All Courses > PSYC > PSYC 2332
WARNING: This course is no longer offered by Langara. Information provided here is solely for historical purposes.
Discontinued Summer Semester 2014, replaced by PSYC 3230. This course is an examination of the cultural forces involved in the development of a sense of self and the factors that can pose a challenge to this process. Included for consideration are topics relevant to the history of the study of culture and psychology; definitions/typologies of culture; the impact of culture on individual thought, emotion and behaviour; the identification and application of appropriate methodologies in research on cross-cultural comparisons of individual and group differences; the role of culture in the diagnosis and treatment of behavioural disorders; and strategies for facilitating constructive cross-cultural interaction. Students will receive credit for only one of PSYC 2332 and 3230. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1115 and 1215; or BUSM 2200. Renumbered to PSYC 3230 This course is an examination of the cultural forces involved in the development of a sense of self and the factors that can pose a challenge to this process. Included for consideration are topics relevant to the history of the study of culture and psychology; definitions/typologies of culture; the impact of culture on individual thought, emotion and behaviour; the identification and application of appropriate methodologies in research on cross-cultural comparisons of individual and group differences; the role of culture in the diagnosis and treatment of behavioural disorders; and strategies for facilitating constructive cross-cultural interaction. Students will receive credit for only one of PSYC 2332 and 3230. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1115 and 1215; or BUSM 2200.
Additional Fees:
Repeat Limit:
Lecture Hours:
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Offered online:
Course outline(s):
2AR | 2SC | HUM | LSC | SCI | SOC | UT |
True | False | False | False | False | True | True |
Course | Destination | Credit | Start/End |
PSYC 2332 | CAPU | CAPU PSYC 2XX (3) | 20100901 to Present |
Course | Destination | Credit | Start/End |
PSYC 2332 | CMTN | LANG PSYC 2319 (3) & LANG PSYC 2332 (3) & LANG PSYC 2341 (3) = CMTN UNAS 232 (9) | 20080901 to 20111231 |
PSYC 2332 | DOUG | DOUG PSYC 2XXX (3) | 20070901 to 20101231 |
PSYC 2332 | SFU | SFU PSYC 2XX (3) B-Soc | 20070901 to 20101231 |
PSYC 2332 | TRU | TRU PSYC 2XX (3) | 20070901 to 20101231 |
PSYC 2332 | TWU | TWU PSYC 2XX (3) | 20070101 to 20101231 |
PSYC 2332 | UBCO | UBCO PSYO_O 2nd (3) | 20070901 to 20101231 |
PSYC 2332 | UBCV | UBCV PSYC_V 2nd (3) | 20070901 to 20101231 |
PSYC 2332 | UNBC | UNBC PSYC 2XX (3) | 20070901 to 20101231 |
PSYC 2332 | UVIC | UVIC PSYC 2XX (1.5) | 20070901 to 20101231 |
PSYC 2332 | VIU | VIU PSYC 2nd (3) | 20070901 to 20101231 |
No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).
Semester | Seats | Waitlist | Days | Time | Room | Type | Instructor |
2010 30 | 1 | N/A | -T-R--- | 1030-1220 | B148 | Lecture | Daniel Nykon |
-T----- | 0830-0955 | B026 | Exam | Daniel Nykon | |||
2009 30 | 4 | N/A | -T-R--- | 1030-1220 | B030 | Lecture | Daniel Nykon |
2009 10 | 7 | N/A | -T-R--- | 1030-1225 | A348 | Lecture | Daniel Nykon |
2007 30 | 10 | N/A | -T-R--- | 1330-1525 | B027 | Lecture | Daniel Nykon |