subjects > ENGL > ENGL 1121

ENGL 1121: Reading and Writing Skills

ENGL 1121 provides instruction and practice in intermediate reading and writing skills. Emphasis is on reading college-level non-fiction texts and writing accurate summaries. Some analysis is expected. Students will also be expected to spend an hour per week in the Writing Centre. ENGL 1121 does not normally carry transfer credit, nor may it be used toward a Langara credential.

Prerequisite(s): One of the following: LET 3; a minimum 70% in English First Peoples 12, English Studies 12, Literary Studies 12, or equivalent; a minimum "C" grade in ENGL 1120; or an "S" grade in ENGL 1107, 1108, or 1110.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):

ENGL 1121 - Summer 2019 (v. 2)

None None None None None None None


Course Destination Credit Start/End
ENGL 1121 CAPU CAPU ENGL 010 (3) 20030501 to Present
ENGL 1121 DOUG DOUG ENGL 1099 (3) 20090101 to Present
ENGL 1121 EC No credit 20130901 to Present
ENGL 1121 OC No credit 20100501 to Present
ENGL 1121 SFU No credit 20080901 to Present
ENGL 1121 TWU TWU ENGL 1XX (3) Comp, waives TWU ENGL 103 (3) or TWU ENGL 104 (3). 20190901 to Present
ENGL 1121 UBCO No credit 19990501 to Present
ENGL 1121 UBCV No credit 19990501 to Present
ENGL 1121 UFV UFV ENGL 099 (3) 19990101 to Present
ENGL 1121 UNBC No credit 19990501 to Present
ENGL 1121 VCC No credit 20150501 to Present
ENGL 1121 VIU No credit 20150901 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
ENGL 1121 DOUG DOUG ENGL 1124 (3) 20040901 to 20081231
ENGL 1121 TWU No credit 20180101 to 20190831
ENGL 1121 TWU TWU ENGL 1XX (3) Comp; waives TWU ENGL 103 or TWU ENGL 104 (3) 20090501 to 20171231

Current Offerings:

Semester CRN Section Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2024 30 31003 001 18 N/A M-W---- 1430-1620 A327 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2024 30 31004 002 18 N/A -T-R--- 1230-1420 A210 Lecture Tanya Lewis

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2024 20 0 7 -T-R--- 1030-1220 A327 Lecture Lauren Vedal
2024 10 6 N/A -T-R--- 1230-1420 A210 Lecture Lauren Vedal
2024 10 5 N/A M-W---- 1230-1420 A237 Lecture Lauren Vedal
2023 30 8 N/A -T-R--- 1230-1420 A319 Lecture Carolye Kuchta
2023 30 9 N/A M-W---- 1230-1420 A319 Lecture Carolye Kuchta
2023 20 5 N/A -T-R--- 1030-1220 A363B Lecture Lauren Vedal
2023 10 10 N/A -T-R--- 1230-1420 A308 Lecture Carolye Kuchta
2023 10 8 N/A M-W---- 1230-1420 A308 Lecture Carolye Kuchta
2022 30 7 N/A -T-R--- 1230-1420 A210 Lecture Carolye Kuchta
2022 30 9 N/A M-W---- 1430-1620 A236 Lecture Carolye Kuchta
2022 20 5 N/A -T-R--- 1030-1220 A237 Lecture Noel Currie
-T-R--- 1030-1220 A314 Lecture Noel Currie
2022 10 Cancel N/A MTWR--- 1130-1220 Lecture
2022 10 7 N/A MTWR--- 1030-1120 A319 Lecture Carolye Kuchta
2021 30 8 N/A ---R--- 1230-1420 A319 Lecture Carolye Kuchta
------- - WWW Lecture Carolye Kuchta
2021 30 2 N/A -T----- 1230-1420 A308 Lecture Carolye Kuchta
------- - WWW Lecture Carolye Kuchta
2021 20 1 8 ------- - WWW WWW Lauren Vedal
2021 10 1 8 ------- - WWW WWW Noel Currie
2021 10 3 8 ------- - WWW WWW Noel Currie
2020 30 5 N/A ------- - WWW WWW Lauren Vedal
2020 30 6 N/A ------- - WWW WWW Lauren Vedal
2020 20 Cancel N/A
2020 20 4 24 ------- - WWW WWW Noel Currie
2020 10 Cancel N/A
2020 10 5 3 -T-R--- 1230-1420 A308 Lecture Sean Gray
2020 10 12 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1220 A255 Lecture Anne Moriarty
2020 10 1 1 MTWR--- 0930-1020 A334 Lecture Sean Gray
2019 30 Cancel N/A
2019 30 3 2 -T-R--- 1230-1420 A339 Lecture Sandra Friesen
2019 30 1 2 MTWR--- 1030-1120 A308 Lecture Heather Jessup
2019 30 11 N/A -T-R--- 0830-1020 A237 Lecture Carolye Kuchta
2019 30 8 N/A M-W---- 0830-1020 A347 Lecture Carolye Kuchta
2019 20 6 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1620 A328 Lecture Anne Moriarty
2019 20 5 N/A M-W---- 1030-1220 A328 Lecture Anne Moriarty
2019 10 4 N/A M-W---- 1430-1620 A210 Lecture Mono Brown
2019 10 Cancel N/A MTWR--- 1330-1420 Lecture
2019 10 10 N/A -T-R--- 1230-1420 A319 Lecture Anne Moriarty
2019 10 Cancel N/A ------- - Lecture
2019 10 5 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1220 A307 Lecture Daniel Poirier
2019 10 7 N/A MTWR--- 1030-1120 A307 Lecture Noel Currie
2018 30 Cancel N/A
2018 30 1 N/A M-W---- 1430-1620 T513 Lecture Alexander Grammatikos
2018 30 7 1 -T-R--- 1230-1420 B254 Lecture Sean Gray
2018 30 Cancel N/A
2018 30 4 1 M-W---- 0830-1020 A215 Lecture Tiffany Johnstone
2018 30 9 N/A M-W---- 1130-1220 B009 Lecture Marc Acherman
-T-R--- 1130-1220 C209 Lecture Marc Acherman
2018 20 4 5 -T-R--- 1430-1620 A306 Lecture Simon Rolston
2018 20 1 4 M-W---- 1030-1220 A322 Lecture Simon Rolston
2018 10 7 N/A M-W---- 1430-1620 A320 Lecture Noel Currie
2018 10 Cancel N/A
2018 10 1 1 -T-R--- 1230-1420 A306 Lecture Noel Currie
2018 10 6 N/A M-W---- 1230-1420 A321 Lecture Tiffany Johnstone
2018 10 12 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1220 A308 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2018 10 4 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1120 A315 Lecture Sean Gray
2017 30 4 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1620 A267 Lecture Alexander Grammatikos
2017 30 4 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1420 C410 Lecture Glenn Isaak
2017 30 4 N/A -T-R--- 1630-1820 A308 Lecture Jonathan Newell
2017 30 1 N/A MTWR--- 1030-1120 A267 Lecture Joanna Clarke
2017 30 1 N/A M-W---- 1030-1220 A363 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2017 30 1 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1220 L305 Lecture Marc Acherman
2017 20 5 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1620 A327 Lecture Simon Rolston
2017 20 6 N/A M-W---- 1030-1220 A321 Lecture Simon Rolston
2017 10 1 1 MTWR--- 1330-1420 A315 Lecture Glenn Isaak
2017 10 1 3 M-W---- 1230-1420 T313 Lecture Heather Jessup
2017 10 10 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1420 A255 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2017 10 2 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1220 A284 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2017 10 4 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1120 A306 Lecture Megan Otton
2017 10 2 1 MTWR--- 1130-1220 A308 Lecture Simon Rolston
2016 30 5 N/A -T-R--- 1230-1420 A266 Lecture Paisley Mann
2016 30 1 3 M-W---- 1230-1420 A266 Lecture Paisley Mann
2016 30 4 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1420 A237 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2016 30 7 N/A MT-RF-- 1230-1320 A307 Lecture Marc Acherman
2016 30 4 N/A M--RF-- 1130-1220 C410 Lecture Tanya Lewis
-T----- 1130-1220 C510 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2016 30 2 1 MTWR--- 1030-1120 A328 Lecture Glenn Isaak
2016 30 1 N/A MT-RF-- 0930-1020 A310 Lecture Megan Otton
2016 20 7 N/A MTWR--- 1430-1520 A306 Lecture Noel Currie
2016 20 4 N/A -T-R--- 1030-1220 A320 Lecture Ameena Mayer
2016 20 8 N/A M-W---- 1030-1220 A322 Lecture Sean Gray
2016 10 5 N/A MT-RF-- 1130-1220 A307 Lecture Megan Otton
2016 10 15 N/A MT-RF-- 1430-1520 A314 Lecture Noel Currie
2016 10 2 N/A MTWR--- 1230-1320 A237 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2016 10 Cancel N/A MT-RF-- 1330-1420 Lecture
2016 10 6 N/A M-W---- 1030-1220 A322 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2016 10 5 N/A MTWR--- 1030-1120 B248 Lecture Erin MacWilliam
2016 10 1 1 MTWR--- 1130-1220 A314 Lecture Simon Rolston
2016 10 0 N/A MTWR--- 0930-1020 A306 Lecture Heather Jessup
2015 30 1 N/A MTWR--- 1230-1320 C123 Lecture Simon Rolston
2015 30 1 N/A M-W---- 1430-1620 A308 Lecture Erin MacWilliam
2015 30 4 N/A MTWR--- 1230-1320 A368 Lecture Paisley Mann
2015 30 2 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1420 A284 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2015 30 1 3 MT-RF-- 1130-1220 A319 Lecture Heather Jessup
2015 30 3 3 M-W---- 1030-1220 A308 Lecture Sandra Slade
2015 30 0 2 MTWR--- 0930-1020 L305 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2015 30 0 N/A MTWR--- 0830-0920 B022 Lecture Glenn Isaak
2015 20 1 N/A MTWR--- 1430-1520 A307 Lecture Simon Rolston
2015 20 4 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1220 A315 Lecture Simon Rolston
2015 20 3 N/A -T-R--- 1230-1420 A322 Lecture Ameena Mayer
2015 20 Cancel N/A M-W---- 1230-1420 Lecture
2015 10 5 N/A MT-RF-- 1430-1520 A237 Lecture Noel Currie
2015 10 5 1 -T-R--- 1230-1420 L342 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2015 10 2 2 M-W---- 1230-1420 A306 Lecture Glenn Isaak
2015 10 4 N/A MT-RF-- 1230-1320 B146 Lecture Ameena Mayer
2015 10 6 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1120 A320 Lecture Megan Otton
2015 10 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1120 A307 Lecture Noel Currie
2015 10 6 N/A MT-RF-- 0930-1020 A320 Lecture Megan Otton
2014 30 3 1 -T-R--- 1430-1620 A306 Lecture Rachel Mines
2014 30 0 2 M-W---- 1230-1420 A319 Lecture Simon Rolston
2014 30 2 2 MTWR--- 1330-1420 A237 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2014 30 1 1 MT-RF-- 0930-1020 A328 Lecture Megan Otton
2014 30 3 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1220 A237 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2014 30 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1120 A237 Lecture Anton Chernoff
2014 30 2 2 M-W---- 1030-1220 A308 Lecture Glenn Deefholts
2014 30 1 N/A MTWR--- 0930-1020 A229 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2014 20 5 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1420 A306 Lecture Anton Chernoff
2014 20 1 2 -T-R--- 1230-1420 A321 Lecture Camilla Pickard
2014 20 3 N/A M-W---- 1230-1420 A308 Lecture Simon Rolston
2014 10 10 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1420 C508 Lecture Sandra Slade
2014 10 4 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1620 A237 Lecture Rachel Mines
2014 10 5 N/A M-W---- 1430-1620 A319 Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
2014 10 6 N/A MTWR--- 1230-1320 A210 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2014 10 11 N/A MT-RF-- 1430-1520 A307 Lecture Megan Otton
2014 10 5 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1420 B030 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2014 10 12 N/A MT-RF-- 1130-1220 A307 Lecture Megan Otton
2014 10 2 3 MTWR--- 1030-1120 A322 Lecture Glenn Isaak
2014 10 4 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1220 L207 Lecture Thor Polukoshko
2013 30 2 N/A MTWR--- 1430-1520 A319 Lecture Sandra Slade
2013 30 3 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1420 C510 Lecture Sandra Slade
2013 30 5 N/A M-W---- 1230-1420 A235 Lecture Gregory Holditch
2013 30 2 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1620 A229 Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
2013 30 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1330-1420 A308 Lecture Guy Wilkinson
2013 30 0 N/A MTWR--- 1030-1120 A284 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2013 30 4 N/A MTWR--- 0930-1020 A237 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2013 30 3 N/A M-W---- 1030-1220 C510 Lecture Anton Chernoff
M------ 1030-1220 C307 Lecture Anton Chernoff
--W---- 1030-1220 C510 Lecture Anton Chernoff
2013 20 4 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1420 B149 Lecture Thor Polukoshko
2013 20 2 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1420 A308 Lecture Noel Currie
MTWR--- 1330-1420 B152 Lecture Noel Currie
2013 20 4 N/A M-W---- 1030-1220 A327 Lecture Thor Polukoshko
2013 10 12 N/A MTWR--- 1230-1320 B251 Lecture Glenn Isaak
2013 10 4 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1620 A322 Lecture Rachel Mines
2013 10 3 N/A M-W---- 1430-1620 A374 Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
M-W---- 1430-1620 B248 Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
2013 10 5 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1420 A237 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2013 10 1 N/A MT-RF-- 1330-1420 A306 Lecture Megan Otton
2013 10 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1430-1520 A319 Lecture Noel Currie
2013 10 3 N/A M-W---- 1030-1220 L303 Lecture Thor Polukoshko
2012 30 5 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1620 A237 Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
------- - WWW Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
2012 30 2 N/A M-W---- 1430-1620 A319 Lecture Cheratra Yaswen
2012 30 2 N/A MT-RF-- 1430-1520 A308 Lecture Anton Chernoff
2012 30 1 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1420 A237 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2012 30 1 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1620 A229 Lecture Rachel Mines
2012 30 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1130-1220 A307 Lecture Anton Chernoff
2012 30 Cancel N/A MT-RF-- 0930-1020 Lecture
2012 20 2 N/A -T-R--- 1230-1420 A307 Lecture Cheratra Yaswen
2012 20 1 N/A MTWR--- 1230-1320 A308 Lecture Anton Chernoff
2012 20 1 N/A MTWR--- 1030-1120 A308 Lecture Thor Polukoshko
2012 10 3 N/A MTWR--- 1530-1620 B029 Lecture Rachel Mines
2012 10 0 N/A MTWR--- 1030-1120 A374 Lecture Rachel Mines
2012 10 4 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1620 A237 Lecture Anne Moriarty
2012 10 0 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1120 A306 Lecture Megan Otton
2012 10 1 N/A -T-R--- 1230-1420 A321 Lecture Thor Polukoshko
2012 10 4 N/A -T----- 1230-1420 A374 Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
---R--- 1230-1420 A320 Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
2012 10 0 N/A M-W---- 1230-1420 A321 Lecture Thor Polukoshko
2011 30 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1130-1220 B010 Lecture Anton Chernoff
2011 30 2 N/A M---F-- 1030-1120 A210 Lecture Sandra Slade
-T----- 1030-1120 A320 Lecture Sandra Slade
---R--- 1030-1120 A307 Lecture Sandra Slade
2011 30 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1330-1420 A319 Lecture Anton Chernoff
2011 30 3 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1220 A255 Lecture Susan Font
2011 30 1 N/A MT-RF-- 1330-1420 A237 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2011 30 3 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1620 A237 Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
2011 20 4 N/A M-W---- 1230-1420 A308 Lecture Ameena Mayer
M-W---- 1230-1420 A339 Lecture Ameena Mayer
2011 20 2 N/A -T-R--- 1030-1220 A327 Lecture Anton Chernoff
2011 20 2 N/A M-W---- 1030-1220 A315 Lecture Anton Chernoff
2011 10 4 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1420 A339 Lecture Anne Moriarty
2011 10 0 N/A M-W---- 0830-1020 A321 Lecture Ameena Mayer
M-W---- 0830-1020 B251 Lecture Ameena Mayer
2011 10 2 N/A MT-RF-- 1530-1620 A307 Lecture Gregory Holditch
2011 10 4 N/A MT-RF-- 1330-1420 B018 Lecture Gregory Holditch
2011 10 0 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1120 A339 Lecture Megan Otton
2011 10 2 N/A MTWR--- 1230-1320 A211 Lecture Rachel Mines
2011 10 3 N/A MT-RF-- 0930-1020 A229 Lecture Noel Currie
2011 10 2 N/A MTWR--- 0930-1020 A374 Lecture Anne Moriarty
2010 30 3 N/A M-W---- 1230-1420 A306 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2010 30 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1230-1320 A374 Lecture Gregory Holditch
2010 30 1 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1220 A210 Lecture Rachel Mines
2010 30 1 N/A MTWR--- 1030-1120 A237 Lecture Rachel Mines
2010 30 3 N/A MT-RF-- 0830-0920 A237 Lecture Merrianne Couture
2010 20 3 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1620 B247 Lecture Ameena Mayer
2010 20 3 N/A M-W---- 1430-1620 A229 Lecture Gregory Holditch
2010 20 0 N/A -T-R--- 1030-1220 A306 Lecture Gregory Holditch
2010 10 4 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1120 A211 Lecture Megan Otton
2010 10 7 N/A -T-R--- 1230-1420 A346 Lecture Erin Robb
2010 10 6 N/A M-W---- 1230-1420 A308 Lecture Anne Chapple
2010 10 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1130-1220 A211 Lecture Guy Wilkinson
2010 10 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1120 A338 Lecture Deborah Blacklock
2010 10 2 N/A MT-RF-- 0930-1020 B247 Lecture Noel Currie
2009 30 7 N/A M-W---- 1230-1320 A328 Lecture Anton Chernoff
------- - WWW Lecture Anton Chernoff
2009 30 5 N/A MT-RF-- 1430-1520 A339 Lecture Anton Chernoff
2009 30 5 N/A M-W---- 1330-1420 B022 Lecture Ameena Mayer
-T----- 1330-1420 A374 Lecture Ameena Mayer
---R--- 1330-1420 B018 Lecture Ameena Mayer
2009 30 3 N/A MTWR--- 1230-1320 A338 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2009 30 1 N/A -T-R--- 1030-1220 A307 Lecture Rachel Mines
2009 30 3 N/A M-W---- 1030-1220 A307 Lecture Rachel Mines
2009 30 4 N/A MTWR--- 0930-1020 A284 Lecture Rachel Mines
2009 30 6 N/A MT-RF-- 0830-0920 A325 Lecture Anne Moriarty
2009 30 5 N/A MTWR--- 0830-0920 A328 Lecture Carell Johnson
2009 20 Cancel N/A M-W---- 1230-1425 Lecture
2009 20 11 N/A -T-R--- 1530-1725 A237 Lecture Noel Currie
2009 20 5 N/A -T-R--- 1230-1425 A229 Lecture Trevor Newland
2009 20 6 N/A M-W---- 1230-1425 A306 Lecture Trevor Newland
2009 20 Cancel N/A -T-R--- 0930-1125 Lecture
2009 10 2 N/A MT-RF-- 1330-1425 A308 Lecture Noel Currie
2009 10 1 N/A MT-RF-- 1230-1325 A307 Lecture Theresa MacMillan
2009 10 9 N/A M------ 1230-1325 A325 Lecture Rachel Mines
MT-R--- 1230-1325 A231 Lecture Rachel Mines
----F-- 1230-1325 A266 Lecture Rachel Mines
2009 10 9 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1225 A237 Lecture Rachel Mines
2009 10 5 N/A MT-RF-- 1130-1225 A336 Lecture Sandra Slade
2009 10 7 N/A MTWR--- 1030-1125 A237 Lecture Rachel Mines
2009 10 1 N/A MT-RF-- 0930-1025 A325 Lecture Theresa MacMillan
2008 30 10 N/A MT-RF-- 0830-0925 A306 Lecture Sandra Slade
2008 30 3 N/A M-W---- 1430-1625 A308 Lecture Guy Wilkinson
2008 30 5 N/A -T-R--- 1230-1425 A311 Lecture Carell Johnson
2008 30 2 N/A M-W---- 1230-1425 A325 Lecture Anton Chernoff
2008 30 4 N/A MTWR--- 1230-1325 A307 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2008 30 3 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1225 A307 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2008 30 5 N/A MT-RF-- 1130-1225 B010 Lecture Sandra Slade
2008 30 4 N/A MT-RF-- 0930-1025 A307 Lecture Megan Otton
2008 30 4 N/A MT-RF-- 0830-0925 A307 Lecture Megan Otton
2008 20 5 N/A -T-R--- 1230-1425 A308 Lecture Erin Robb
2008 20 8 N/A M-W---- 1230-1425 A307 Lecture Cheratra Yaswen
2008 20 4 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1225 A308 Lecture Caterina Cavicchioli
2008 20 11 N/A -TW---- 0930-1125 A322 Lecture Cheratra Yaswen
2008 10 Cancel N/A M-W---- 1230-1425 Lecture
2008 10 5 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1425 A307 Lecture Anne Moriarty
2008 10 2 N/A -T-R--- 1230-1425 A336 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2008 10 3 N/A M-W---- 1230-1425 A237 Lecture Rachel Mines
2008 10 1 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1225 A319 Lecture Guy Wilkinson
2008 10 9 N/A MTWR--- 1030-1125 A325 Lecture Erin Robb
2008 10 2 N/A MT-RF-- 0930-1025 A325 Lecture Megan Otton
2008 10 7 N/A MTWR--- 0830-0925 A339 Lecture Anne Moriarty
2007 30 7 N/A MT-RF-- 0930-1025 B018 Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
2007 30 5 N/A M-W---- 1530-1725 A237 Lecture Rachel Mines
2007 30 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1330-1425 A336 Lecture Guy Wilkinson
2007 30 3 N/A -T-R--- 1130-1325 A332 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2007 30 2 N/A MTW-F-- 0930-1025 A368 Lecture Trevor Newland
2007 30 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1130-1225 A368 Lecture Guy Wilkinson
2007 30 2 N/A MT-RF-- 0930-1025 A339 Lecture Megan Otton
2007 30 0 N/A MT-RF-- 0830-0925 A339 Lecture Megan Otton
2007 20 4 N/A M-W---- 1130-1325 A328 Lecture William Good
2007 20 3 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1625 A308 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2007 20 4 N/A M-W---- 1430-1625 A308 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2007 20 4 N/A M-W---- 1130-1325 A306 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2007 10 11 N/A -T-R--- 1330-1525 A254 Lecture Rachel Mines
2007 10 3 N/A -T-R--- 1530-1725 A325 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2007 10 3 N/A M-W---- 1530-1725 A308 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2007 10 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1330-1425 A311 Lecture Sandra Slade
2007 10 7 N/A -T----- 1130-1325 A368 Lecture Gordon Pybus
---R--- 1130-1325 A333 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2007 10 3 N/A M-W---- 1130-1325 A313 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2007 10 4 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1125 A325 Lecture Trevor Newland
2007 10 2 N/A MT-RF-- 0930-1025 A325 Lecture Trevor Newland
2006 30 5 N/A M-W---- 1430-1625 A306 Lecture Rachel Mines
2006 30 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1430-1525 A311 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2006 30 4 N/A MT-RF-- 1330-1425 A311 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2006 30 0 N/A M-W---- 1130-1325 A311 Lecture Rachel Mines
2006 30 2 N/A MT-RF-- 1130-1225 A338 Lecture Guy Wilkinson
2006 30 0 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1125 A325 Lecture Cheratra Yaswen
2006 30 2 N/A MT-RF-- 0930-1025 A325 Lecture Cheratra Yaswen
2006 20 9 N/A M-W---- 1430-1625 A327 Lecture William Good
2006 20 4 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1625 A339 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2006 20 4 N/A M-W---- 1430-1625 A334 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2006 20 4 N/A M-W---- 1130-1325 A306 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2006 10 9 N/A -T-R--- 1530-1725 A328 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2006 10 4 N/A MTWR--- 1430-1525 A310 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2006 10 5 N/A -T-R--- 1130-1325 A311 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2006 10 8 N/A M-W---- 1130-1325 A313 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2006 10 4 N/A MTWR--- 1030-1125 A325 Lecture Rachel Mines
2006 10 6 N/A MT-RF-- 0930-1025 A313 Lecture Cheratra Yaswen
2006 10 5 N/A MTW-F-- 0930-1025 A317 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2005 30 0 N/A MT-RF-- 1430-1525 A307 Lecture Megan Otton
2005 30 3 N/A MTWR--- 1430-1525 A254 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2005 30 1 N/A MT-RF-- 1230-1325 A284 Lecture Rachel Mines
2005 30 0 N/A MT-RF-- 1130-1225 A325 Lecture Megan Otton
2005 30 3 N/A M------ 1130-1225 A311 Lecture Carell Johnson
-T-RF-- 1130-1225 B023 Lecture Carell Johnson
2005 30 2 N/A MT-RF-- 0930-1025 A313 Lecture Carell Johnson
2005 20 6 N/A M-W---- 1330-1525 A307 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2005 20 4 N/A -T-R--- 1030-1225 A306 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2005 20 3 N/A M-W---- 1030-1225 A306 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2005 10 3 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1425 A256 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2005 10 3 N/A MTW-F-- 1230-1325 A313 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2005 10 3 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1225 A237 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2005 10 5 N/A MTW-F-- 0930-1025 B146 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2005 10 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1125 B154 Lecture Rachel Mines
2004 30 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1330-1425 A325 Lecture Ciara Lawlor
2004 30 4 N/A MT-RF-- 1230-1325 A325 Lecture Ciara Lawlor
2004 30 6 N/A M-W---- 1030-1225 A336 Lecture Guy Wilkinson
2004 30 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1125 A235 Lecture Caroline Harvey
2004 30 3 N/A MT-RF-- 0930-1025 A313 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2004 30 7 N/A MT-RF-- 0830-0925 A313 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2004 20 6 N/A M-W---- 1530-1725 A322 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2004 20 6 N/A -T-R--- 1030-1225 A320 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2004 20 10 N/A M-W---- 1030-1225 A320 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2004 10 2 2 MT-RF-- 1430-1525 A325 Lecture Sandra Slade
2004 10 2 7 M-W---- 1830-2025 A332 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2004 10 1 10 -T-R--- 1530-1725 A332 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2004 10 6 5 M-W---- 1530-1725 A313 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2004 10 6 16 -T-R--- 1230-1425 A336 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2003 30 4 N/A -T-R--- 1830-2025 A210 Lecture Guy Wilkinson
2003 30 5 N/A MT-RF-- 1230-1325 A210 Lecture Guy Wilkinson
2003 30 1 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1125 A325 Lecture Sandra Slade
2003 30 0 N/A MTWR--- 1030-1125 A334 Lecture Tanya Lewis
2003 20 8 N/A M-W---- 1530-1725 B030 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2003 20 1 4 -T-R--- 1030-1225 B030 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2003 20 3 4 M-W---- 0930-1125 B030 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2003 10 0 3 M-W---- 1830-2025 A334 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2003 10 1 2 M-W---- 1530-1725 A334 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2003 10 2 3 -T-R--- 1230-1425 A313 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2003 10 0 2 MT-RF-- 1430-1525 A308 Lecture Sandra Slade
2003 10 1 8 MTW-F-- 1230-1325 A311 Lecture Noel Currie
2003 10 2 5 MTW-F-- 1130-1225 A311 Lecture Noel Currie
2002 30 4 N/A MT-RF-- 1530-1625 A319 Lecture Justine Brown
2002 30 6 N/A MTW-F-- 1330-1425 A317 Lecture Noel Currie
2002 30 1 N/A MT-RF-- 1130-1225 A311 Lecture Justine Brown
2002 30 3 N/A MTW-F-- 0930-1025 A338 Lecture Noel Currie
2002 20 2 N/A M-W---- 1530-1725 B027 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2002 20 1 N/A -T-R--- 1030-1225 B030 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2002 10 4 N/A -T-R--- 1830-2025 A315 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2002 10 0 N/A M-W---- 1830-2025 A315 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2002 10 3 N/A MTWR--- 1430-1525 A336 Lecture Noel Currie
2002 10 3 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1225 A256 Lecture Noel Currie
2002 10 5 N/A MT-RF-- 1330-1425 A325 Lecture Carell Johnson
2002 10 2 N/A MT-RF-- 0830-0925 B031 Lecture Carell Johnson
2001 30 1 N/A -T-R--- 1530-1725 A378 Lecture Carell Johnson
2001 30 5 N/A MT-RF-- 1330-1425 A332 Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
2001 30 7 N/A MT-RF-- 1230-1325 A332 Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
2001 30 0 N/A MTW-F-- 1130-1225 A210 Lecture Ramon Kubicek
2001 30 3 N/A MT-R--- 1030-1125 A351 Lecture Justine Brown
----F-- 1030-1125 A336 Lecture Justine Brown
2001 30 4 N/A MT-RF-- 0830-0925 A336 Lecture Sybil MacMillan
2001 20 3 N/A -T-R--- 1530-1725 A321 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2001 20 0 N/A -T-R--- 1230-1425 A315 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2001 10 0 N/A M-W---- 1830-2025 A306 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2001 10 3 N/A MT-RF-- 1230-1325 A212 Lecture Sean Jones
2001 10 2 N/A MT-RF-- 1130-1225 A212 Lecture Carell Johnson
2001 10 4 N/A -TWRF-- 1030-1125 B031 Lecture Sybil MacMillan
2001 10 2 N/A MT-RF-- 0930-1025 A325 Lecture Wilma Armstrong
2001 10 1 N/A MT-RF-- 0830-0925 A325 Lecture Sean Jones
2000 30 2 N/A MTWR--- 1430-1525 A229 Lecture Wilma Armstrong
2000 30 8 N/A M--RF-- 1330-1425 A325 Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
-T----- 1330-1425 A267 Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
2000 30 0 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1225 A336 Lecture Roger Farr
2000 30 1 N/A MT-RF-- 1030-1125 A319 Lecture Sybil MacMillan
2000 30 3 N/A MTWR--- 0830-0925 A336 Lecture Wilma Armstrong
2000 20 0 N/A M-W---- 1430-1625 A235 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2000 20 8 N/A MTWR--- 1030-1125 A235 Lecture Joanne Horwood
2000 20 0 N/A -T-R--- 1630-1825 A229 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2000 10 5 N/A MT-RF-- 1230-1325 A237 Lecture Justine Brown
2000 10 0 N/A --W---- 1830-2225 A317 Lecture Gordon Pybus
2000 10 1 N/A MTWR--- 1430-1525 A338 Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
2000 10 5 N/A MTWR--- 1330-1425 A313 Lecture Wilma Armstrong
2000 10 1 N/A MTW-F-- 1330-1425 A339 Lecture Sarah Bowers
2000 10 0 N/A MTW-F-- 1230-1325 A339 Lecture Sarah Bowers
2000 10 5 N/A MTWR--- 1130-1225 A319 Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
1999 30 8 N/A -T-R--- 1530-1725 A308 Lecture Felicia Klingenberg
1999 30 0 N/A MTW-F-- 1430-1525 A307 Lecture Sarah Bowers
1999 30 1 N/A MTW---- 1130-1225 A319 Lecture Sarah Bowers
----F-- 1130-1225 A321 Lecture Sarah Bowers
1999 30 0 N/A MTWR--- 0930-1025 A317 Lecture Sybil MacMillan