All Courses > FMGT > FMGT 4225

FMGT 4225: Advanced Taxation

This course builds on the basic framework taught in FMGT 2325 focusing on net income, taxable income and tax liability for individuals, corporations, trusts, and partnerships. It also focuses on tax planning techniques for both individuals and corporations. Students will review selected specialized topics in taxation such as rollovers and corporate reorganizations to identify situations that could result in tax savings.

Registration in this course is restricted to students admitted to the BBA and Certificate in Advanced Accounting.

Students will receive credit for only one of FMGT 4225 or 4875. FMGT 4225 may not be used to satisfy the FMGT 4875 requirement.

Prerequisite(s): A minimum of 54 credits including a minimum "C" grade in FMGT 1321 and 2421, and a minimum "C" grade in six credits of university-transferable English or communications; or a minimum "C" grade in all of the following: BCAP 1200, BUSM 1285, CMNS 1118, FMGT 1321, 2293 (or 1115 and 1215), 2294, 2325, 2371, 2421, and 2474.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):

FMGT 4225 - Summer 2022 (v. 1)

False False False False False False True


Course Destination Credit Start/End
FMGT 4225 BCIT BCIT FMGT 4410 (5.5) 20180101 to Present
FMGT 4225 DOUG DOUG ACCT 3470 (3) 20120901 to Present
FMGT 4225 KPU KPU ACCT 4335 (3) 20060901 to Present
FMGT 4225 SFU SFU BUS 2XX (3) 20060901 to Present
FMGT 4225 TRU TRU ACCT 3230 (3) 20220501 to Present
FMGT 4225 TWU TWU BUSI 428 (3) 20060901 to Present
FMGT 4225 UBCO UBCO MGMT_O 2nd (3) 20090101 to Present
FMGT 4225 UBCV UBCV COMM_V 2nd (3) Not for credit in Commerce. 20090101 to Present
FMGT 4225 UFV UFV BUS 346 (3) 20060901 to Present
FMGT 4225 UNBC UNBC COMM 2XX (3) 20060901 to Present
FMGT 4225 UVIC UVIC COM 425 (1.5) 20060901 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
FMGT 4225 TRU TRU BBUS 3220 (3) 20090101 to 20220430
FMGT 4225 TRU LANG FMGT 2325 (3) & LANG FMGT 4225 (3) = TRU ADMN 351 (3) 20080901 to 20101231

Current Offerings:

Semester CRN Section Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 20 20434 001 40 N/A M------ 1430-1720 Lecture . TBA

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 10 18 M------ 1830-2120 B253 Lecture Shiraz Charania
-----S- 0900-1155 Exam Shiraz Charania
2024 10 11 M------ 1830-2120 B253 Lecture Shiraz Charania
M------ 1830-2125 B254 Exam Shiraz Charania
2023 10 5 M------ 1830-2120 B246 Lecture Shiraz Charania
-----S- 1300-1555 B251 Exam Shiraz Charania
2022 10 10 M------ 1830-2120 B252 Lecture Shiraz Charania
-T----- 1830-2125 B252 Exam Shiraz Charania
2021 10 17 M------ 1830-2020 WWW WWW Shiraz Charania
------- - WWW WWW Shiraz Charania
-----S- 0900-1155 WWW Exam Shiraz Charania
2020 20 0 N/A M-W---- 1230-1420 WWW WWW Moon Wong
-T----- 1830-2125 WWW Exam Moon Wong
2020 10 17 M------ 1830-2120 B251 Lecture Shiraz Charania
M------ 1830-2125 B251 Exam Shiraz Charania
2019 20 0 N/A M-W---- 1430-1620 B254 Lecture Moon Wong
---R--- 1830-2125 B254 Exam Moon Wong
2019 10 9 M------ 1830-2120 B251 Lecture Shiraz Charania
-T----- 1830-2125 B251 Exam Shiraz Charania
2018 20 6 M-W---- 1230-1420 B254 Lecture Shiraz Charania
M------ 1830-2125 B246 Exam Shiraz Charania
2018 10 5 9 M------ 1830-2120 B155 Lecture Shiraz Charania
M------ 1830-2125 B155 Exam Shiraz Charania
2017 10 0 M------ 1830-2120 B254 Lecture Shiraz Charania
M------ 1830-2125 A310 Exam Shiraz Charania
2016 10 11 M------ 1830-2120 B251 Lecture Shiraz Charania
M------ 1830-2125 B251 Exam Shiraz Charania
2015 10 1 --W---- 1830-2120 B251 Lecture Shiraz Charania
----F-- 1830-2125 B148 Exam Shiraz Charania
2014 10 12 --W---- 1830-2120 B252 Lecture Shiraz Charania
--W---- 1830-2125 B252 Exam Shiraz Charania
2013 10 4 N/A ---R--- 1830-2120 B251 Lecture Darren Taylor
--W---- 1830-2125 B251 Exam Darren Taylor
2012 10 8 ---R--- 1830-2120 B247 Lecture Darren Taylor
----F-- 1830-2125 B246 Exam Darren Taylor
2011 10 15 N/A ---R--- 1830-2120 B252 Lecture Mumsy Ullattikulam
--W---- 1830-2025 B252 Exam Mumsy Ullattikulam
2010 10 19 N/A -T----- 1830-2120 B251 Lecture Mumsy Ullattikulam
2009 10 18 N/A ---R--- 1830-2125 B252 Lecture Mumsy Ullattikulam
2008 20 0 N/A ------- - NIL Flexible Assessment Peter Norwood
2008 10 32 N/A ---R--- 1430-1725 B253 Lecture Mumsy Ullattikulam
2007 30 0 N/A ------- - Flexible Assessment Peter Norwood
2007 10 33 N/A ---R--- 1430-1725 B153 Lecture Mumsy Ullattikulam