All Courses > MARK > MARK 2200

MARK 2200: Marketing Communications Design

This introductory computer course introduces the student to current design software with an emphasis on acquiring entry-level abilities to combine text, graphics, and photos to create promotional assets. The course is project-based and will be conducted in the lab with lectures and a focus on practical assignments.

Prerequisite(s): A minimum "C" grade in CMNS 1118 and MARK 1115; or MARK 4800. MARK 2400 or 4820 recommended.

Course Information:



Additional Fees:


Repeat Limit:


Lecture Hours:


Seminar Hours:


Lab Hours:


Offered online:


Course outline(s):

MARK 2200 - Summer 2022 (v. 1)

None None None None None None None


Course Destination Credit Start/End
MARK 2200 ALEX ALEX COMM 2XX (3) 20140901 to Present
MARK 2200 AU AU COMM 2XX (3) 20140901 to Present
MARK 2200 CAMO No Credit 20140901 to Present
MARK 2200 CAPU CAPU BMKT 2XX (3) 20140901 to Present
MARK 2200 CMTN CMTN BADM 2XX (3) 20140901 to Present
MARK 2200 CNC CNC MKT 1XX (3) 20140901 to Present
MARK 2200 COLU COLU BUSN 2nd (3) 20140901 to Present
MARK 2200 COTR COTR MKTG 2XX (3) 20210901 to Present
MARK 2200 DOUG DOUG MARK 2XXX (3) 20200501 to Present
MARK 2200 NLC NLC MGMT 2XX (3) 20140901 to Present
MARK 2200 OC No Credit 20140901 to Present
MARK 2200 SFU No credit 20140901 to Present
MARK 2200 TRU TRU MKTG 3XXX (3) 20140901 to Present
MARK 2200 TWU TWU MCOM 2XX (3) 20210901 to Present
MARK 2200 UCW UCW MRKT 2XX (3) 20200501 to Present
MARK 2200 UFV UFV BUS 3XX (3) 20140901 to Present
MARK 2200 UNBC UNBC COMM 2XX (3) 20140901 to Present
MARK 2200 UVIC UVIC COM 2XX (1.5) 20210901 to Present
MARK 2200 VCC VCC MKTG 2XXX (3) 20140901 to Present
MARK 2200 VIU VIU ARTG 130 (3) 20140901 to Present

Inactive Transfers:

Course Destination Credit Start/End
MARK 2200 KPU No Credit 20140901 to 20260430

Current Offerings:

No offerings found for this semester (2025 20).

Previous Offerings:

Semester Seats Waitlist Days Time Room Type Instructor
2025 10 28 -T-R--- 1230-1420 L104 Lecture Rachelle Sampson
2024 30 Cancel N/A -T----- 1830-2120 Lecture
2024 10 Cancel N/A -T----- 1830-2020 WWW
------- - WWW
2022 20 Cancel N/A -T----- 1830-2020 WWW
------- - WWW
2021 20 23 -T----- 1830-2020 WWW WWW Rochelle Grayson
------- - WWW WWW Rochelle Grayson
2020 20 4 2 -T----- 1830-2120 WWW WWW Rochelle Grayson
2019 20 12 -T----- 1830-2120 L303 Lecture Rochelle Grayson
2019 10 Cancel N/A ------- - Lecture
2018 20 13 -T----- 1830-2120 L303 Lecture Rochelle Grayson
2018 10 26 --W---- 1830-2120 B155 Lecture Carolina Becerra
2017 10 14 --W---- 1830-2120 A110 Lecture Carolina Becerra
2015 10 26 -T----- 1630-1820 L103 Lecture Genevieve Raiche-Savoie
---R--- 1630-1820 L103 Lecture Genevieve Raiche-Savoie
---R--- 1630-1820 A110 Lecture Genevieve Raiche-Savoie
2014 30 25 -T-R--- 1630-1820 L103 Lecture Genevieve Raiche-Savoie
--W---- 0830-1025 B030 Exam Genevieve Raiche-Savoie