All Courses > PUBL > PUBL 1220

PUBL 1220 : Web Design Fundamentals

WARNING: This course is no longer offered by Langara. Information provided here is solely for historical purposes.

Discontinued as of Fall Semester 2022 Students learn to write standards-compliant HTML and CSS and author websites that respond to modern devices and browsers and degrade gracefully in older ones. Modern approaches to web typography and graphics figure prominently. Previous experience with Adobe Photoshop is recommended. Students learn to write standards-compliant HTML and CSS and author websites that respond to modern devices and browsers and degrade gracefully in older ones. Modern approaches to web typography and graphics figure prominently. Previous experience with Adobe Photoshop is recommended.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):


False True False False True False True


Course Destination Credit Start/End
PUBL 1220 KPU KPU INFO 1213 (3) 20230901 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
PUBL 1220 AU AU CMNS 2XX (6) 20190501 to 20220831
PUBL 1220 CMTN No credit 20150901 to 20220831
PUBL 1220 KPU LANG PUBL 1220 (6) & LANG PUBL 1235 (3) = KPU INFO 1213 (3) & KPU INFO 4115 (3) 20130501 to 20220831
PUBL 1220 OC No credit 20130101 to 20220831
PUBL 1220 SFU SFU IAT 235 (3) 20130501 to 20220831
PUBL 1220 TRU TRU DAAD 1960 (3) & TRU DAAD 2960 (3) 20130501 to 20150831
PUBL 1220 TWU TWU COMM 2XX (6) 20150101 to 20220831
PUBL 1220 UBCO No credit 20130501 to 20220831
PUBL 1220 UBCV No credit 20130501 to 20220831
PUBL 1220 UCW UCW COMM 2XX (3) 20130901 to 20220831
PUBL 1220 UFV UFV CIS 1XX (3) 20130501 to 20220831
PUBL 1220 UNBC UNBC CPSC 2XX (3) 20130501 to 20220831
PUBL 1220 UVIC UVIC CSC 130 (1.5) 20130501 to 20220831
PUBL 1220 VIU VIU CSCI 1st (6) 20130501 to 20220831

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2021 20 13 --W---- 1130-1520 WWW WWW Kevin McMillan
---R--- 1130-1620 WWW WWW Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1330-1720 WWW WWW Kevin McMillan
--W---- 1600-1720 WWW WWW Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1800-1920 WWW WWW Kevin McMillan
2020 20 5 ----F-- 1130-1620 WWW Lab Kevin McMillan
---R--- 1600-1720 WWW Lab Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1800-1920 WWW Lab Kevin McMillan
---R--- 1130-1520 WWW WWW Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1330-1720 WWW WWW Kevin McMillan
2019 20 5 ---R--- 1130-1520 A247 Lecture Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1330-1720 A247 Lecture Kevin McMillan
----F-- 1130-1620 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
---R--- 1600-1720 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1800-1920 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
2018 20 7 ---R--- 1130-1520 A247 Lecture Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1330-1720 A247 Lecture Kevin McMillan
----F-- 1130-1620 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
---R--- 1600-1720 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1800-1920 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
2017 20 5 ---R--- 1130-1520 A247 Lecture Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1330-1720 A247 Lecture Kevin McMillan
----F-- 1130-1620 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
---R--- 1600-1720 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1800-1920 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
2016 20 0 1 ---R--- 1130-1520 A247 Lecture Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1330-1720 A247 Lecture Kevin McMillan
----F-- 1130-1620 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
---R--- 1600-1720 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1800-1920 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
2015 20 3 ---R--- 1130-1520 A247 Lecture Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1330-1720 A247 Lecture Kevin McMillan
----F-- 1130-1620 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
---R--- 1600-1720 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1800-1920 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
2014 20 6 ---R--- 1130-1520 A247 Lecture Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1330-1720 A247 Lecture Kevin McMillan
----F-- 1130-1620 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
---R--- 1600-1720 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1800-1920 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
2013 20 4 N/A ---R--- 1130-1520 A247 Lecture Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1330-1720 A247 Lecture Kevin McMillan
----F-- 1130-1520 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
---R--- 1530-1720 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan
-T----- 1730-1920 A247 Lab Kevin McMillan