All Courses > NURS > NURS 5110

NURS 5110: The Nursing Profession and Health Care

This course examines the healthcare context and nursing in Canada. Nursing competencies, standards and scope of practice are included. There is an emphasis on critical thinking, effective communication, decision-making and accountability in the health care management setting. The social determinants of health and health care in Canada are included.

Registration in this course is restricted to students admitted to the Post-Degree Diploma in Nursing Practice in Canada.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):


None None None None None None None


No active transfer agreements found.

Inactive Transfers:

No inactive transfer agreements found.

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 10 6 N/A M------ 1030-1220 A348 Lecture Ivy Goula
------- 1830-2020 WWW Lecture Ivy Goula
M------ 1030-1220 A339 Lecture Ivy Goula
M------ 1030-1220 A348 Lecture Ivy Goula
--W---- 1100-1355 Exam Ivy Goula
2024 30 14 N/A M------ 0930-1120 A368 Lecture Ivy Goula
------- 1830-2020 WWW Lecture Ivy Goula
---R--- 0830-1025 A275 Exam Ivy Goula
2024 10 15 N/A M------ 0830-1020 B251 Lecture Kimberly McKinley
------- 1830-2020 WWW Lecture Kimberly McKinley
----F-- 1100-1255 A275 Exam Kimberly McKinley
2023 30 9 N/A -T----- 1430-1620 C509 Lecture Julie Bedford
------- 1830-2020 WWW Lecture Julie Bedford
---R--- 0830-1025 L304 Exam Julie Bedford
2023 10 3 N/A M------ 1130-1320 C410 Lecture Julie Bedford
------- 1830-2020 WWW Lecture Julie Bedford
--W---- 1330-1525 L103 Exam Julie Bedford
2022 30 4 N/A ---R--- 1430-1620 C509 Lecture Julie Bedford
------- 1830-2020 WWW Lecture Julie Bedford
2022 10 14 N/A ------- - WWW WWW Stephanie Koelewijn
2022 10 Cancel N/A -T----- 1530-1720 Lecture
-T----- 1830-2020 Lecture
2021 30 0 N/A ----F-- 0830-1020 WWW WWW Lanie Fajardo
------- 1830-2020 WWW WWW Lanie Fajardo
2021 10 Cancel N/A ----F-- 0830-1020 WWW
------- 1830-2020 WWW
2021 10 0 N/A ----F-- 0830-1020 WWW WWW Gladys Ka Hei Lai
------- 1830-2020 WWW WWW Gladys Ka Hei Lai
2020 30 Cancel N/A ------- - WWW
2020 10 1 N/A ----F-- 0830-1020 A363A Lecture Ravinder Rakhra
------- 1830-2020 WWW Lecture Ravinder Rakhra
2019 30 5 N/A ----F-- 0830-1020 L207 Lecture Lanie Fajardo
------- 1830-2020 WWW Lecture Lanie Fajardo
2018 30 4 N/A ----F-- 1030-1220 C509 Lecture William Konn
------- - WWW Lecture William Konn
2018 30 4 N/A ----F-- 0830-1020 C509 Lecture William Konn
------- 1830-2020 WWW Lecture William Konn
2018 10 5 N/A ----F-- 0830-1020 C509 Lecture William Konn
------- 1830-1920 WWW Lecture William Konn
2017 30 6 N/A ----F-- 0830-1020 C509 Lecture Kelly Negrin
------- 1830-2020 WWW Lecture Kelly Negrin
2017 10 5 N/A M------ 1230-1520 C409 Lecture Kelly Negrin
------- 1830-1920 WWW Lecture Kelly Negrin
2016 30 4 N/A -T----- 0830-1120 C510 Lecture Kelly Negrin
------- 1830-1920 WWW Lecture Kelly Negrin
2016 10 13 N/A ----F-- 0830-1120 B009 Lecture Kelly Negrin
------- 1830-1920 WWW Lecture Kelly Negrin
2015 30 8 N/A ----F-- 1230-1520 B030 Lecture Kelly Negrin
------- - WWW Lecture Kelly Negrin
2015 10 0 N/A M------ 1430-1720 A310 Lecture Sharon Ronaldson
M------ - WWW Lecture Sharon Ronaldson
M------ 1330-1420 A314 Lecture Sharon Ronaldson
M------ 1430-1620 A310 Lecture Sharon Ronaldson
2014 30 0 N/A M------ 1330-1720 B029 Lecture Sharon Ronaldson
2013 20 0 N/A ---R--- 0830-1220 L208 Lecture Olivia Li
2013 10 14 N/A ----F-- 0930-1320 A373 Lecture Olivia Li
----F-- 0930-1220 A348 Lecture Olivia Li
----F-- 1230-1320 A373 Lecture Olivia Li
2012 20 0 N/A --W---- 0830-1220 C510 Lecture Jennifer Timer
---R--- 1330-1520 C510 Lecture Jennifer Timer