All Courses > PACR > PACR 1215
WARNING: This course is no longer offered by Langara. Information provided here is solely for historical purposes.
**Discontinued** was last offered Summer 2007Replaced by ASIA 1215 Last Updated: 19-JUN-2007 A survey of modern Japanese life with special attention given to social organization and cultural patterns and behavior. Topics include family, education, gender and ethnic relations, class and other inequalities, and the influence of globalization.
Additional Fees:
Repeat Limit:
Lecture Hours:
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Offered online:
Course outline(s):
2AR | 2SC | HUM | LSC | SCI | SOC | UT |
True | False | False | False | False | True | True |
No active transfer agreements found.
Course | Destination | Credit | Start/End |
PACR 1215 | SFU | SFU ASC 201 (3) | 20060101 to 20070831 |
PACR 1215 | TRU | TRU HUEL 2XX (3) | 20060101 to 20070831 |
PACR 1215 | TWU | TWU HUMA 1XX (3) | 20060101 to 20070831 |
PACR 1215 | UBCV | UBCV ASIA_V 2nd (3) | 20060101 to 20070831 |
PACR 1215 | UFV | UFV SOC 2XX (3) | 20060101 to 20070831 |
PACR 1215 | UNBC | UNBC INTS 203 (3) | 20060101 to 20070831 |
PACR 1215 | UVIC | UVIC JAPA 2XX (1.5) | 20060101 to 20070831 |
PACR 1215 | VIU | VIU JAPA 2nd (3) | 20060101 to 20070831 |
No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).
Semester | Seats | Waitlist | Days | Time | Room | Type | Instructor |
2007 10 | 11 | N/A | -T-R--- | 1530-1725 | A255 | Lecture | Michael Newton |
2006 30 | 23 | N/A | --W---- | 1830-2125 | B146 | Lecture | Nariko Takayanagi |
2006 10 | 7 | N/A | MTWR--- | 1230-1325 | A256 | Lecture | Nariko Takayanagi |