All Courses > CHIN > CHIN 1117
WARNING: This course is no longer offered by Langara. Information provided here is solely for historical purposes.
As a continuation of CHIN 1215, CHIN 1117 offers further oral and written practice in Chinese including a thorough review of the language's structure and grammar, plus additional vocabulary. Reading, conversation, composition and translation are emphasized. New vocabulary (in both phonetic transcript and in characters) and grammar concepts are introduced through a study of the Chinese socio-cultural knowledge embedded in the readings. At the end of CHIN 1117, students are expected to be able to use all the basic sentence patterns in modern Chinese and to read, write, and use approximately 800 Chinese words and phrases. Students who have completed elementary grade two or equivalent in a Chinese-speaking country/area are not normally permitted to register in CHIN 1117. Students who have completed BC Mandarin 12 should consult an instructor of Chinese before registering. Registered students deemed to be overqualified will be directed to a higher level course.
Prerequisite(s): A minimum "C-" grade in CHIN 1215 or demonstrated equivalent competency.
Additional Fees:
Repeat Limit:
Lecture Hours:
Seminar Hours:
Lab Hours:
Offered online:
Course outline(s):
2AR | 2SC | HUM | LSC | SCI | SOC | UT |
True | False | True | False | False | False | True |
Course | Destination | Credit | Start/End |
CHIN 1117 | CAPU | CAPU CHIN 101 (4) | 20150901 to Present |
CHIN 1117 | KPU | KPU MAND 2200 (3) | 19990901 to Present |
CHIN 1117 | SFU | SFU CHIN 200 (3) | 20060901 to Present |
CHIN 1117 | TRU | TRU CHIN 2XXX (3) | 20100901 to Present |
CHIN 1117 | TWU | TWU CHIN 201 (3) | 20230501 to Present |
CHIN 1117 | UBCO | UBCO ARTS_O 1st (3) | 20060901 to Present |
CHIN 1117 | UBCV | UBCV CHIN_V 231 (3) | 20060901 to Present |
CHIN 1117 | UFV | UFV MAND 201 (3) | 20040901 to Present |
CHIN 1117 | UNBC | UNBC INTS 261 (3) | 19990501 to Present |
CHIN 1117 | UVIC | UVIC PAAS 2XX (1.5) | 20140901 to Present |
CHIN 1117 | UVIC | LANG CHIN 1117 (3) & LANG CHIN 1217 (3) = UVIC PAAS 218 (3) | 20140901 to Present |
CHIN 1117 | VIU | VIU CHIN 1st (3) | 19990501 to Present |
Course | Destination | Credit | Start/End |
CHIN 1117 | CAMO | CAMO CHIN 200 (3) | 20130101 to 20180430 |
CHIN 1117 | CAPU | CAPU CHIN 101 (3) | 20110901 to 20150831 |
CHIN 1117 | SFU | SFU CHIN 201 (3) | 19990501 to 20060831 |
CHIN 1117 | TRU | TRU CHIN 2XX (3) | 20060901 to 20100831 |
CHIN 1117 | TWU | TWU HUMA 2XX (3) | 19990501 to 20230430 |
CHIN 1117 | UBCV | UBCV CHIN_V 110 (3) | 19950901 to 20060831 |
CHIN 1117 | UFV | UFV GE 1XX (3) | 19990501 to 20040831 |
CHIN 1117 | UVIC | UVIC PAAS 1XX (1.5) | 20090901 to 20140831 |
CHIN 1117 | UVIC | LANG CHIN 1117 (3) & LANG CHIN 1217 (3) = UVIC PAAS 110 (3) | 20090901 to 20140831 |
CHIN 1117 | UVIC | UVIC CHIN 1XX (1.5) | 20000901 to 20090831 |
CHIN 1117 | UVIC | LANG CHIN 1117 (3) & LANG CHIN 1217 (3) = UVIC CHIN 150 (3) | 19990501 to 20090831 |
CHIN 1117 | UVIC | LANG CHIN 1117 (3) & LANG CHIN 1217 (3) = UVIC CHIN 200A (1.5) & UVIC CHIN 200B (1.5) | 19990501 to 20000831 |
No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).
Semester | Seats | Waitlist | Days | Time | Room | Type | Instructor |
2024 30 | 28 | -T-R--- | 1030-1220 | A315 | Lecture | Huimin Lin | |
-T----- | 1330-1455 | A315 | Exam | Huimin Lin | |||
2023 30 | 19 | -T-R--- | 1230-1420 | A315 | Lecture | Huimin Lin | |
-T----- | 1100-1225 | A315 | Exam | Huimin Lin | |||
2022 30 | 19 | MTWR--- | 1530-1620 | A320 | Lecture | Huimin Lin | |
M------ | 0830-1025 | A320 | Exam | Huimin Lin | |||
2021 30 | 14 | M-W---- | 1530-1620 | WWW | WWW | Huimin Lin | |
------- | - | WWW | WWW | Huimin Lin | |||
--W---- | 1600-1755 | WWW | Exam | Huimin Lin | |||
2020 30 | 10 | M-W---- | 1530-1620 | WWW | WWW | Huimin Lin | |
------- | - | WWW | WWW | Huimin Lin | |||
----F-- | 0830-0955 | WWW | Exam | Huimin Lin | |||
2019 30 | 22 | MTWR--- | 1430-1520 | A315 | Lecture | Huimin Lin | |
--W---- | 0830-0955 | A315 | Exam | Huimin Lin | |||
2018 30 | 14 | MTWR--- | 1430-1520 | A315 | Lecture | Huimin Lin | |
----F-- | 1330-1455 | A315 | Exam | Huimin Lin | |||
2017 30 | 11 | -T-R--- | 1430-1520 | A307 | Lecture | Huimin Lin | |
------- | - | WWW | Lecture | Huimin Lin | |||
--W---- | 1100-1225 | A315 | Exam | Huimin Lin | |||
2016 30 | 16 | -T-R--- | 1430-1520 | A315 | Lecture | Huimin Lin | |
------- | - | WWW | Lecture | Huimin Lin | |||
M------ | 0830-0955 | A315 | Exam | Huimin Lin | |||
2015 30 | 2 | M-W---- | 1430-1520 | A339 | Lecture | Huimin Lin | |
------- | - | WWW | Lecture | Huimin Lin | |||
----F-- | 1330-1525 | A320 | Exam | Huimin Lin | |||
2014 30 | 16 | M-W---- | 1430-1520 | A319 | Lecture | Huimin Lin | |
------- | - | WWW | Lecture | Huimin Lin | |||
M------ | 1100-1255 | A319 | Exam | Huimin Lin | |||
2013 30 | 3 | MTWR--- | 1230-1320 | A322 | Lecture | Huimin Lin | |
-----S- | 0900-1055 | B031 | Exam | Huimin Lin | |||
2011 30 | 14 | N/A | M-W---- | 1530-1720 | A333 | Lecture | Wei Xia |
----F-- | 1600-1725 | A307 | Exam | Wei Xia | |||
2010 30 | 12 | N/A | M-W---- | 1530-1720 | A348 | Lecture | Wei Xia |
--W---- | 1100-1225 | A308 | Exam | Wei Xia | |||
2009 30 | 14 | N/A | M-W---- | 1530-1720 | A321 | Lecture | Wei Xia |
2008 30 | 19 | N/A | M-W---- | 1430-1625 | A322 | Lecture | Wei Xia |
2008 10 | 14 | N/A | -T-R--- | 1530-1725 | A315 | Lecture | Tianming Li |
2007 30 | 3 | N/A | M-W---- | 1530-1725 | A320 | Lecture | Wei Xia |
2006 30 | 4 | N/A | M-W---- | 1530-1725 | A308 | Lecture | Wei Xia |
2005 30 | 14 | N/A | M-W---- | 1530-1725 | A313 | Lecture | Wei Xia |
2004 30 | 14 | -T-R--- | 1530-1725 | A307 | Lecture | Yanfeng Qu | |
2003 30 | 6 | N/A | -T-R--- | 1530-1725 | A322 | Lecture | Yanfeng Qu |
2002 30 | 8 | N/A | -T-R--- | 1530-1725 | A313 | Lecture | Yanfeng Qu |
2001 30 | 13 | N/A | -T-R--- | 1530-1725 | A333 | Lecture | Yanfeng Qu |
2000 30 | 9 | N/A | -T-R--- | 1530-1725 | A319 | Lecture | Yanfeng Qu |
1999 30 | 3 | N/A | -T-R--- | 1530-1720 | A332 | Lecture | Yanfeng Qu |