All Courses > MATH > MATH 1275

MATH 1275: Calculus II with Applications to Life Sciences

This course deals primarily with integrations. Topics include integrals and techniques of integrations; applications to areas, volumes and probability; differential equations; mathematical models of biological processes; infinite series; Taylor series; and partial derivatives.

Students will receive credit for only one of the following: MATH 1271, 1273, 1274, or 1275.

Prerequisite(s): A minimum "C-" grade in one of the following: MATH 1171, 1173, 1174, 1175, or 1253.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):


False False True False True False True


Course Destination Credit Start/End
MATH 1275 CAMO CAMO MATH 101 (3) 20220901 to Present
MATH 1275 CNC LANG MATH 1175 (3) & LANG MATH 1275 (3) = CNC MATH 165 (3) & CNC MATH 1XX (3) 20210101 to Present
MATH 1275 COLU COLU MATH 116 (3) 20210101 to Present
MATH 1275 COQU COQU MATH 112 (3) 20210101 to Present
MATH 1275 COTR COTR MATH 104 (3) 20210101 to Present
MATH 1275 DOUG DOUG MATH 1223 (3) 20210101 to Present
MATH 1275 KPU KPU MATH 1230 (3) 20230101 to Present
MATH 1275 NIC NIC MAT 182 (3) 20210101 to Present
MATH 1275 NLC NLC MATH 102 (3) 20210101 to Present
MATH 1275 OC OC MATH 122 (3) 20210101 to Present
MATH 1275 SFU SFU MATH 155 (3) Q 20210101 to Present
MATH 1275 TWU TWU MATH 124 (3) 20210901 to Present
MATH 1275 UBCO UBCO MATH_O 101 (3) 20210101 to Present
MATH 1275 UBCV UBCV MATH_V 101 (3) 20210101 to Present
MATH 1275 UFV UFV MATH 1XX (3) 20230901 to Present
MATH 1275 UFV LANG MATH 1175 (3) & LANG MATH 1275 (3) = UFV MATH 111 (3) & UFV MATH 112 (3) 20230901 to Present
MATH 1275 UNBC UNBC MATH 101 (3) 20210101 to Present
MATH 1275 UVIC UVIC MATH 101 (1.5) 20210101 to Present
MATH 1275 VCC VCC MATH 1200 (3) 20200901 to Present
MATH 1275 VIU VIU MATH 122 (3) 20210101 to Present
MATH 1275 ALEX ALEX MATH 152 (3) 20250101 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
MATH 1275 CAMO CAMO MATH 101 (4) 20210101 to 20220831
MATH 1275 UFV UFV MATH 1XX (4) 20210101 to 20230831
MATH 1275 UFV LANG MATH 1175 (3) & LANG MATH 1275 (3) = UFV MATH 111 (4) & UFV MATH 112 (4) 20200901 to 20230831

Current Offerings:

Semester CRN Section Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 20 20462 001 38 N/A -T-R--- 1630-1820 Lecture Pichmony Anhaouy

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 10 20 MTWR--- 1330-1420 B032 Lecture Sonoko Nakano
---R--- 0830-1025 Exam Sonoko Nakano
2024 30 25 -T-R--- 1430-1620 B023 Lecture Navid Alaei
----F-- 0830-1025 B023 Exam Navid Alaei
2024 20 2 -T-R--- 1630-1820 B032 Lecture Pichmony Anhaouy
-T----- 1330-1525 B032 Exam Pichmony Anhaouy
2024 10 15 MTWR--- 1330-1420 B032 Lecture Sonoko Nakano
-----S- 1300-1455 B155 Exam Sonoko Nakano
2023 30 19 -T-R--- 1430-1620 A374 Lecture Navid Alaei
-T----- 0830-1025 B155 Exam Navid Alaei
2023 20 0 3 M------ 0830-1020 B031 Lecture Pichmony Anhaouy
--W---- 0830-1020 WWW Lecture Pichmony Anhaouy
-----S- 0900-1055 B031 Exam Pichmony Anhaouy
2023 10 11 MTWR--- 1330-1420 B031 Lecture Sonoko Nakano
----F-- 0830-1025 B031 Exam Sonoko Nakano
2022 30 18 -T-R--- 1430-1620 B155 Lecture Jeremy Chiu
----F-- 0830-1025 B155 Exam Jeremy Chiu
2022 10 21 -T-R--- 0830-1020 B032 Lecture Pichmony Anhaouy
-----S- 0900-1055 B155 Exam Pichmony Anhaouy
2021 30 16 -T-R--- 1430-1620 WWW WWW Jeremy Chiu
--W---- 0830-1025 WWW Exam Jeremy Chiu
2021 10 9 -T-R--- 0830-1020 WWW WWW Pichmony Anhaouy
M------ 0830-1025 WWW Exam Pichmony Anhaouy