All Courses > THEA > THEA 3150

THEA 3150: Advanced Performance Skills I

Development of advanced acting skills through public performances at Studio 58 and through work with professional companies. Continuing work on advanced vocal and movement skills. Acting for film/TV is included. Audition techniques for film, television and theatre are developed. Also covered is how to market oneself as a theatre artist.

Course Information:



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Course outline(s):

THEA 3150 - Summer 2019 (v. 2)

None None None None None None None


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Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 10 3 MTWRF-- 1800-1900 TBSCH Lecture Brad Gibson, Andrew McNee, David Bloom, Jennifer L Andersen, Kathleen McDonagh, Kerry Sandomirsky, Michelle Olson, Shelley Hunt
2024 30 0 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Brad Gibson, Andrew McNee, Colin Murdock, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathleen McDonagh, Kerry Sandomirsky, Michelle Olson, Raes Calvert, Shelley Hunt, Wendy Gorling
2024 10 3 ----F-- 1515-1715 TBSCH Lecture Brad Gibson, Andrew McNee, David Bloom, Kathleen McDonagh, Kerry Sandomirsky, Michelle Olson, Shane Raman, Shelley Hunt, Wendy Gorling
MTWRF-- 1800-1900 TBSCH Lecture Brad Gibson, Andrew McNee, David Bloom, Kathleen McDonagh, Kerry Sandomirsky, Michelle Olson, Shane Raman, Shelley Hunt, Wendy Gorling
2023 30 10 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Colin Murdock, Courtenay Dobbie, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathleen McDonagh, Kerry Sandomirsky, Shelley Hunt, Wendy Gorling
2023 10 0 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Brad Gibson, . TBA, Courtenay Dobbie, David Bloom, Kathleen McDonagh, Kerry Sandomirsky, Michelle Olson, Shane Raman, Shelley Hunt, Wendy Gorling
2022 30 1 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Brad Gibson, Colin Murdock, Courtenay Dobbie, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathleen McDonagh, Kerry Sandomirsky, Raes Calvert, Shelley Hunt
2022 10 1 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Brad Gibson, Courtenay Dobbie, David Bloom, Jennifer L Andersen, Kathleen McDonagh, Kerry Sandomirsky, Michelle Olson, Shane Raman, Yvan Morissette
2021 30 0 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Brad Gibson, Alison Kelly, Colin Murdock, Courtenay Dobbie, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathleen McDonagh, Kerry Sandomirsky, Shelley Hunt
2021 10 4 MTWRF-- 0930-2130 A025 Lecture Brad Gibson, Courtenay Dobbie, David Bloom, Kathleen McDonagh, Michelle Olson, Shelley Hunt
2020 30 3 MTWRF-- 0930-2130 A025 Lecture Brad Gibson, Colin Murdock, Courtenay Dobbie, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Janin Palahicky, Kathleen McDonagh, Kerry Sandomirsky, Shelley Hunt
2020 10 0 MTWRF-- 0930-1830 TBSCH Lecture Brad Gibson, Aaron Bushkowsky, Courtenay Dobbie, David Bloom, Kathleen McDonagh, Kathryn Shaw, Michelle Olson, Shelley Hunt
2019 30 0 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Brad Gibson, Christopher King, Colin Murdock, Courtenay Dobbie, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Janin Palahicky, Kathleen McDonagh, Kathryn Shaw, Kerry Sandomirsky
2019 10 0 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Brad Gibson, Aaron Bushkowsky, Courtenay Dobbie, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathleen McDonagh, Kerry Sandomirsky, Wendy Gorling
2018 30 0 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Brad Gibson, Alison Kelly, Colin Murdock, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Janin Palahicky, Kathleen McDonagh, Kerry Sandomirsky
2018 10 2 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Brad Gibson, Aaron Bushkowsky, Courtenay Dobbie, David Bloom, Erik Gow, Kathleen McDonagh, Kerry Sandomirsky, Michelle Olson, Shelley Hunt
2017 30 0 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Brad Gibson, Aaron Bushkowsky, Alison Kelly, Catherine Lee, Colin Murdock, Courtenay Dobbie, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Jillian Fargey, Kathryn Shaw, Kerry Sandomirsky
2017 10 0 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Alison Kelly, Courtenay Dobbie, Dale Genge, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathryn Shaw, Kerry Sandomirsky
2016 30 0 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Dale Genge, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathryn Shaw, Kerry Sandomirsky, Shelley Hunt
2016 10 0 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Dale Genge, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathryn Shaw, Kerry Sandomirsky
2015 30 0 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Aaron Bushkowsky, Alison Kelly, Dale Genge, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathryn Shaw, Kerry Sandomirsky, Wendy Gorling
2015 10 1 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Alison Kelly, Dale Genge, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathryn Shaw, Kerry Sandomirsky, Mara Gottler
2014 30 2 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Brad Gibson, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Ian Raffel, Kathryn Shaw, Kerry Sandomirsky
2014 10 3 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Dale Genge, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathryn Shaw, Kerry Sandomirsky, Michelle Bjornson
2013 30 0 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Aaron Bushkowsky, Dale Genge, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathryn Shaw, Kerry Sandomirsky
2013 10 0 N/A MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Brian Tate, Dale Genge, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Diane Speirs, Kathryn Shaw, Wendy Gorling
2012 30 1 N/A M-WRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Aaron Bushkowsky, Dale Genge, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathryn Shaw
-T----- 0930-1220 A110 Lecture Aaron Bushkowsky, Dale Genge, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathryn Shaw
-T----- 1230-1820 TBSCH Lecture Aaron Bushkowsky, Dale Genge, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathryn Shaw
2012 10 0 MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Brad Gibson, Aaron Bushkowsky, Dale Genge, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Diane Speirs, Kathryn Shaw, Susan Hogan
2011 30 0 N/A MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Dale Genge, Aaron Bushkowsky, Alison Kelly, Carol Kelsay, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathryn Shaw
2011 10 1 N/A MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Dale Genge, Adrian Muir, Alison Kelly, Carol Kelsay, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Tracy Lynch
2010 30 1 N/A MTWRF-- 0930-1820 TBSCH Lecture Dale Genge, Alison Kelly, David Bloom, David Hudgins, Kathryn Shaw, Michelle Bjornson