All Courses > FSRV > FSRV 2423
WARNING: This course is no longer offered by Langara. Information provided here is solely for historical purposes.
**Discontinued** was last offered Summer 2010Discontinued Summer Semester 2010 Last Updated: 17-JUN-2010 This is an online course. This combination lecture/seminar course focuses on the personal development of the students' interpersonal skills in the role of the supervisor. Emphasis is given to supervisory problems encountered in directing workers in commercial and institutional food services. Students will be required to attend during an on-site seminar during the last 3 weeks in April for skill assessment as a course requirement.
Prerequisite(s): CMNS 1115 or BUSM 1500; and one of CMNS 1118, ENGL 1127 or ENGL 1140.
Additional Fees:
Repeat Limit:
Lecture Hours:
Seminar Hours:
Lab Hours:
Offered online:
Course outline(s):
2AR | 2SC | HUM | LSC | SCI | SOC | UT |
False | False | False | False | False | False | True |
No active transfer agreements found.
Course | Destination | Credit | Start/End |
FSRV 2423 | UBCV | UBCV FNH_V 2nd (3) | 20030901 to 20100831 |
No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).
No previous offerings found.