All Courses > JOUR > JOUR 2378

JOUR 2378 : Advanced Reporting

WARNING: This course is no longer offered by Langara. Information provided here is solely for historical purposes.

Discontinued Fall Semester 2015 Covering public affairs including the police, city hall, labour and education beats. Emphasis is on reporting for newspapers. Discontinued Fall Semester 2015 Covering public affairs including the police, city hall, labour and education beats. Emphasis is on reporting for newspapers.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):


True False False False False False True


No active transfer agreements found.

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
JOUR 2378 SFU No credit 20060901 to 20150831
JOUR 2378 TRU TRU HUMN 1XXX (3) 20110101 to 20150831
JOUR 2378 TRU TRU HUMN 1XX (3) Applied Studies 20060901 to 20101231
JOUR 2378 TWU TWU COMM 2XX (3) 19970101 to 20150831
JOUR 2378 UBCO No credit 20060901 to 20150831
JOUR 2378 UBCV No credit 20060901 to 20150831
JOUR 2378 UFV UFV GE 1XX (3) 20060901 to 20150831
JOUR 2378 UNBC No credit 20060901 to 20150831
JOUR 2378 UVIC UVIC WRIT 3XX (1.5) 20060901 to 20150831
JOUR 2378 VIU VIU CREW 2nd (3) 20060901 to 20150831

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2015 10 10 ----F-- 0930-1220 A237 Lecture Frances Bula
2014 30 8 ----F-- 0930-1220 B018 Lecture Frances Bula, Petti Fong
2014 10 11 ----F-- 0930-1220 B021 Lecture Frances Bula
2013 30 3 ----F-- 0930-1220 A254 Lecture Frances Bula
2013 10 6 N/A -T----- 0930-1220 A225 Lecture Frances Bula
2012 30 6 N/A -T----- 0930-1220 A254 Lecture Frances Bula
2012 10 7 M------ 0930-1120 A256 Lecture Frances Bula
M------ 1130-1220 A320 Lecture Frances Bula
M------ 1130-1220 A256 Lecture Frances Bula
2011 30 14 N/A -T----- 0930-1220 A235 Lecture Edward Henczel
2011 10 5 N/A -T----- 0930-1220 A237 Lecture Edward Henczel
2010 30 3 N/A -T----- 0930-1220 A256 Lecture Edward Henczel
2010 10 2 N/A -T----- 0930-1220 A308 Lecture Edward Henczel
2009 30 3 N/A -T----- 0930-1220 A256 Lecture Edward Henczel
2009 10 3 N/A -T----- 0930-1225 A311 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2008 30 2 N/A -T----- 0930-1225 A218 Lecture Edward Henczel
2008 10 4 N/A -T----- 0930-1225 A237 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2007 30 5 N/A -T----- 0930-1225 A237 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2007 10 0 N/A -T----- 0930-1225 A256 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2006 30 1 N/A -T----- 0930-1225 A235 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2006 10 0 N/A -T----- 0830-1025 A225 Lecture J Anne Roberts
-T----- 1030-1225 A229 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2005 30 0 N/A -T----- 0930-1125 A311 Lecture Ross Howard
2005 10 0 N/A -T----- 0930-1225 A229 Lecture Ross Howard
2004 30 9 -T----- 0930-1225 A374 Lecture Ross Howard
2004 10 4 -T----- 1330-1625 B026 Lecture Ross Howard
2003 30 6 N/A -T----- 0930-1225 A336 Lecture Ross Howard
2003 10 0 -T----- 0930-1225 A325 Lecture Ross Howard
2002 30 3 N/A -T----- 0930-1225 B252 Lecture Ross Howard
2002 10 2 N/A -T----- 0930-1225 A338 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2001 30 3 N/A -T----- 0930-1225 A319 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2001 10 5 N/A -T----- 0930-1225 A211 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2000 30 9 N/A -T----- 0930-1225 A211 Lecture J Anne Roberts
2000 10 3 N/A -T----- 0930-1125 A229 Lecture J Anne Roberts
1999 30 5 N/A -T----- 0930-1225 A284 Lecture J Anne Roberts