All Courses > CHEM > CHEM 2208

CHEM 2208 : Coordination Chemistry

WARNING: This course is no longer offered by Langara. Information provided here is solely for historical purposes.

Fundamental concepts and principles governing bonding and reactivity of coordination complexes: ligand field theory, symmetry, and point groups; frontier molecular orbital theory.

Students will receive credit for only one of CHEM 2208 or 2224.

Prerequisite(s): A minimum "C-" grade in CHEM 1120 and 1220. Prerequisites are only valid for three years.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):


False True False True True False True


Course Destination Credit Start/End
CHEM 2208 ALEX ALEX CHEM 2XX (4) 20160101 to Present
CHEM 2208 CAPU CAPU CHEM 205 (4) 20160101 to Present
CHEM 2208 CMTN No credit 20160101 to Present
CHEM 2208 CNC CNC CHEM 2XX (3) Lab Science 20160101 to Present
CHEM 2208 COLU COLU CHEM 2nd (4) 20160101 to Present
CHEM 2208 COTR COTR CHEM 2XX (3) 20160501 to Present
CHEM 2208 DOUG DOUG CHEM 2330 (5) 20160101 to Present
CHEM 2208 KPU KPU CHEM 2XXX (4) 20160101 to Present
CHEM 2208 OC OC CHEM 221 (3) 20160101 to Present
CHEM 2208 SFU SFU CHEM 230 (3) Q & SFU CHEM 236 (1) - Q 20160101 to Present
CHEM 2208 TRU TRU CHEM 2XXX (3) 20160101 to Present
CHEM 2208 TWU TWU CHEM 2XX (3) Lab 20160101 to Present
CHEM 2208 UBCO UBCO CHEM_O 220 (3) 20160101 to Present
CHEM 2208 UBCV UBCV CHEM_V 208 (3) 20160101 to Present
CHEM 2208 UFV UFV CHEM 221 (4) 20160101 to Present
CHEM 2208 UNBC UNBC CHEM 202 (3) 20160101 to Present
CHEM 2208 UVIC UVIC CHEM 225 (1.5) 20230501 to Present
CHEM 2208 VIU VIU CHEM 222 (3) 20160101 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
CHEM 2208 UVIC UVIC CHEM 222 (1.5) 20160101 to 20230430

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 10 12 --W-F-- 1230-1420 T537 Lecture Johanne Penafiel
----F-- 1430-1720 T550 Lab Johanne Penafiel
2024 10 6 M------ 1330-1420 T533 Lecture Johanne Penafiel
--W---- 1330-1520 T533 Lecture Johanne Penafiel
----F-- 1330-1420 B032 Lecture Johanne Penafiel
----F-- 1430-1720 T550 Lab Johanne Penafiel
---R--- 0830-1025 L208 Exam Johanne Penafiel
2023 10 14 -TWRF-- 1330-1420 L207 Lecture Jenny Wong
----F-- 1430-1720 T532 Lab Jenny Wong
-----S- 0900-1055 T533 Exam Jenny Wong
2021 30 13 -T----- 1030-1220 T513 Lecture Johanne Penafiel
---R--- 1030-1220 A319 Lecture Johanne Penafiel
----F-- 0930-1220 T532 Lab Johanne Penafiel
M------ 0830-1025 T537 Exam Johanne Penafiel
2020 30 11 -T-R--- 1330-1420 WWW Lecture Johanne Penafiel
--W---- 1330-1520 WWW Lecture Johanne Penafiel
----F-- 1430-1720 T530 Lab Johanne Penafiel
--W---- 1100-1255 WWW Exam Johanne Penafiel
2020 10 4 MTW---- 1030-1120 A272 Lecture Nathan Jones
----F-- 1030-1120 T537 Lecture Nathan Jones
-T----- 1430-1720 T532 Lab Nathan Jones
----F-- 1100-1255 T537 Exam Nathan Jones
2019 10 3 M------ 1030-1120 T513 Lecture Nathan Jones
-T----- 1030-1120 T537 Lecture Nathan Jones
--W-F-- 1030-1120 T513 Lecture Nathan Jones
-T----- 1430-1720 T532 Lab Nathan Jones
M------ 0830-1025 L208 Exam Nathan Jones
2018 10 8 -T-R--- 1230-1320 T513 Lecture Nathan Jones
--W---- 1230-1420 T537 Lecture Nathan Jones
-T----- 1430-1720 T532 Lab Nathan Jones
--W---- 0830-1025 T513 Exam Nathan Jones
2017 10 14 MTW-F-- 0930-1020 T513 Lecture Nathan Jones
---R--- 0930-1220 T532 Lab Nathan Jones
--W---- 1100-1255 T513 Exam Nathan Jones
2016 10 13 MT-RF-- 0830-0920 A267 Lecture Nathan Jones
M------ 1430-1720 A269 Lab Nathan Jones
M------ 0830-1025 A267 Exam Nathan Jones