All Courses > HIST > HIST 2207

HIST 2207: Early British Columbia

This course focuses on the British Columbia historical experience from the time of contact between First Nations and European people until BC joined Confederation in 1871. Themes of particular interest include First Nations-European relations, colonial settlement, the structure of BC's society and economy, American influences and Confederation. In addition, this course provides an introduction to research methods in local history.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):

HIST 2207 - Summer 2019 (v. 2)

True False True False False True True


Course Destination Credit Start/End
HIST 2207 DOUG DOUG HIST 1XXX (3) 20040901 to Present
HIST 2207 SFU SFU HIST 1XX (3) 19990501 to Present
HIST 2207 TRU TRU HIST 2XXX (3) 19990501 to Present
HIST 2207 TWU TWU HIST 2XX (3) 20120101 to Present
HIST 2207 UBCO UBCO HIST_O 1st (3) 20050501 to Present
HIST 2207 UBCV UBCV HIST_V 1st (3) 19990501 to Present
HIST 2207 UFV UFV HIST 1XX (3) 19990501 to Present
HIST 2207 UNBC UNBC HIST 1XX (3) 19990501 to Present
HIST 2207 UVIC UVIC HSTR 2XX (1.5) 20140501 to Present
HIST 2207 VIU VIU HIST 2nd (3) 19990501 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
HIST 2207 TRU TRU HIST 225 (3) OL 19990501 to 20101231
HIST 2207 TWU TWU HIST 235 (3) 19990501 to 20050831
HIST 2207 UVIC UVIC HIST 2XX (1.5) 19990501 to 20140430

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2018 20 5 -T-R--- 1430-1620 B152 Lecture David Borys
----F-- 1330-1525 B152 Exam David Borys
2017 20 7 9 M-W---- 1030-1220 B010 Lecture David Borys
----F-- 1330-1525 B010 Exam David Borys
2016 20 6 2 -T-R--- 1030-1220 B022 Lecture David Borys
---R--- 0830-1025 B152 Exam David Borys
2015 20 7 20 M-W---- 0930-1220 B251 Lecture Linda Hale
2014 20 7 18 M-W---- 0930-1220 B245 Lecture Linda Hale
2012 20 3 N/A M-W---- 1830-2120 B254 Lecture Linda Hale
2011 20 1 N/A M--R--- 1800-2050 B248 Lecture Linda Hale
2011 10 3 N/A M-W---- 1030-1220 B148 Lecture Linda Hale
----F-- 1330-1455 B147 Exam Linda Hale
2010 10 2 N/A M-W---- 1030-1220 B247 Lecture Linda Hale
2009 10 9 N/A M------ 1830-2125 B247 Lecture Linda Hale
2006 20 1 N/A MTWR--- 1230-1425 B252 Lecture Linda Hale
2004 30 7 M--R--- 1230-1425 B149 Lecture Linda Hale
2002 30 1 N/A MTWR--- 0930-1025 B032 Lecture Linda Hale
2001 10 2 N/A MTWR--- 0930-1025 B251 Lecture Linda Hale