Exam Ronald Prasad
2022 30 5 -T----- 1830-2120 WWW WWW Rochelle Grayson
-----S- 1300-1555 L303 Exam Rochelle Grayson
2021 30 1 -T----- 1830-2120 WWW WWW Rochelle Grayson
-T----- 1830-2125 WWW Exam Rochelle Grayson
2020 30 1 -T----- 1830-2120 WWW WWW Rochelle Grayson
------- - WWW WWW Rochelle Grayson
M------ 1830-2125 WWW Exam Rochelle Grayson
2019 30 9 -T----- 1830-2120 L303 Lecture Rochelle Grayson
---R--- 1830-2125 L303 Exam Rochelle Grayson
2018 30 1 ---R--- 1830-2120 L304 Lecture Rochelle Grayson
--W---- 1830-2125 B015 Exam Rochelle Grayson
2017 30 14 ---R--- 1830-2120 L303 Lecture Rochelle Grayson
-----S- 0900-1155 A216 Exam Rochelle Grayson
2016 30 4 ---R--- 1830-2120 B247 Lecture Rochelle Grayson
----F-- 1830-2125 B019 Exam Rochelle Grayson
2014 10 2 35 ---R--- 1830-2120 L104 Lecture Deland Jessop, Brian Koehler
-T----- 1830-2125 L104 Exam Deland Jessop
2013 10 Cancel N/A --W---- 1830-2120 Lecture
2009 30 20 N/A ---R--- 1830-2120 B251 Lecture Donald Hill
2008 30 15 N/A ---R--- 1830-2125 B153 Lecture Stephanie Koonar, Raymond Chow
2007 30 Cancel N/A -T----- 1830-2125 Lecture . TBA