All Courses > HIST > HIST 2261

HIST 2261: Tropical Health and Global Wealth: Disease in World History

Disease and medicine have played important roles in shaping world history. Students explore how 18th and 19th century colonialism and imperialism are linked to changing notions about health, environment, climate, disease causation, and racialized and Indigenous bodies. Students also learn how specific historical events and processes such as nationalism in the developing world, Cold War politics, and modern-day philanthropy, along with scientific and medical advances, have affected the goals and outcomes of global health initiatives through to the present day.

Students will receive credit for only one of the Fall Semester 2018 offering of HIST 1195 or 2261.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):

HIST 2261 - Summer 2020 (v. 2)

True False True False False True True


Course Destination Credit Start/End
HIST 2261 ALEX ALEX HIST 2XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 AU AU HIST 2XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 CAMO CAMO HUM 1XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 CAPU CAPU HIST 2XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 CCC CCC HIST 2XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 CMTN CMTN HIST 2XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 CNC CNC HIST 1XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 COLU COLU HIST 2nd (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 COQU COQU HIST 2XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 COTR COTR HIST 2XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 DOUG DOUG HIST 2XXX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 NIC NIC HIS 2XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 NLC NLC HIST 2XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 OC OC HIST 2XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 SFU SFU HIST 2XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 TRU TRU HIST 2XXX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 TWU TWU HIST 2XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 UBCO UBCO HIST_O 2nd (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 UBCV UBCV HIST_V 241 (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 UCW UCW HIST 2XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 UFV UFV HIST 2XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 UNBC UNBC HIST 2XX (3) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 UVIC UVIC HSTR 2XX (1.5) 20200901 to Present
HIST 2261 VIU VIU HIST 261 (3) 20200901 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
HIST 2261 KPU KPU HIST 2XXX (3) 20200901 to 20221231

Current Offerings:

Semester CRN Section Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 20 20568 M01 32 N/A --W---- 0930-1220 Lecture Anne Toews
------- - WWW Lecture Anne Toews
2025 20 20578 AM1 32 N/A --W---- 0930-1220 Lecture Anne Toews
------- - WWW Lecture Anne Toews

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2024 30 3 ------- - WWW WWW Anne Toews
--W---- 1830-2025 B252 Exam Anne Toews
2024 20 7 22 ------- - WWW WWW Anne Toews
----F-- 1830-2025 B252 Exam Anne Toews
2023 30 9 3 ------- - WWW WWW Anne Toews
---R--- 1830-2025 B246 Exam Anne Toews
2022 30 13 -T-R--- 1430-1620 B252 Lecture Anne Toews
----F-- 0830-1025 B252 Exam Anne Toews
2022 10 8 1 ------- - WWW WWW Anne Toews
-T----- 1830-2025 WWW Exam Anne Toews
2021 10 11 2 ------- - WWW WWW Anne Toews
--W---- 0830-1025 WWW Exam Anne Toews
2020 30 8 3 ------- - WWW WWW Anne Toews
M------ 1830-2025 WWW Exam Anne Toews