Langara Course Information

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Warning: This course is not listed on the Langara website and is almost certainly discontinued. It was last offered in the term of Spring 2015.

KINS 1117: Performance Analysis: Gymnastics

Course FormatLecture 2.0 h + Seminar 0.0 h + Lab 0.0 h

Discontinued as of Fall Semester 2022 The study and practice of effective performance in developmental gymnastics. In both theoretical and practical environments, students will learn to correctly apply appropriate methods of analysis, error detection and correction when analyzing performance, and safety in gymnastic environments. Students will receive credit for only one of HKIN/ KINS 1115 or 1117. The study and practice of effective performance in developmental gymnastics. In both theoretical and practical environments, students will learn to correctly apply appropriate methods of analysis, error detection and correction when analyzing performance, and safety in gymnastic environments. Students will receive credit for only one of HKIN/ KINS 1115 and HKIN/ KINS 1117.

Course Attributes:
2nd Year ArtsNo
2nd Year ScienceNo
Lab ScienceNo
Social ScienceNo
Other Attributes:
Offered online:Unknown
Preparatory course:Unknown
Repeat limit
Additional fees:$28.65
First offered:Spring 2014
Last offered:Spring 2015
Outline(s):No outline found.
Transfer Agreements
CourseDestinationCreditStart to End
KINS 1117Douglas CollegeLANG KINS 1117 (1.5) & LANG KINS 1118 (1.5) = DOUG SPSC 1316 (3) or DOUG SPSC 1317 (3) or DOUG SPSC 1318 (3) or DOUG SPSC 1319 (3)20130901 to present
KINS 1117Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityNo credit 20130901 to present
KINS 1117Simon Fraser UniversitySFU CA 1XX (1) Dance20130901 to present
KINS 1117Thompson Rivers UniversityNo credit OL20130901 to present
KINS 1117UBCVLANG KINS 1117 (1.5) & LANG KINS 1118 (1.5) = UBCV KIN_V 115 (3) 20130901 to present
KINS 1117University of the Fraser ValleyLANG KINS 1117 (1.5) & LANG KINS 1118 (1.5) = UFV KIN 220E (3) 20130901 to present
KINS 1117University of Northern BCNo credit 20130901 to present
KINS 1117University of VictoriaUVIC EPHE 1XX (0.5) 20240501 to present
KINS 1117Vancouver Island UniversityVIU KIN 152 (2) 20200901 to present
KINS 1117UBCOLANG KINS 1117 (3) & LANG KINS 1118 (3) = UBCO ELEV_O 1st (3) 20170501 to present
Inactive Transfer Agreements (click to open)

Note: If you took courses within the period stated below, you can still transfer those credits.

CourseDestinationCreditStart to End
KINS 1117Capilano UniversityLANG KINS 1117 (1.5) & LANG KINS 1118 (1.5) = CAPU HKIN 116 (3) 20130901 to 20210831
KINS 1117Thompson Rivers UniversityAny 2 of LANG KINS 1117 (1.5) or LANG KINS 1118 (1.5) or LANG KINS 1123 (1.5) or LANG KINS 1124 (1.5) = TRU PHED 1XXX (3) 20130901 to 20230831
KINS 1117Trinity Western UniversityTWU HKIN 148 (1) 20130901 to 20240430
KINS 1117UBCOLANG KINS 1117 (1.5) & LANG KINS 1118 (1.5) = UBCO HMKN_O 1st (3) 20130901 to 20170430
KINS 1117University of VictoriaUVIC EPHE 107 (0.5) 20130901 to 20240430
KINS 1117Vancouver Island UniversityVIU PHED 152 (2) 20130901 to 20200831
KINS 1117Okanagan CollegeOC HKIN 291 (3) 20130901 to 20170831

Offerings of this course:

Spring 201510021A0122-T-R---0830-1020GYMLectureJennifer Dober
Spring 201410466B0157-T-R---0830-1020GYMLectureJennifer Dober
--W----1100-1255B014ExamJennifer Dober