All Courses > BIOL > BIOL 2105

BIOL 2105: Biology Field School

Students taking BIOL 2440 or 2450 must also register in BIOL 2105. The field school is located out-of-town (usually Bamfield Marine Station) and is three to four days long (includes a Saturday and Sunday). This course has a separate fee to cover the additional costs of running an off-campus course.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):

BIOL 2105 - Summer 2020 (v. 1)

None None None None None None None


No active transfer agreements found.

Inactive Transfers:

No inactive transfer agreements found.

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2022 30 Cancel N/A ------- - Field School
2019 30 63 N/A ------- - OFFC Field School Ji Yong Yang
2018 30 75 ------- - OFFC Field School Ji Yong Yang
2017 30 15 ------- - OFFC Field School Ji Yong Yang
2016 30 28 ----FSU - OFFC Field School Mario Moniz de Sa
2015 30 26 ----FSU - OFFC Field School Mario Moniz de Sa
2014 30 13 ----FSU - OFFC Field School Mario Moniz de Sa
2013 30 17 ----FSU - OFFC Field School Frank Williams
2012 30 25 N/A ----FSU - OFFC Field School Frank Williams
2011 30 34 N/A ----FSU - OFFC Field School Frank Williams
2010 30 30 N/A ------- - OFFC Field School Frank Williams
2009 30 9 N/A ----FSU - OFFC Lecture Gerda Krause
2008 30 21 N/A ----FSU - OFFC Field School Gerda Krause
2007 30 14 N/A ------- - OFFC Field School Gerda Krause
2006 30 2 N/A ----FSU - OFFC Field School Gerda Krause
2005 30 17 N/A M----SU - OFFC Lecture Gerda Krause
2004 30 13 M----SU - OFFC Lecture Frank Williams
2003 30 18 N/A ------- - OFFC Lecture Frank Williams
2002 30 15 N/A ------- - OFFC Field School Frank Williams
2001 30 11 N/A ------- - OFFC Lecture Frank Williams
2000 30 5 N/A ------- - OFFC Field School Gerda Krause
1999 30 26 N/A ------- - OFFC Field School Gerda Krause