All Courses > PHYS > PHYS 1219

PHYS 1219: Engineering Mechanics

This course is designed for (although not restricted to) students in the university transfer engineering program. Topics include statics of particles, equilibrium of rigid bodies, rigid body statics and internal forces; kinematics: rectilinear motion; dynamics: Newton's 2nd law, friction, impulse, momentum, work, and energy. Emphasis is placed throughout on the analysis of practical mechanics problems using freebody diagram techniques. Students are encouraged to complete MATH 1271 or 1273 before, or concurrently, with PHYS 1219.

Prerequisite(s): A minimum "C+" grade in PHYS 1115; a minimum "C" grade in PHYS 1125; and a minimum "C-" grade in one of the following: MATH 1153, 1171, 1173, or 1253. MATH 1153, 1171, or 1253 may be taken concurrently with PHYS 1219.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):

PHYS 1219 - Summer 2019 (v. 2)

False False False False True False True


Course Destination Credit Start/End
PHYS 1219 DOUG DOUG PHYS 1170 (3) 20040901 to Present
PHYS 1219 BCIT BCIT MECH 1141 (4) 20180901 to Present
PHYS 1219 CAPU CAPU PHYS 116 (3) 20030501 to Present
PHYS 1219 KPU KPU PHYS 1170 (3) 20030901 to Present
PHYS 1219 SFU SFU PHYS 1XX (4) 20030901 to Present
PHYS 1219 TRU TRU EPHY 1700 (3) 20110101 to Present
PHYS 1219 TWU TWU PHYS 1XX (3) with lab 20030901 to Present
PHYS 1219 UBCO UBCO PHYS_O 1st (3) 20120901 to Present
PHYS 1219 UBCV UBCV PHYS_V 170 (3) 20030901 to Present
PHYS 1219 UNBC UNBC ENGR 1XX (3) 20190101 to Present
PHYS 1219 UVIC UVIC ENGR 141 (1.5) 20100901 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
PHYS 1219 KPU KPU PHYS 1170 (3) 19980501 to 20030831
PHYS 1219 SFU SFU PHYS 1XX (3) 20020101 to 20030831
PHYS 1219 TRU TRU PHYS 1XXX (3) 19990501 to 20030831
PHYS 1219 TWU TWU PHYS 1XX (3) with lab 19950901 to 20030831
PHYS 1219 UBCV UBCV PHYS_V 170 (3) 19990501 to 20030831
PHYS 1219 UNBC UNBC PHYS 1XX (3) 19990501 to 20030831
PHYS 1219 UVIC UVIC PHYS 1XX (1.5) 19980501 to 20030831
PHYS 1219 BCIT BCIT PHYS 1140 (4) or BCIT PHYS 1143 (5) or BCIT PHYS 1147 (5) or BCIT PHYS 1151 (5) or BCIT PHYS 1164 (5) or BCIT PHYS 1181 (5) or BCIT PHYS 1288 (5) 20180101 to 20180831
PHYS 1219 OC OC PHYS 226 (1) 20050901 to 20100430
PHYS 1219 TRU TRU PHYS 1XX (3) 20030901 to 20101231
PHYS 1219 UNBC UNBC PHYS 1XX (3) 20030901 to 20181231
PHYS 1219 UVIC UVIC MECH 141 (1.5) or UVIC PHYS 1XX (1.5) 20070901 to 20100831
PHYS 1219 UVIC UVIC PHYS 1XX (1.5) 20030901 to 20070831

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 10 9 -T----- 0830-1020 T313 Lecture Terrence Coates
---R--- 0830-1020 T313 Lecture Terrence Coates
----F-- 0830-1020 T313 Tutorial Terrence Coates
---R--- 0830-1025 Exam Terrence Coates
2025 10 10 -T----- 1430-1620 T313 Lecture Terrence Coates
--W---- 1430-1620 T342 Lecture Terrence Coates
----F-- 1430-1620 T342 Tutorial Terrence Coates
---R--- 0830-1025 Exam Terrence Coates
2025 10 0 -T----- 1030-1220 T342 Lecture Terrence Coates
--W---- 1030-1220 T342 Lecture Terrence Coates
----F-- 1030-1220 T342 Tutorial Terrence Coates
---R--- 0830-1025 Exam Terrence Coates
2024 10 0 2 -T----- 1430-1620 T313 Lecture Terrence Coates
--W---- 1430-1620 T342 Lecture Terrence Coates
----F-- 1430-1620 T342 Tutorial Terrence Coates
--W---- 1600-1755 T350 Exam Erfan Rezaie, Terrence Coates
2024 10 0 3 -T----- 1030-1220 T342 Lecture Terrence Coates
--W---- 1030-1220 T342 Lecture Terrence Coates
----F-- 1030-1220 T342 Tutorial Terrence Coates
--W---- 1600-1755 T342 Exam Terrence Coates
2023 10 7 -T----- 1430-1620 T313 Lecture Terrence Coates
--W---- 1430-1620 T342 Lecture Terrence Coates
----F-- 1430-1620 T342 Tutorial Terrence Coates
----F-- 1330-1525 T346 Exam Terrence Coates, Tyron Tsui
2023 10 0 -T----- 1030-1220 T342 Lecture Terrence Coates
--W---- 1030-1220 T342 Lecture Terrence Coates
----F-- 1030-1220 T342 Tutorial Terrence Coates
----F-- 1330-1525 T342 Exam Terrence Coates
2022 10 5 -T----- 1430-1620 T313 Lecture Terrence Coates
--W---- 1430-1620 T342 Lecture Terrence Coates
----F-- 1430-1620 T342 Tutorial Terrence Coates
M------ 0830-1025 T346 Exam Benoite Pfeiffer, Terrence Coates
2022 10 4 -T----- 1030-1220 T342 Lecture Terrence Coates
--W---- 1030-1220 T342 Lecture Terrence Coates
----F-- 1030-1220 T313 Tutorial Terrence Coates
----F-- 1030-1220 T346 Tutorial Terrence Coates
M------ 0830-1025 T342 Exam Terrence Coates
2021 10 1 -T----- 1430-1620 WWW WWW Terrence Coates
---R--- 1430-1620 WWW WWW Terrence Coates
----F-- 1430-1620 WWW WWW Terrence Coates
----F-- 1100-1255 WWW Exam Terrence Coates
2021 10 2 -T----- 1030-1220 WWW WWW Terrence Coates
---R--- 1030-1220 WWW WWW Terrence Coates
----F-- 1030-1220 WWW WWW Terrence Coates
----F-- 1100-1255 WWW Exam Terrence Coates
2020 10 2 -T----- 1430-1620 T513 Lecture Terrence Coates
--W---- 1430-1620 T313 Lecture Terrence Coates
----F-- 1430-1620 T342 Tutorial Terrence Coates
--W---- 0830-1025 T350 Exam Benoite Pfeiffer, Terrence Coates
2020 10 0 -T----- 1030-1220 T342 Lecture Terrence Coates
--W---- 1030-1220 T350 Lecture Terrence Coates
----F-- 1030-1220 T342 Tutorial Terrence Coates
--W---- 0830-1025 T346 Exam Terrence Coates
2019 10 4 -T----- 1430-1620 T346 Lecture Terrence Coates
---R--- 1430-1620 T313 Lecture Terrence Coates
----F-- 1430-1620 T342 Tutorial Terrence Coates
---R--- 1330-1525 L305 Exam Terrence Coates
2019 10 2 -T----- 1030-1220 L342 Lecture Robin Macqueen
---R--- 1030-1220 T350 Lecture Robin Macqueen
----F-- 1030-1220 T342 Tutorial Robin Macqueen
---R--- 1330-1525 L208 Exam Robin Macqueen
2018 10 0 1 -T----- 1330-1520 T346 Lecture Terrence Coates
---R--- 1330-1520 T313 Lecture Terrence Coates
----F-- 1330-1520 T342 Tutorial Terrence Coates
--W---- 0830-1025 T342 Exam Terrence Coates
2018 10 0 2 -T----- 1030-1220 T346 Lecture Erfan Rezaie
---R--- 1030-1220 T350 Lecture Erfan Rezaie
----F-- 1030-1220 T313 Tutorial Erfan Rezaie
--W---- 0830-1025 T346 Exam Erfan Rezaie
2017 10 8 -T----- 1330-1520 T313 Lecture Erfan Rezaie
---R--- 1330-1520 T313 Lecture Erfan Rezaie
----F-- 1330-1520 T315 Tutorial Erfan Rezaie
---R--- 1330-1525 T350 Exam Benoite Pfeiffer, Erfan Rezaie
2017 10 2 -T----- 1030-1220 T313 Lecture Erfan Rezaie
---R--- 1030-1220 T313 Lecture Erfan Rezaie
----F-- 1030-1220 T313 Tutorial Erfan Rezaie
---R--- 1330-1525 T346 Exam Erfan Rezaie
2016 30 13 -T----- 1430-1620 T342 Lecture Bradley Hughes
---R--- 1430-1620 T342 Lecture Bradley Hughes
M------ 1430-1620 T315 Tutorial Bradley Hughes
---R--- 0830-1025 T346 Exam Bradley Hughes
2016 10 0 7 -T----- 1330-1520 A348 Lecture Terrence Coates
---R--- 1330-1520 A346 Lecture Terrence Coates
----F-- 1330-1520 A346 Lecture Terrence Coates
----F-- 1330-1520 A348 Lecture Terrence Coates
-T----- 0830-1025 A347 Exam Terrence Coates
2015 30 11 -T----- 1430-1620 A352 Lecture Bradley Hughes
---R--- 1430-1620 A350 Lecture Bradley Hughes
M------ 1430-1620 A346 Tutorial Bradley Hughes
M------ 0830-1025 A350 Exam Bradley Hughes
2015 20 18 --WR--- 1230-1320 A347 Lecture Pari Ranjbary
----F-- 1330-1520 A347 Lecture Pari Ranjbary
-T----- 1330-1520 A347 Tutorial Pari Ranjbary
-T----- 0830-1025 A350 Exam Pari Ranjbary
2015 10 2 -T----- 1330-1520 A347 Lecture Terrence Coates
----F-- 1330-1520 A346 Lecture Terrence Coates
---R--- 1330-1520 A346 Tutorial Terrence Coates
M------ 1100-1255 A350 Exam Terrence Coates
2014 30 1 3 -T----- 1030-1220 A352 Lecture Bradley Hughes
---R--- 1030-1220 A346 Lecture Bradley Hughes
M------ 1030-1220 A347 Tutorial Bradley Hughes
----F-- 0830-1025 A350 Exam Bradley Hughes
2014 20 19 --WR--- 1230-1320 A347 Lecture Pari Ranjbary
----F-- 1330-1520 A347 Lecture Pari Ranjbary
-T----- 1330-1520 A352 Tutorial Pari Ranjbary
--W---- 1100-1255 A350 Exam Pari Ranjbary
2014 10 0 5 M------ 1330-1420 A346 Lecture Robin Macqueen
----F-- 1330-1520 A347 Lecture Robin Macqueen
--W---- 1430-1520 A346 Lecture Robin Macqueen
-T----- 1330-1520 A352 Tutorial Robin Macqueen
-T----- 0830-1025 A347 Exam Robin Macqueen
2013 30 8 -T-R--- 1030-1220 A346 Lecture Robin Macqueen
M------ 1030-1220 A347 Tutorial Robin Macqueen
--W---- 0830-1025 A350 Exam Robin Macqueen
2013 20 14 N/A --WR--- 1230-1420 A347 Lecture Pari Ranjbary
-T----- 1230-1420 A352 Tutorial Pari Ranjbary
----F-- 1330-1525 A350 Exam Pari Ranjbary
2013 10 0 N/A M------ 1330-1420 A346 Lecture Robin Macqueen
---R--- 1330-1520 A350 Lecture Robin Macqueen
--W---- 1430-1520 A352 Lecture Robin Macqueen
-T----- 1330-1520 A350 Tutorial Robin Macqueen
---R--- 0830-1025 A351 Exam Robin Macqueen
2012 30 1 N/A -T-R--- 1030-1220 A346 Lecture Robin Macqueen
M------ 1030-1220 A350 Tutorial Robin Macqueen
---R--- 0830-1025 A350 Exam Robin Macqueen
2012 20 Cancel N/A -TW---- 1330-1520 Lecture
---R--- 1330-1520 Tutorial
2012 10 0 -T----- 1030-1120 A352 Lecture Bradley Hughes
M------ 1230-1320 A347 Lecture Bradley Hughes
---RF-- 1230-1320 A346 Lecture Bradley Hughes
-T----- 1230-1420 A350 Tutorial Bradley Hughes
-T----- 0830-1025 A350 Exam Bradley Hughes
2011 30 6 N/A -T-R--- 1030-1220 A347 Lecture Bradley Hughes
M------ 1030-1220 A350 Tutorial Bradley Hughes
----F-- 0830-1025 A350 Exam Bradley Hughes
2011 20 11 N/A -TW---- 1330-1520 A347 Lecture Pari Ranjbary
M------ 1330-1520 A352 Tutorial Pari Ranjbary
-T----- 1330-1525 A350 Exam Pari Ranjbary
2011 10 0 N/A -T----- 1230-1420 A347 Lecture Bradley Hughes
---R--- 1230-1420 A352 Lecture Bradley Hughes
M------ 1230-1420 A352 Tutorial Bradley Hughes
---R--- 1330-1525 A351 Exam Bradley Hughes
2010 30 4 N/A -T-R--- 1030-1220 A347 Lecture Bradley Hughes
M------ 1030-1220 A350 Tutorial Bradley Hughes
M------ 1100-1255 A352 Exam Bradley Hughes
2010 20 12 N/A M--R--- 1330-1520 A347 Lecture Pari Ranjbary
--W---- 1330-1520 A352 Tutorial Pari Ranjbary
----F-- 0830-1025 A347 Exam Pari Ranjbary
2010 10 1 N/A M------ 1230-1420 A347 Lecture Bradley Hughes
---RF-- 1330-1420 A347 Lecture Bradley Hughes
-T----- 1230-1420 A352 Tutorial Bradley Hughes
2009 30 8 N/A -T----- 0830-1020 A350 Lecture Bradley Hughes
---R--- 0830-1020 A352 Lecture Bradley Hughes
M------ 0830-1020 A352 Tutorial Bradley Hughes
2009 20 14 N/A --WR--- 1330-1525 A347 Lecture Pari Ranjbary
-T----- 1330-1525 A352 Tutorial Pari Ranjbary
2009 10 2 N/A -T----- 1230-1425 A347 Lecture Bradley Hughes
---RF-- 1330-1425 A347 Lecture Bradley Hughes
M------ 1230-1425 A352 Tutorial Bradley Hughes
2008 30 6 N/A -T-R--- 0830-1025 A346 Lecture Bradley Hughes
M------ 0830-1025 A352 Tutorial Bradley Hughes
2008 20 7 N/A --WR--- 1330-1525 A347 Lecture Pari Ranjbary
-T----- 1330-1525 A352 Tutorial Pari Ranjbary
2008 10 0 N/A -T----- 1230-1425 A350 Lecture Bradley Hughes
---R--- 1330-1425 A350 Lecture Bradley Hughes
----F-- 1330-1425 A347 Lecture Bradley Hughes
M------ 1230-1425 A352 Tutorial Bradley Hughes
2007 20 7 N/A --WR--- 1330-1525 A347 Lecture Pari Ranjbary
-T----- 1330-1525 A352 Tutorial Pari Ranjbary
2007 10 1 N/A -T-R--- 1330-1425 A346 Lecture Bradley Hughes
--W-F-- 1330-1425 A347 Lecture Bradley Hughes
M------ 1230-1425 A352 Tutorial Bradley Hughes
2006 20 15 N/A --WR--- 1330-1525 A347 Lecture Pari Ranjbary
-T----- 1330-1525 A350 Tutorial Pari Ranjbary
2006 10 0 N/A -TWRF-- 1330-1425 A347 Lecture Robin Macqueen
M------ 1230-1425 A352 Tutorial Robin Macqueen
2005 20 10 N/A --W-F-- 0830-1025 A347 Lecture Bradley Hughes
M------ 0830-1025 A352 Tutorial Bradley Hughes
2005 10 0 N/A -TW-F-- 1330-1425 A347 Lecture Robin Macqueen
---R--- 1330-1425 A347 Lecture Robin Macqueen
M------ 1230-1425 A352 Tutorial Robin Macqueen
2004 20 4 --W-F-- 0830-1025 A347 Lecture Alfred Wilson
M------ 0830-1025 A352 Tutorial Alfred Wilson
2004 10 5 -T----- 1330-1525 A347 Lecture Robin Macqueen
----F-- 1330-1425 A347 Lecture Robin Macqueen
--W---- 1430-1525 A347 Lecture Robin Macqueen
M------ 1330-1525 A352 Tutorial Robin Macqueen
2003 20 11 MT----- 1330-1425 A346 Lecture Donald Gallaher
---R--- 1330-1525 A347 Lecture Donald Gallaher
--W---- 1330-1525 A352 Tutorial Donald Gallaher
2003 10 7 -T--F-- 1430-1625 A347 Lecture Andrew DeBenedictis
M------ 1430-1625 A352 Tutorial Andrew DeBenedictis
2002 20 24 N/A M---F-- 1330-1425 A378 Lecture Pari Ranjbary
-T----- 1330-1525 A378 Lecture Pari Ranjbary
---R--- 1330-1525 A352 Tutorial Pari Ranjbary
2002 10 5 N/A MT----- 1130-1325 A347 Lecture Robin Macqueen
----F-- 1130-1325 A352 Tutorial Robin Macqueen
2001 20 20 N/A --WR--- 1430-1625 A348 Lecture Pari Ranjbary
-T----- 1430-1625 A352 Tutorial Pari Ranjbary
2001 10 6 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1225 A351 Lecture Donald Gallaher
----F-- 1130-1325 A352 Tutorial Donald Gallaher
2000 20 13 N/A --WR--- 1430-1625 A351 Lecture Robin Macqueen
-T----- 1430-1625 A352 Tutorial Robin Macqueen
2000 10 7 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1225 A351 Lecture Donald Gallaher
----F-- 1130-1325 A352 Tutorial Donald Gallaher