All Courses > ANTH > ANTH 2270

ANTH 2270: Anthropology of Food

Food is universally important - whether for basic sustenance and personal well-being, as a basis for defining identities, symbolizing beliefs, as a political tool or as a consequence of modern agriculture and technology. This survey course will provide an anthropological perspective and analysis of a variety of selected topics from traditional foodways to contemporary issues.

Prerequisite(s): A minimum "C-" grade in one of ANTH 1120, SOCI 1120, or 1121; or permission of the instructor.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):

ANTH 2270 - Summer 2019 (v. 2)

True False False False False True True


Course Destination Credit Start/End
ANTH 2270 DOUG DOUG ANTH 2XXX (3) 20040901 to Present
ANTH 2270 KPU KPU ANTH 2162 (3) 20220901 to Present
ANTH 2270 SFU SFU SA 1XX (3) 20040101 to Present
ANTH 2270 TRU TRU ANTH 2XXX (3) 20110101 to Present
ANTH 2270 TWU TWU ANTH 2XX (3) 20080501 to Present
ANTH 2270 UBCO UBCO ANTH_O 2nd (3) 20050501 to Present
ANTH 2270 UBCV UBCV ANTH_V 2nd (3) 20040101 to Present
ANTH 2270 UFV UFV ANTH 1XX (3) 20040101 to Present
ANTH 2270 UNBC UNBC ANTH 2XX (3) 20040101 to Present
ANTH 2270 UVIC UVIC ANTH 2XX (1.5) 20040101 to Present
ANTH 2270 VIU VIU ANTH 2nd (3) 20040101 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
ANTH 2270 KPU KPU ANTH 2XXX (3) 20040101 to 20220831
ANTH 2270 TRU TRU ANTH 2XX (3) 20040101 to 20101231

Current Offerings:

Semester CRN Section Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 20 20555 001 30 N/A M-W---- 1030-1220 Lecture Adam Solomonian

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2024 20 1 M-W---- 1030-1220 A363C Lecture Adam Solomonian
-----S- 1300-1455 A363C Exam Adam Solomonian
2022 10 18 ---R--- 1230-1420 A348 Lecture Adam Solomonian
------- - WWW Lecture Adam Solomonian
-T----- 1600-1755 WWW Exam Adam Solomonian
2021 10 3 1 ------- - WWW WWW Adam Solomonian
M------ 1830-2025 WWW Exam Adam Solomonian
2020 10 6 -T-R--- 1430-1620 A235 Lecture Adam Solomonian
M------ 0830-1025 A235 Exam Adam Solomonian
2019 10 0 11 M-W---- 1230-1420 L215 Lecture Adam Solomonian
---R--- 1330-1525 L215 Exam Adam Solomonian
2018 10 0 5 M-W---- 1030-1220 A235 Lecture Adam Solomonian
--W---- 0830-1025 A235 Exam Adam Solomonian
2010 10 8 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1620 B030 Lecture Margaret Chapman-Kendall
2009 10 11 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1625 B010 Lecture Margaret Chapman-Kendall
2008 10 15 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1625 B148 Lecture Margaret Chapman-Kendall
2007 10 7 N/A -T----- 1430-1625 B254 Lecture Margaret Chapman-Kendall
---R--- 1430-1625 B254 Lecture Margaret Chapman-Kendall
2006 10 4 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1625 B010 Lecture Margaret Chapman-Kendall
2005 10 15 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1625 B016 Lecture Margaret Chapman-Kendall
2004 10 3 -T-R--- 1430-1625 A310 Lecture Margaret Chapman-Kendall