All Courses > PSYC > PSYC 3200

PSYC 3200: Industrial Psychology: Personnel Selection

This course examines the science and practice of a specialized field of Industrial/Organizational Psychology called Personnel Selection. Students will learn about how Industrial Psychologists assess jobs and assess people in order to make personnel selection decisions. Lectures, small group experiential learning exercises, and participation in a major group project are used to develop an understanding of the field of Personnel Selection as well as to provide opportunities to apply the knowledge thus gained. Topics include job analysis, test validation, utility analysis, assessment of intellect and personality, and job simulations.

Prerequisite(s): A minimum "C-" grade in BUSM 2200; or PSYC 1115 and 1215.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):

PSYC 3200 - Summer 2021 (v. 1)

True False False False False True True


Course Destination Credit Start/End
PSYC 3200 KPU KPU PSYC 3XXX (3) 20100901 to Present
PSYC 3200 SFU SFU BUS 2XX (3) 20100901 to Present
PSYC 3200 TRU TRU PSYC 3XXX (3) 20100901 to Present
PSYC 3200 UBCV UBCV COMM_V 2nd (3) 20100901 to Present
PSYC 3200 UFV UFV BUS 3XX (3) 20100901 to Present
PSYC 3200 UNBC UNBC PSYC 3XX (3) 20100901 to Present
PSYC 3200 UVIC UVIC PSYC 3XX (1.5) 20100901 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
PSYC 3200 UBCO UBCO PSYO_O 3rd (3) 20100901 to 20210430

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2013 10 10 N/A M-W---- 1630-1750 B030 Lecture Ross Woolley
------- - WWW Lecture Ross Woolley
----F-- 0830-1125 B030 Exam Ross Woolley
2011 30 17 N/A M------ 1430-1620 A320 Lecture Ross Woolley
------- - WWW Lecture Ross Woolley
M------ 0830-1025 B026 Exam Ross Woolley
2010 30 Cancel N/A M------ 1630-1820 Lecture
--W---- 1630-1720 Lecture
------- - Lecture