Langara Course Information

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Warning: This course is not listed on the Langara website and is almost certainly discontinued. It was last offered in the term of Spring 2007.

PACR 1101: Introduction to Modern Asia

Course FormatLecture 3.0 h + Seminar 1.0 h + Lab 0.0 h

**Discontinued** was last offered Summer 2007Replaced by ASIA 1101 Last Updated: 19-JUN-2007 A survey of selected aspects of the emergence of modern Asia. An introduction to the basic conceptual tools needed to understand how, despite the political, economic, social and cultural changes of recent centuries, the various peoples of Asia have maintained distinctive cultural identities.

Note: PACR 1100 highly recommended.

Course Attributes:
2nd Year ArtsNo
2nd Year ScienceNo
Lab ScienceNo
Social ScienceYes
Other Attributes:
Offered online:Unknown
Preparatory course:Unknown
Repeat limit
Additional fees:$12
First offered:Spring 2000
Last offered:Spring 2007
Outline(s):No outline found.
Transfer Agreements
CourseDestinationCreditStart to End
No active transfer agreements.
Inactive Transfer Agreements (click to open)

Note: If you took courses within the period stated below, you can still transfer those credits.

CourseDestinationCreditStart to End
PACR 1101Douglas CollegeDOUG HUMS 1XXX (3) 20040901 to 20070831
PACR 1101Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKPU HIST 1XXX (3) 19990901 to 20070831
PACR 1101Simon Fraser UniversitySFU ASC 101 (3) 19990901 to 20070831
PACR 1101Thompson Rivers UniversityTRU HUEL 1XX (3) 19990901 to 20070831
PACR 1101Trinity Western UniversityTWU HIST 1XX (3) 19990901 to 20070831
PACR 1101UBCOUBCO HIST_O 1st (3) Excludes UBCO HIST_O 214/224.20050501 to 20070831
PACR 1101UBCVUBCV ASIA_V 101 (3) or UBCV ASIA_V 1st (3) 19990901 to 20070831
PACR 1101University of the Fraser ValleyUFV HIST 1XX (3) 19990901 to 20070831
PACR 1101University of Northern BCUNBC INTS 1XX (3) 20000101 to 20070831
PACR 1101University of VictoriaUVIC PACI 1XX (1.5) 19990901 to 20070831

Offerings of this course:

Spring 2007106390015N/AM-W----1330-1525A122BLectureEvelyn Nodwell, Li Yu
Spring 20061011900134N/AMTWR---1330-1425A122BLectureEvelyn Nodwell, Li Yu
Spring 20051006900233N/AMTWR---1330-1425A136BLectureJames Placzek, Evelyn Nodwell
Spring 2005100680015N/AMTWR---1230-1325B251LectureBrian Pendleton
Spring 200410029002129MTWR---1330-1425B247LectureEvelyn Nodwell
Spring 200410028001119MTWR---1230-1325B248LectureBrian Pendleton
Spring 20031017600212 MTWR---1330-1425A122BLectureJames Placzek, Evelyn Nodwell
Spring 20031017500151MTWR---1230-1325B248LectureBrian Pendleton
Spring 20021005800210N/AMTWR---1330-1425B245LectureJames Placzek
Spring 20021005700115N/AMTWR---1230-1325A136BLectureEvelyn Nodwell, Brian Pendleton
Spring 20011034100211N/AMTWR---1430-1525A315LectureJames Placzek
Spring 20011034000123N/AMTWR---1330-1425A122BLectureBrian Pendleton, Evelyn Nodwell
Spring 20001005400213N/AMT-RF--1330-1425A136ALectureBrian Pendleton
Spring 2000100530014N/AMT-RF--1130-1225B253LectureJames Placzek