Langara Course Information

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PHIL 2201: Theory of Knowledge

Course FormatLecture 3.0 h + Seminar 1.0 h + Lab 0.0 h

A continuation of PHIL 1101 in which some topics treated there will be examined in greater depth, and new ones introduced. We will consider three main questions: (1) What is knowledge? (How does knowing differ from believing? Is there any certain knowledge?); (2) What, if anything, can we know? (Can we know that there is an external world or the sun will rise tomorrow?); (3) How do we know what we do? (By inference or direct apprehension? By our senses, or reason, or what? Does knowledge need foundations? What is the nature of scientific knowledge?)

Prerequisite(s): Any first-year philosophy course or consent of the instructor.

Course Attributes:
2nd Year ArtsYes
2nd Year ScienceNo
Lab ScienceNo
Social ScienceNo
Other Attributes:
Offered online:No
Preparatory course:No
Repeat limit
Additional fees:
First offered:Fall 1999
Last offered:Spring 2024

PHIL 2201 - Summer 2019 (v. 2)

Transfer Agreements
CourseDestinationCreditStart to End
PHIL 2201Douglas CollegeDOUG PHIL 1103 (3) 20120901 to present
PHIL 2201Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKPU PHIL 2210 (3) 20200101 to present
PHIL 2201Simon Fraser UniversitySFU PHIL 201 (3) 20180101 to present
PHIL 2201Thompson Rivers UniversityTRU PHIL 2140 (3) 20180101 to present
PHIL 2201Trinity Western UniversityTWU PHIL 2XX (3) 19990501 to present
PHIL 2201UBCOUBCO PHIL_O 1st (3) 20050501 to present
PHIL 2201UBCVUBCV PHIL_V 240 (3) 19990501 to present
PHIL 2201University of the Fraser ValleyUFV PHIL 2XX (3) 20180101 to present
PHIL 2201University of VictoriaLANG PHIL 2201 (3) & LANG PHIL 2202 (3) = UVIC PHIL 100 (3) 19990501 to present
Inactive Transfer Agreements (click to open)

Note: If you took courses within the period stated below, you can still transfer those credits.

CourseDestinationCreditStart to End
PHIL 2201Douglas CollegeDOUG PHIL 1XXX (3) 20040901 to 20120831
PHIL 2201Simon Fraser UniversityLANG PHIL 2201 (3) & LANG PHIL 2203 (3) = SFU PHIL 100 (3) & SFU PHIL 203 (3) B-Hum20200101 to 20200831
PHIL 2201Simon Fraser UniversityLANG PHIL 2201 (3) & LANG PHIL 2203 (3) = SFU PHIL 100 (3) & SFU PHIL 203 (3) B-Hum for PHIL 100 only.20040901 to 20191231
PHIL 2201Simon Fraser UniversitySFU PHIL 100 (3) B-Hum20040901 to 20171231
PHIL 2201Simon Fraser UniversitySFU PHIL 100 (3) 19990501 to 20040831
PHIL 2201Simon Fraser UniversityLANG PHIL 2201 (3) & LANG PHIL 2203 (3) = SFU PHIL 100 (3) & SFU PHIL 203 (3) 19990501 to 20040831
PHIL 2201Thompson Rivers UniversityTRU PHIL 2XXX (3) 20110101 to 20171231
PHIL 2201Thompson Rivers UniversityTRU PHIL 2XX (3) 19990501 to 20101231
PHIL 2201University of the Fraser ValleyUFV PHIL 1XX (3) 19990501 to 20210430

Offerings of this course:

Spring 20241043400110 --W-F--1230-1420A346LectureRichard Johns
-T-----1330-1525A346ExamRichard Johns
Spring 20221003300120 M-W----1430-1620A348LectureRichard Johns
---R---0830-1025A363AExamRichard Johns
Spring 20201069300118 -T-R---1030-1220A346LectureRichard Johns
--W----1100-1255A346ExamRichard Johns
Spring 20181030000114 M-W----1230-1420A348LectureRichard Johns
--W----1330-1525A348ExamRichard Johns
Spring 20161064400117 -T-R---1230-1420B026LectureRichard Johns
---R---0830-1025B026ExamRichard Johns
Spring 20151050500112 -T-R---1230-1420B030LectureRichard Johns
---R---0830-1025B030ExamRichard Johns
Fall 199930339001CancelN/AM-W----1530-1725B009LectureDale Beyerstein