All Courses > ENGL > ENGL 2222

ENGL 2222: Classical Literature in Translation

ENGL 2222 functions as a precursor to ENGL 2223 and 2224, surveying the literature of the classical world. The course explores the foundations upon which western literature was built and establishes frames of reference for Greek and Roman literature, including, but not limited to, historical, social, literary, theoretical and cultural backgrounds.

Prerequisite(s): A minimum "C" grade in six credits of first-year, university-transferable English; or a minimum "B" grade in one of the following: ENGL 1100, 1123, 1125, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1181, or 1191.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):

ENGL 2222 - Summer 2019 (v. 2)

True False True False False False True


Course Destination Credit Start/End
ENGL 2222 CAMO CAMO ENGL 2XX (3) 20200901 to Present
ENGL 2222 DOUG DOUG ENGL 2XXX (3) 20170901 to Present
ENGL 2222 KPU KPU ENGL 2XXX (3) 20170901 to Present
ENGL 2222 SFU SFU HUM 201 (3) B-Hum 20170901 to Present
ENGL 2222 TRU TRU ENGL 2XXX (3) Exempt TRU ENGL 2140 and TRU ENGL 2240 20170901 to Present
ENGL 2222 UBCO UBCO ENGL_O 2nd (3) 20170901 to Present
ENGL 2222 UBCV UBCV CLST_V 1st (3) 20170901 to Present
ENGL 2222 UNBC UNBC ENGL 2XX (3) 20170901 to Present
ENGL 2222 UVIC UVIC GRS 1XX (1.5) 20170901 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
ENGL 2222 UFV UFV ENGL 225 (3) 20170901 to 20190430

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 10 20 ------- - WWW WWW Alexander Grammatikos
----F-- 1830-2025 Exam Alexander Grammatikos
2025 10 Cancel N/A M-W---- 1630-1820 Lecture
2024 10 9 ------- - WWW WWW Erin Robb
----F-- 1830-2025 A327 Exam Erin Robb
2023 10 12 ------- - WWW WWW Alexander Grammatikos
--W---- 1830-2025 WWW Exam Alexander Grammatikos
2022 10 19 ------- - WWW WWW Erin Robb
-----S- 0900-1055 WWW Exam Erin Robb
2021 10 22 ------- - WWW WWW Erin Robb
----F-- 0830-1025 WWW Exam Erin Robb
2020 10 19 -T-R--- 1230-1420 A346 Lecture Erin Robb
---R--- 1100-1255 A346 Exam Erin Robb
2019 10 27 M-W---- 1230-1420 C508 Lecture Erin Robb
M------ 0830-1025 C508 Exam Erin Robb
2018 10 18 -T-R--- 1230-1420 A320 Lecture Glenn Isaak
---R--- 0830-1025 A327 Exam Glenn Isaak