All Courses > GKFS > GKFS 1305
WARNING: This course is no longer offered by Langara. Information provided here is solely for historical purposes.
**Discontinued** was last offered Summer 2004Now FSIE 1115 Last Updated: 23-JUL-2004 The Studies in Greece Field School is an External Studies program. Students enroll in GKFS 1305 (Studies in Greece) and in HIST 1190 (Greece from Homer to Socialism) and/or other such courses as may from time to time be offered as part of this program. The program is about 4-1/2 weeks long. It consists of one week of classes in Vancouver followed by a short stay in London to visit the British Museum, and then 3 full weeks in Greece. The itinerary in Greece always includes time in Athens, Delphi, and Mycenae and environs, but the precise itinerary for the other sites to be visited varies from year to year. Not offered every year. Graded S/U.
Note: For more information contact Gwyneth Lewis 604-323-5481 or
Additional Fees:
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Offered online:
Course outline(s):
2AR | 2SC | HUM | LSC | SCI | SOC | UT |
None | None | None | None | None | None | None |
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