subjects > KINS > KINS 1160

KINS 1160: Leisure and Sport in Society

Formerly KINS 1161

In this course, students explore social, economic, and political issues in leisure and sport with a focus on socialization, youth, deviance, gender, race and ethnicity, politics, and current topics.

Students will receive credit for only one of the KINS 1160 or 1161.

Prerequisite(s): A minimum "C-" grade in ENGL 1123 or 1127 (may be taken concurrently).

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):

KINS 1160 - Summer 2019 (v. 2)

False False False False False True True


Course Destination Credit Start/End
KINS 1160 CAMO CAMO KIN 470 (3) 20210901 to Present
KINS 1160 CAPU CAPU KINE 161 (3) 20190901 to Present
KINS 1160 CNC CNC KINS 121 (3) 20190901 to Present
KINS 1160 COTR COTR KNES 201 (3) 20190901 to Present
KINS 1160 DOUG DOUG SPSC 1105 (3) 20190901 to Present
KINS 1160 OC OC HKIN 161 (3) 20190901 to Present
KINS 1160 SFU SFU SA 1XX (3) Sociology 20190901 to Present
KINS 1160 TWU TWU HKIN 325 (3) 20190901 to Present
KINS 1160 UBCO UBCO HES_O 1st (3) 20210901 to Present
KINS 1160 UBCV UBCV KIN_V 160 (3) 20190901 to Present
KINS 1160 UFV UFV KIN 261 (3) 20190901 to Present
KINS 1160 UNBC UNBC HHSC 1XX (3) 20190901 to Present
KINS 1160 UVIC UVIC EPHE 143 (1.5) 20190901 to Present
KINS 1160 VIU VIU KIN 260 (3) 20200901 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
KINS 1160 CAMO CAMO SFL 410 (3) 20190901 to 20210831
KINS 1160 UBCO UBCO HMKN_O 1st (3) 20190901 to 20210831
KINS 1160 VIU VIU PHED 260 (3) 20190901 to 20200831

Current Offerings:

Semester CRN Section Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2024 30 30850 001 27 N/A M------ 1230-1420 G103 Lecture . TBA
--W---- 1430-1620 T001 Lecture . TBA
2024 30 30851 002 20 N/A M------ 1430-1620 G103 Lecture . TBA
--W---- 1430-1620 T001 Lecture . TBA

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2024 20 1 18 ----F-- 1230-1520 T530 Lecture Dominique Falls
----F-- 1600-1755 A122A Exam Dominique Falls
2024 20 0 30 ----F-- 1230-1520 T530 Lecture Dominique Falls
----F-- 1600-1755 A122A Exam Dominique Falls
2024 10 0 6 M------ 0830-1020 A136B Lecture Susan Todd
--W---- 1030-1220 A315 Lecture Susan Todd
--W---- 1030-1220 B026 Lecture Susan Todd
M------ 1600-1755 B019 Exam Pei Wang, Susan Todd
2024 10 0 13 M------ 0830-1020 A136B Lecture Susan Todd
--W---- 0830-1020 A315 Lecture Susan Todd
--W---- 0830-1020 B026 Lecture Susan Todd
M------ 1600-1755 B015 Exam Susan Todd
2023 30 0 5 ---R--- 0830-1020 A136B Lecture Susan Todd
-T----- 1030-1220 A339 Lecture Susan Todd
--W---- 1100-1255 B019 Exam Charlotte Waugh, Susan Todd
2023 30 2 14 -T----- 0830-1020 A339 Lecture Susan Todd
---R--- 0830-1020 A136B Lecture Susan Todd
--W---- 1100-1255 B015 Exam Susan Todd
2023 20 2 2 MTWR--- 1030-1220 B029 Lecture Susan Todd
2023 10 3 N/A M------ 1430-1620 B254 Lecture Susan Todd
--W---- 1430-1620 A136B Lecture Susan Todd
---R--- 1100-1255 A364 Exam Allyson Schweitzer, Susan Todd
2023 10 1 12 M------ 1230-1420 B023 Lecture Susan Todd
--W---- 1430-1620 A136B Lecture Susan Todd
---R--- 1100-1255 A366 Exam Susan Todd
2022 30 1 N/A M------ 1430-1620 B246 Lecture Susan Todd
--W---- 1430-1620 T001 Lecture Susan Todd
---R--- 1330-1525 B019 Exam Beth Rizzardo, Susan Todd
2022 30 4 N/A M------ 1230-1420 B246 Lecture Susan Todd
--W---- 1430-1620 T001 Lecture Susan Todd
---R--- 1330-1525 B015 Exam Susan Todd
2022 20 0 10 -T-R--- 1030-1220 B031 Lecture Susan Todd
------- - WWW Lecture Susan Todd
2022 10 4 N/A M------ 1430-1620 B026 Lecture Susan Todd
--W---- 1430-1620 A136B Lecture Susan Todd
M------ 1600-1755 B019 Exam Andrew Perrotta, Susan Todd
2022 10 4 1 M------ 1230-1420 B026 Lecture Susan Todd
--W---- 1430-1620 A136B Lecture Susan Todd
M------ 1600-1755 B015 Exam Susan Todd
2021 30 1 4 -T----- 0830-1020 WWW WWW Susan Todd
------- - WWW WWW Susan Todd
-T----- 1100-1255 WWW Exam Susan Todd
2021 30 5 3 -T----- 0830-1020 WWW WWW Susan Todd
------- - WWW WWW Susan Todd
-T----- 1100-1255 WWW Exam Susan Todd
2021 20 6 20 ------- - WWW WWW Brittany Epple
M------ 0830-1025 WWW Exam Brittany Epple
2021 10 8 4 ------- - WWW WWW Brittany Epple
----F-- 1600-1755 WWW Exam Brittany Epple
2021 10 13 N/A -T----- 0830-1020 WWW WWW Susan Todd
------- - WWW WWW Susan Todd
----F-- 1600-1755 WWW Exam Susan Todd
2021 10 2 N/A -T----- 0830-1020 WWW WWW Susan Todd
------- - WWW WWW Susan Todd
----F-- 1600-1755 WWW Exam Susan Todd
2020 30 Cancel N/A ------- - WWW
2020 30 10 N/A -T----- 0830-1020 WWW WWW Brittany Epple
------- - WWW WWW Brittany Epple
M------ 0830-1025 WWW Exam Brittany Epple
2020 30 15 N/A -T----- 0830-1020 WWW WWW Susan Todd
------- - WWW WWW Susan Todd
M------ 0830-1025 WWW Exam Susan Todd
2020 30 6 N/A -T----- 0830-1020 WWW WWW Susan Todd
------- - WWW WWW Susan Todd
M------ 0830-1025 WWW Exam Susan Todd
2020 20 1 27 ------- - WWW WWW Brittany Epple
---R--- 1330-1525 WWW Exam Brittany Epple
2020 10 20 N/A --W---- 1030-1220 T530 Lecture Brittany Epple
----F-- 1230-1420 B030 Lecture Brittany Epple
----F-- 0830-1025 B019 Exam Brittany Epple
2020 10 2 N/A --W---- 1030-1220 T530 Lecture Brittany Epple
----F-- 1030-1220 B030 Lecture Brittany Epple
----F-- 0830-1025 B019 Exam Brittany Epple
2020 10 Cancel N/A
2020 10 6 N/A -T----- 0830-1020 B027 Lecture Susan Todd
---R--- 0830-1020 A136B Lecture Susan Todd
----F-- 0830-1025 B015 Exam Susan Todd
2019 30 7 1 ------- - WWW WWW Brittany Epple
-----S- 1300-1455 WWW Exam Brittany Epple
2019 30 Cancel N/A
2019 30 9 N/A -T-R--- 1430-1620 A322 Lecture Brittany Epple
-----S- 1300-1455 L104 Exam Brittany Epple
2019 30 20 N/A ---R--- 0830-1020 A136A Lecture Susan Todd
-T----- 1030-1220 B029 Lecture Susan Todd
-----S- 1300-1455 L103 Exam Andrew Perrotta, Susan Todd
2019 30 14 N/A -T----- 0830-1020 B026 Lecture Susan Todd
---R--- 0830-1020 A136A Lecture Susan Todd
-----S- 1300-1455 L103 Exam Susan Todd