All Courses > CPSC > CPSC 2280

CPSC 2280: Operating Systems

Covers the theory and application interface of operating systems including a basic introduction to distributed systems; process scheduling and management; memory management; file systems; I/O services; driver architecture; virtualization; operating system management and security. Labs focus on the application interface to these system services including multi-threaded and client/server applications using the UNIX operating system. Case studies to explore other modern operating systems such as Windows, and Linux, and microkernal architectures, such as Mach.

Prerequisite(s): A minimum "C" grade in CPSC 1280 and 2150; or permission of the department. Prerequisites are valid for only three years.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):

CPSC 2280 - Summer 2019 (v. 2)

False True False False True False True


Course Destination Credit Start/End
CPSC 2280 CMTN CMTN CPSC 1XX (3) 20150501 to Present
CPSC 2280 COTR COTR COMP 2XX (3) 20140101 to Present
CPSC 2280 DOUG DOUG CSIS 2260 (3) 20130501 to Present
CPSC 2280 KPU KPU INFO 1211 (3) 20130501 to Present
CPSC 2280 OC OC COSC 315 (3) 20130501 to Present
CPSC 2280 SFU SFU CMPT 300 (3) 19990501 to Present
CPSC 2280 TRU TRU COMP 2XXX (3) 20110101 to Present
CPSC 2280 TWU Individual assessment 19990501 to Present
CPSC 2280 UBCO UBCO COSC_O 2nd (3) 20130501 to Present
CPSC 2280 UBCV UBCV CPSC_V 2nd (3) 19990501 to Present
CPSC 2280 UBCV LANG CPSC 1280 (3) & LANG CPSC 2280 (3) = UBCV CPSC_V 213 (4) & UBCV CPSC_V 2nd (2) 20040501 to Present
CPSC 2280 UVIC UVIC CSC 360 (1.5) 20050901 to Present
CPSC 2280 VIU VIU CSCI 360 (3) 20130501 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
CPSC 2280 DOUG DOUG CSIS 2XXX (3) 20070901 to 20130430
CPSC 2280 DOUG DOUG CMPT 2XXX (3) 20040901 to 20070831
CPSC 2280 TRU TRU CPSC 2XX (3) 19990501 to 20101231
CPSC 2280 UCW UCW CPSC 101 (3) 20130901 to 20201231
CPSC 2280 UVIC UVIC CSC 2XX (1.5) 19990501 to 20050831

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2024 10 22 M-W---- 1630-1820 B026 Lecture Jocelyn Minns
-T----- 1630-1820 T215 Lab Jocelyn Minns
---R--- 1100-1255 B022 Exam Jocelyn Minns
2023 10 15 M-W---- 1630-1820 B022 Lecture Jocelyn Minns
-T----- 1630-1820 B015 Lab Jocelyn Minns
M------ 0830-1025 B022 Exam Jocelyn Minns
2021 10 21 ------- - WWW WWW Khurram Shehzad
-----S- 0900-1055 WWW Exam Khurram Shehzad
2020 10 23 M-W---- 1630-1820 B029 Lecture Michael Jon Burrell
-T----- 1630-1820 B015 Lab Michael Jon Burrell
---R--- 1330-1525 B029 Exam Michael Jon Burrell
2018 10 25 M-W---- 1630-1820 B023 Lecture Ardeshir Bagheri
-T----- 1630-1820 T215 Lab Ardeshir Bagheri
--W---- 1330-1525 B023 Exam Ardeshir Bagheri
2015 10 25 MT----- 1630-1820 B155 Lecture Ardeshir Bagheri
--W---- 1630-1820 C014 Lab Ardeshir Bagheri
M------ 1330-1525 B155 Exam Ardeshir Bagheri
2014 10 8 MT----- 1630-1820 B155 Lecture Ardeshir Bagheri
--W---- 1630-1820 A015 Lab Ardeshir Bagheri
---R--- 1330-1525 B155 Exam Ardeshir Bagheri
2013 10 5 N/A MT----- 1630-1820 B155 Lecture Ardeshir Bagheri
--W---- 1630-1820 A015 Lab Ardeshir Bagheri
-----S- 1600-1755 B032 Exam Ardeshir Bagheri
2012 10 20 M-W---- 1630-1820 B155 Lecture Ardeshir Bagheri
-T----- 1630-1820 A217 Lab Ardeshir Bagheri
---R--- 0830-1025 B154 Exam Ardeshir Bagheri
2010 20 20 N/A -T-R--- 1730-1920 B155 Lecture Ardeshir Bagheri
--W---- 1730-1920 B019 Lab Ardeshir Bagheri
--W---- 1730-1920 A015 Lab Ardeshir Bagheri
--W---- 1830-2025 B245 Exam Ardeshir Bagheri
2009 20 16 N/A -T-R--- 1730-1925 B155 Lecture Ardeshir Bagheri
--W---- 1730-1925 B015 Lab Ardeshir Bagheri
2008 20 11 N/A -T-R--- 1730-1925 B155 Lecture Ardeshir Bagheri
--W---- 1730-1925 A015 Lab Ardeshir Bagheri
2007 20 21 N/A -T-R--- 1930-2125 B155 Lecture Ardeshir Bagheri
--W---- 1930-2155 B019 Lab Ardeshir Bagheri
2006 20 20 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1425 A351 Lecture Brian Koehler
M------ 1030-1225 A216 Lab Brian Koehler
2005 30 21 N/A M------ 1130-1325 A348 Lecture Brian Koehler
---R--- 1130-1325 A210 Lecture Brian Koehler
-T----- 1130-1325 A215 Lab Brian Koehler
2004 30 25 M-W-F-- 1330-1425 A338 Lecture Nalin Wijesinghe
---R--- 1330-1425 A328 Lecture Nalin Wijesinghe
-T----- 1230-1425 A217 Lab Nalin Wijesinghe
2003 30 17 N/A M-W-F-- 1330-1425 A339 Lecture Nalin Wijesinghe
---R--- 1330-1425 A314 Lecture Nalin Wijesinghe
-T----- 1230-1425 A217 Lab Nalin Wijesinghe
2002 30 20 N/A -T-R--- 1330-1525 A320 Lecture Nalin Wijesinghe
--W---- 1330-1525 A217 Lab Nalin Wijesinghe
2001 30 2 N/A -T-R--- 1330-1525 B252 Lecture Nalin Wijesinghe
--W---- 1330-1525 A217 Lab Nalin Wijesinghe
2000 30 13 N/A M------ 1430-1525 B018 Lecture Nalin Wijesinghe
-TWR--- 1430-1525 B016 Lecture Nalin Wijesinghe
--W---- 1630-1825 A217 Lab Nalin Wijesinghe
2000 10 19 N/A MTWR--- 1030-1125 B016 Lecture Vincent Manis
----F-- 0930-1125 A216 Lab Vincent Manis
1999 30 Cancel N/A MTWR--- 1630-1725 B016 Lecture Peter Baker
---R--- 1130-1325 A216 Lab Peter Baker