All Transfers > Fraser International College

Transfers from Langara to Fraser International College (FIC)

Active transfers:

Course Destination Credit Condition Start/End
CHEM 1118 FIC FIC CHEM 111 (4) 20220501 to Present
CPSC 1155 FIC FIC CMPT 128 (3) or FIC CMPT 130 (3) 20150101 to Present
ECON 1221 FIC FIC ECON 1054 (3) 20200101 to Present
ABST 1100 FIC FIC FNST 201 (3) 20190501 to Present
MATH 1170 FIC FIC MATH 100 (3) 20150501 to Present
MATH 1174 FIC FIC MATH 157 (3) 20210901 to Present
PHIL 1104 FIC FIC PHIL 105 (3) 20200101 to Present
ENGL 1127 FIC No credit 20230901 to Present

Inactive transfers:

Click here to show inactive transfers to FIC.
Course Destination Credit Condition Start/End